Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Ukl Hortrition Fruit juice


Hortrition organic fruit Juice officially launched at Ukhrul

(Horticulture ; specifically, growing fruits and vegetables — provides critical nutrients for a balanced diet: Ram Muivah)

(Diets low in fruits and vegetables contribute significantly to some of the world's most widespread and debilitating nutrient-related disorders: MP Lorho)

The Dawn Tantak
Ukhrul,19th Feb'24

" Let your food be the medicine" with this concept I have taken up the challenges and onus to serve the people by introducing  natural Fruit juice which is a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, vitamin A, folate, potassium, and magnesium, that are essential for maintaining good health, said Dr. Ranreiphy, proprietor of Hortrition Agro food company pvt.Ltd.

MP Dr.Lorho S. Pfoze on his speech as the chief guest of the launching program said I am happy to learn the significant development made by Dr.Aran that despite her profession as a Journalist she also could able to take up the task of brewing organic fruits juice from varities of fruit  from Ukhrul and it's periphery .
I congratulate her on  her  new venture as an entrepreneur and i believe that she will be successful on her endeavour , Lorho exhorts.

(MP.Dr. Lorho S.Pfoze)

Ram Muivah Ukhrul MLA who was the guest of honour  on the event  stated that we need an entrepreneur, for an entrepreneur  'Sky is the limit' and as such what Dr.Aran  is endeavouring  today is a significant mile stone of our people.And as i  know Aran she is such a cheerful, sociable and congenial lady who has a promising carrier ahead therefore she will certainly make her name herself in the future the MLA said.

(QR.Ram Muivah Ukhrul MLA)

While talking with this Journo, the proprietor explained  and amplifies her  key objective :

Benefits of fruit juice
Fresh juices are packed with soluble fiber, a type of fiber that supports good bacteria growth and digestive health. It has been shown to regulate blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol, and slow the transit of food through the digestive tract.

The cultivation of trees and plants helps to absorb carbon dioxide, reduce air pollution and help to maintain soil fertility. It also helps to conserve water and conserve energy. Horticulture is also important for the development of the rural economy. It provides a way to generate income and employment in rural areas.

Object of horticulture company

To plant, grow cultivate, produce and raise plantations of all kinds or varieties of forest plants, trees and crops and natural products of any kind and other agricultural or horticultural crops, medicinal or aromatic plants and to buy, sell, export, import, process, distribute and otherwise deal in all kinds of forest .

HORTRITION - Agro food company
Hortrition is a company based in. Ukhrul district, Manipur.This company manufacture Agro- food and Horticultural products.It was established by Dr.Phungchamnao Ranreiphy Kharei in 2018 bearing Trade Licence No . STC/02-9(1)AFHC/2018.It's fssai Reg.No.ID is 21621009000066.
Apart from having its own farm, Hortrition connects with over 100th farmers.To expand the company, Hortrition is under process to make it a joint venture company.

Sustainable Healthy living through food and lifestyle.

To make medicine through food,to practice and create awareness on conservation of biodiversity,eco- farming and it's agro related products,to provide solution for horticulture and Agriculture problems, market and import naturally organic food of Ukhrul to the nation and beyond, to impart life,skills training and instill dignity of labour, to  utilise the boundiful natural resources of motherland and boost economy, to creat job awareness and minimise poverty and to be self reliant etc,tec.

About Hortrition
Hortrition manufacturer product by sourcing the Agro and Horticultural crops found in the pristine hills of Ukhrul, Manipur.The products are naturally organic and are manufactured with proper planning and research backed by scientist, nutritionist and subject matter specialist.

Why Hortrition
Abundance of wild fruits and Horticultural crops are available in the lush green in  Ukhrul district but they become wasted due to the lack of entrepreneurs ( knowledge and) infrastructure planing expert knowledge and financial support, human resources, talents and natural resources are under scrutinized.
Therefore, Hortrition was founded to make use of the given resources to the fullest. It aims to enhance the lifestyle of the people to make the saying, "Let your food be the medicine" into reality.

