Sunday, November 27, 2022

Naga country ISO 3166-Country Code



(Representational Pic)

A compact and contiguous territorial homeland of the Nagas measuring approximately 1,20,000 km2 that lies between India, Myanmar, and China is the much historical claim of the undivided country of all the Nagas. This God-given, natural and ancestral land of the Nagas with beautiful hills & valleys, mountains, flora and fauna, and incredible natural resources are still inhabited by the Nagas themselves along with their other kindred tribes. It was the British colonial authority and its illegal successors who had arbitrarily divided the Nagas and their country into different administrative setups under alien rule. Recognition of the Naga country as a single political entity by the international community especially India & Myanmar has been the essence of the popular Naga aspiration, powerful political locomotion of the Naga national struggle. The dark conspiracy and repressive policies against such collective aspiration of the Nagas have time and again re-consolidated the national struggle and the spirit of oneness in Christ among the Nagas. Who can undo the will of God in re-peopling the Nagas as a new nation? Who can force us to do what is against the will of God?  Who really can stop the working of the Holy Spirit of God for bringing a just and lasting peace in this part of the Naga world? India, the largest democratic nation in the world whom Nagas as of late has put their credence will help in bringing genuine peace and comprehensive progress in consonance with the genius of the Naga people.

               It is high time for the Nagas to critically understand about a country that they have been fighting for with more than 2.5 lakhs of precious lives of the Nagas being sacrificed. The modern concept of a country began in the 17th century. The Peace Treaty of Westphalia in 1648 was considered a turning point in international relations between different territorial entities. The American Revolution  (1775) and the French revolution (1789) that articulated popular sovereignty further contributed towards the growth of the country-based nationhood. There is no universal definition of the term “country” to date. A country according to Webster's dictionary means land or territory of a nation or state that includes the peoples themselves. Oxford (Lexico) gives the meaning of a country as a nation having its own government occupying a particular territory with separate citizenship rights. The Montevideo Convention (Treaty) of 1933 threw some light for the first time on the creation of statehood with obligatory rights and duties. Article 1 of the treaty says a state is a person of international law which must possess (a) a defined territory (b) permanent population (c) Government and (d) the capacity to enter into relations with other states. Here, ‘state’ is a legal term for a country. Articles 3 further declares that statehood is independent of recognition of other states. A country is meant to still exist even in the absence of recognition by other countries. This legal premise is based upon the principle of the declarative theory of statehood. The constitutive theory of statehood on the other hand defines a state or country as a person of international law if, and only if it is recognized as sovereign by other sovereign states. Recognition by sovereign countries is a prerequisite to becoming a country under this theory. Meaning, in both theories the state/country must be a person of international law having the capacity to enter relations with other countries.
  The formation of the United Nations Organization (UNO) in1945 initially with 51 nation-states and the subsequent emergence of many other sovereign nation-states have brought a new dimension in international law and structure of relations. Self-determination means the legal and political rights of people to decide their own destiny in the international order.  It is the core principle of international law and such national right is protected under the new international order of the UN regime. Various provisions under the UN Charter (1945), International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, ICCPR (1966), Universal Declarations on Human Rights, UDHR,(1948)and United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, UNDRIP(2007) give cognizance of right to self-determination. In the given perspective, self-determination without its own flag and constitution is no self-determination at all either internally or externally or both. In the new international scheme of countries, there are currently altogether 249 countries having separate ISO – Country Codes- 3166 out of which only 193 are sovereign independent UN member-countries whereas the remaining 56 are Non- UN member but sovereign and independent and semi-independent countries having their own ISO country codes under UN jurisdiction.ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization. The changing dynamics of international laws and practices that efficaciously accommodated separate ISO-country codes to many new countries of different political status and varied geopolitical size including many indigenous nations by blending the noted two theories is indeed greatly ushering the building of comprehensive & meaningful world peace.  

Categories of states entitled to get separate ISO- Country Codes are; UN member-countries, UN observer states, sovereign but Non- UN member states, self-governing associate states (unincorporated), and dependent territories(unincorporated) having an international personality. All these categories of states are sovereign & independent and/or semi-independent states with their own flags and constitutions as separate nations or sub-nations having expressive right to hold a future referendum. The point is that in order to get a separate country code, the state in question must be an international person subject to international law either wholly or partly. Meaning, the only technical requirement to become a new country and obtain her separate country name & country code into ISO 3166 -1 under the guidelines of ISO 3166 Maintenance  Agency (UN) is to get registered in one of these two sources i.e. (i) United Nations Terminology Bulletin on country names; or (ii) Country and Region Codes for statistical use of UN Statistics Division. Again to be enlisted in the above noted (i) UN Terminology Bulletin on country names, that applicant-country must be at least;  a member state of the United Nations; or a member of one of the United Nations’ fifteen (15) Specialized Agencies; or party to the statute of the International Court of Justice. The country name will be added to ISO 3166-1 once it appears in either of the said two sources.
  When and how will the Nagas get a separate country code? The present Nagaland which is the 16th state of India governed by the constitution of India is not a country at all. Article 371A neither provides real internal autonomy nor a clause for future referendums as it does not possess even a characteristic of a quasi-country like sub-nation. However, Article 371A provides to the Nagas some constitutional safeguards pertaining to land and natural resources, customary laws, social, and religious matters almost resembling the protective rights given to many Scheduled Tribes and other minorities. Like any other Indian state, Nagaland cannot secede from India and accordingly cannot become a country unless it is critically transformed and restructured along with other outside Naga territories that equally constituted the undivided Naga country. The correct remedial approach will be a logical and honorable conclusion of the ongoing Indo-Naga negotiation which has made India duly recognize the legitimacy of the pending Naga national movement based on Nagas’ unique history and their right to self-determination as a separate entity. The Indo- Naga Framework Agreement (FA) 2015 signed under the most dynamic, visionary, strong, and principled leadership of (L) Isak Chishi Swu, His Excellency, the then Yaruiwo of NSCN/GPRN and Th. Muivah, Hon’ble Ato Kilonser, and present Chief negotiator have made the most pragmatic and middle path win-win agreement to resolve the pending oldest Indo- Naga political conflict. The FA provides some significant attributes:
(1) Recognition of the unique history and position of the Nagas (It means recognition of the historical fact that Nagas have not been a part of India either by consent or by conquest and hence the legitimacy of their national struggle. It further means taking cognizance of the Naga issue as an external matter of India and thereby treating them as a separate entity),
(2) Nagas’ appreciation of the intricacies of the Indian system (It means that as an act of reciprocity to the above recognition, Nagas appreciate the difficult situation of the Indian system of governance that primarily involves their security concerns having direct geopolitical and strategic proximity with the Nagas in the eastern frontier. This further signifies the mutual agreement for a joint ventures on security issues identical to both sides.
(3) Recognition of the universal principle that in a democracy, sovereignty lies with the people (It predominantly means India’s recognition of the system and structure of Naga democracy & governance and recognition of the right to use the universal principle of conducting a referendum to democratically determine any issue relating to the territorial integrity & sovereignty of the Nagas),
(4) Agreement to share sovereign powers between India and the Nagas as defined in the competencies to bring enduring and inclusive new relationship for peaceful co-existence of the two entities (It means a mutual agreement for sharing sovereign powers: defense, external affairs, currency, etc. as two separate entities in terms of extra-territorial relations). No political agreement has ever been made by India with any one of the existing states for sharing sovereign powers except the FA signed with the Nagas on the basis of Nagas’unique history.
(5) Agreed to abjure all forms of violent confrontation once for all(It means the interpretation, as well as the implementation of the detailed workout of the FA, must be carried out lawfully and peacefully without any coercive act to bring permanent solution once for all. Forcibly putting the Naga issue at par with post-independent intra-territorial problems of other ethnic minorities/peoples within India will clearly contradict the already agreed principles.
The interpretation of FA should necessarily be made in tune with the relevant legal principles of interpretation and as well as in corroboration with all the Naga historical facts and circumstantial materials leading to the signing of the Framework Agreement and the objective thereof. Meaning, the legal version of the agreed principles and recognitions made in the Framework Agreement itself embodies a Naga country having her own flag & yezabo (Constitution) outside the Union of India.  