Hortrition Products
Beverages,wild Olive,wild Dates,wild Berry,wild Apple,wild Gooseberry,Plum, Jackfruit,Grapes,Kiwi,Pears and more - Pickles, Candy,Fruit Jam,Squash, Jam, species,cake and cookies,Green tea and etc,etc.

The launching programme was also attended by Brand Ambassador Enoli. Solimla Jajo, Fitness Model 13th World championship Silver medalist and 54th Asian championship Silver medalist, Reverend, Pastor, Father, CSOs and well wishers.

(Dr. P.Ranreiphy Kharei)

'Together, let's create this World a better place to live in  Stronger Together' - Aran conjures.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Hunphun Luira Phanit 2024


Luira Phanit  is a significant festival of Tangkhul Naga: Ram Muivah

(Luira Phanit is one of the most anticipated festivals for the Tangkhul Nagas in Manipur: Ukl MLA calls for reviving  forefather's values, ideals, and morals)

(Qr.Ram Muivah Ukl MLA)

The Dawn Tantak

Hunphun / Ukhrul is celebrating Luira Phanit/ festival the seed sowing festival of Tangkhul Naga at Mission ground,Alungtang, Ukhrul.

Under the Theme, " Ngashan hi Pangshapna"( our culture is our strength) the Hunphun Luira Phanit which begin on 14th will wind up on 19th February.

Qr.Ram Muivah Ukhrul MLA on his speech as the chief guest of the occassion said 'Luira Phanit '  marks the onset of the seed sowing season. It is an occasion to invoke the Almighty's blessings for the crops and a bountiful harvest and for the prosperity of the people.No rituals or any celebrations ever begin without ‘HOKHARį¾¹I’ which means invoking God's Blessing he adds.

Luira (Lui-Ngai-Ni ) is one of the most anticipated festivals for the  Tangkhul Nagas in Manipur, which falls ( begin) every year on February 15. Usually in olden days our great grandfather used to celebrate for 12 days. During the occasion "LAA KHANGANUI" also known as the Virgin dance was strictly adhered to be participated by an undefiled maiden virgin said Ram Muivah.

Ram said in today's increasingly interconnected world, the need to preserve and ensure the continuity of “our rich culture” is felt more than ever. With westernization penetrating deep into the remotest village and to people of all ages and groups, “our cultural system, fundamental principles, and social norms” have been diluted and are dominated by foreign cultures. “If this is not kept in check and balanced, there is a danger of cultural assimilation”. Nevertheless, we as a people basically need three things in our day to day life i,e, Hard work, focality  and entrepreneurship . Keeping this in mind with requisite commitment is the only sure madicine of a  successful life, the MLA exhorts.

'Luira Phanit 'has been celebrated since time immemorial by Hunphun observing the rich cultural heritage and identity are showcased through various cultural programmes and performances in the forms of dances, songs, indigenous games, colorful traditional attires and so on, to preserve, and to pass on the Tangkhul new generation of its cultural value.

Mountains of Hunphun/ Ukhrul denizens from all walks of life gathering in the jamp packed ground jamboree of cultural extravaganza during the day long celebration. They came to the celebration venue in bonhomie to rejoice in promoting their roots, and in the spirit of rich culture identity.

In every Luira Phanit the celebration is laced with festoons and fanfare with the showcasing of tradition and culture. The festival is also a connection between the gaping hole of their roots and modernity.  

Enoli. Kangoo Zuringla Deputy commissioner of Ukhrul was the guest of honour whereas, Ningshem Vashum SP Ukhrul, ZEO, former. ADC members PO's, DLO's Ukhrul Hunphun execution council members were the special guest beside, various people  from all walks of life attended the occasion .

During the Cultural bonanza, Songs ( Laa khanganui/ virgin dance) ,concerts, Indigenous games competition, feasting and wrestling marked the gala occasion.

The  five -day gala event was organised  by Hunphun Katamnao Long( HKL) under the aegis of Hunphun Hanga Wungnao ( village authority).