         Naga flag and constitution is an essential prerequisite for the Nagas to obtain a separate ISO 3166-1 country code by becoming a new country ( Associate state/Dependent territory of India or both India & Myanmar) having at least a membership to one of the fifteen (15) Specialized Agencies of UN, such as an International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD), International Telecommunication Union (ITU), World Health Organization(WHO), International Labor Organization (ILO), International Monetary Fund (IMF), and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), etc. Secondly, India cannot have a joint defense or foreign affairs with any one of her existing states as the matter falls to the center's prerogative. However, in the case of the Nagas, the much talk about the new Indo- Naga relationship through the shared sovereignty method (joint defense & joint foreign affairs,etc.)will be legitimate and workable only when Nagas are treated as a separate entity as already agreed upon in FA. This is in tune with universal principles and available international models. It may be good if the People's Government of Nagalim, a member country of UNPO initiates minimal international relations, especially in socio-economic and cultural matters. Thirdly, the construct of the system and structure of Naga democratic government (Legislative, Executive, & Judiciary) are to be made up of many Naga native terminology and nomenclatures that appear to have been included in the proposed draft agreement. It will suffer defeat for want of constitutional sanction during a parliamentary passage for endorsement unless it is supported, determined, and be implemented by a Naga yezabo(constitution)of its own. Indian constitution per se cannot sanction separate Naga native nomenclatures & structure of governance. Indian constitution may, however, be partially applied in Naga territory strictly as regards to those shared competencies only. Fourthly, Naga country as a separate entity i.e. Associate state / Dependent territory (both unincorporated state models) will enable the restoration of the Naga territories presently in Myanmar, an equal partner in Naga national struggle who have been suffering the most, in defense of an undivided Naga country. The surging India being the larger entity needs to consider the application of relevant international law and models including international models of unincorporated territories such as; Cook Islands-New Zealand and Puerto Rico-USA(Associated statehood models)and Anguilla, Bermuda, Falkland Island, St. Helena-United Kingdom, UK (Dependent territories) to resolve the long-drawn Indo-Naga conflict in the interest of peace and justice. Lastly, the Parliament of India may cause the necessary amendments of Article 260 and Article 2 of the constitution to enable the signing and the implementation of the proposed Indo- Naga final draft agreement. To collectively materialize this political roadmap of a Naga country, all concerned Naga stakeholders who are engaged in talks with GOI are earnestly appealed to come together in the spirit of oneness and resolve the oldest Indo- Naga political conflict once for all. Give peace chance!
Naga Indigenous Peoples Alliance, NIPA

2 MNPF cadres arrested


2 MNPF cadres arrested in Imphal East

The Dawn Tantak Bureau
IMPHAL 21Nov'2022:  A  COMBINED team of 4 Assam Rifles and special commando unit of Khabeisoi arrested two active cadres of an underground outfit Manipur Naga People Front (MNPF) from the gate of Santhei Natural Park, Andro, Imphal East at around 12.14 pm on Sunday.

The arrested persons have been identified as Abner Jajo, 35, son of Asopeter Jajo of Khuntak village, Khuntak Yairipok, Kamjong district and Mashungkhui Jajo, 26, son of Paothingam Jajo of Sotung (Somthar), Kamjong district.

They were arrested during frisking and checking by the combined team acting on an information received from 4 Assam Rifles regarding the presence of two suspected persons of the outfit in the general area of Andro near Santhei Natural Park’s gate.