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

TNLna tharkhami


Former TNAL chairman wui talk Show chili TNLna  makhamaya phongshok haira

( Yarui phayamva wui otmanga ratak phinmi hailaga  yaruili pangapakhavai  thotsang khami hiya Longrei li khangasungna: TNL)

UKHRUL,6th Feb'24

THUIKAHAI zingkum Tangkhul Naga Ato Longphang( TNAL) wui chairman li 'no confidence motion' ( shitkasang khavat tuikat ) khuika-ka china maram sada yarui ashangva ngawunrop kharop kazat kala Longreili tuikat kahaoda Riyan li pheisin laga saran- varan sami kahaiwui thili latluida kachikatha social media 'Talk show'li TNAL wui former chairman na I, na legal chairman na kala iwui tungli TNL na tuirei parkhavai provision malei manada kahang chili Tangkhul wui Longrei TNL na makhamaya panglak eina phongshok haira.

China maram sada aja TNL wui president chamber li Press Conference khuikada Qr.Jollyson TNL vice-president na  paomi bingli hanga kanthui kahaiya achonkajang TNAL wui formal chairman na self style eina ina arui-rui wui legal chairman nada social media ' Talk Show' li maishalak eina phongshokzatta khalei hiya TNL mangli khangaruk maningla kha Tangkhul rumchimnao saikorali khangasungnada hang haira.

Langmeida, formal chairman na matuidakhaleiji khanguina kajihi yaruili ngararik tharshok khami nada Jollyson na chitheimi haira .

Eno.Lakmingam former care taker chairman TNAL kala TNL phungva nala  otshot shok kahai chiwui pongli phutshok da hanga Tangkhul longhi Tangkhul luiram, khawung zaikora zanglaga semkaka longna kaji hi TNL wui riyan Art 4 li mathingrik eina kapi haidalei kala hi Tangkhul luiram saikorali zatnada khaleina. TNL wui riyan hi Tangkhul hupvana mayada zatrashumda khaleina chithada sada TNL riyan li khangasung hi Tangkhul ahupvali khangasungna.

TNAL hi kashoi kapan maleilakla legitimate salak eina zatrashumda khaleina kala riyan wui athishurda sakharanji sarada khaleina kha kaji katha individual akha- khanina mingpan laga social media li matuizatta khalei ji makhamashungna kaji hi yaruili latluida tharmi khangaina da ana hang haira.

Chithada sada, Tangkul Naga long wui riyan azingli ruichumnao katongkhana mayada legally TNALwui chairman Qr. L.Wungpam Shimray li kapangka kahainada ngararik chitheimi haira.

TNAL wui zatrakahai atam jangli former chairman li 'shitkasang khavat tuikat'( non confidence motion)  leikahaiwui vang meimanalak eina phamana, ngaheoyangser laga kapha khaya eina ngacham sangmikhavai hotnada  scrutiny sakhavai atam angarit retsangmiya kha riyan athishurda chizami kahaiji masala riyan chonmakan kahai wuivang TNL na riyan wui Arts li pheisin laga zangran chili mashun eina khaktami kahaina kala chili yaruina bhapmata nguikhavai TNLna vaomathin haira.

TNL Longrei wui azingli Longphang mati leida khaleina chiya, Ato Longphang( TNAL) Aza Longphang ( TNZL) ,Zingtun Longphang( TNZL) kala Zingsho Longphang ( TNZL).

Langmeida, long-phang mati hila TNL riyan azingli customery, sharpahor, shiyan- chikan, hkt' ngaraicha ngachamda akha eina kazatna( Under one constitution)da hanga.

TNAL hili arui-rui ima Tangkhul ruichumnao khawung 45 leida khaleina.

TNL Riyan phesin laga otshot chiwuivang  khalashok kahaiya  Article clause  bing chiya,
©. TNL Dissolved Ato Longphang on 21st Oct' 2023 base on TNL Art 48 clause 9  riyan chonkhamakan.
©. TNL Riyan art 48 ( iv)
©. TNL Riyan art 4 (1), 75 ( xxiii)
© . TNL Riyan art 48 ( v) and ( vii)
©.TNL Riyan art 44 & 78 and art 48(ix), art 49(vi)

Ato Kilonser Muivah 90th Birthday

  Honouring Thuingaleng Muivah's 90th Birthday and 60 Years of Unyielding Service to the Naga Nation Esteemed comrades, distinguished g...