The combined team under the command of officer-in-charge, special commando unit, Khabeisoi, subedar L Bebekananda Singh under the supervision of SP/Railway and in-charge of special commando unit, Khabeisoi, Th Krishnatombi during frisking and checking detained the Abner and Mashungkhui for verification.

During verification they disclosed their identities and revealed that they are active cadres of MNPF. On further verification Abner disclosed that he joined the outfit in 2016 through one David of Chadong village, Kamjong district, who is holding the post of surgeon major of the outfit. He said he received basic military training at 252 Battalion Khoiriphaba, Myanmar and presently holds the post of corporal of the outfit. Presently both cadres are working under the command of chairman of the outfit, Francis, he revealed.

Mashungkhui disclosed that he also joined the outfit through David in 2012 and got basic military training at Heikol, Myanmar. Presently he is holding the post of lieutenant of the same outfit. They disclosed that both are working for the same outfit under the command of chairman of MNPF, Francis.

Both Abner and Mashungkhui were arrested on the spot and handed over to Andro police station for further action against them.

ST issue Flashpoint for violent Ethnic conflict

 If Neglected, Contested Issue Over ST Demand for Meitei May Become a Flashpoint For Violent Ethnic Conflict

Imphal Nov'27,2022
WHILE the Scheduled Tribe Demand Committee, Manipur (STDCM) has intensified its agitation by visiting the residennces of the elected leaders and submitting memorandum for their demand to include Meitei in the list of Scheduled Tribes under the Constitution of India, the All Tribal Students’ Union (ATSUM) vehemently opposes and urges the tribal leaders and Union Ministers not to concede the demand of the STDCM.

ATSUM’s oppoistion to the demand of STDCM for inclusion of Meitei in the ST list under the Constitution of India has been brought to the notice of the Union Minister of Tribal Affairs, Union Law and Justice Minister, and Chairperson of the National Commission for Scheduled Tribe, Government of India; besides the elected tribal leaders of Manipur to State Legislative Assembly and Indian Parliament.

A team of ATSUM on November 19, 2022 met Union Tribal Affairs Minister Arjun Munda in New Delhi and apprised him of why the Meitei community should not be given ST status.

The ATSUM team, led by its President Paotinthang Lupheng and General Secretary SR Andria, called on the Union Minister for Tribal Affairs, Arjun Munda at his official quarter at Tughlak Road, New Delhi, and apprised him of the threat and insecurity felt by the tribal people of Manipur due to the alleged illogical and illegitimate demand of the STDCM for inclusion of Meitei community into Scheduled Tribes categories of India.

Moreover, after meeting and submitting a memorandum to the Union Minister for Tribal Affairs, the team of ATSUM met Union Minister for Law and Justice Kiren Rijiju on November 20, 2022 in New Delhi on the issue of STDCM demand for inclusion of Meitei community in the Scheduled Tribe list of India and submitted a similar memorandum pointing out the reasons why the Meitei community should not be given ST status.

The ATSUM said that they were compelled to submit a representation as the demand for inclusion of Meitei community in the ST category has been gaining momentum with most of the legislators from the valley including Manipur’s lone Rajya Sabha MP Leishemba Sanajaoba openly declaring his support without taking into account the “irrationality” of the demand and sentiments of the tribal community of the State.

Besides meeting the Union Minister for Tribal Affairs and the Union Minister for Law and Justice, the team of ATSUM team reached the office of the National Commission for Scheduled Tribe (NCST), Government of India on November 22, 2022 and called on the Chairperson of the NCST, Government of India, Harsh Chouhan, at his office in New Delhi, and with the submission of a memorandum discussed the persistent demand of the STDCM to recognise Meitei community as Scheduled Tribe.

The ATSUM leaders also explained that the STDCM demand for ST status is nothing but a policy of the Meitei community to circumvent the existing laws in Manipur to enable them to buy and own lands in the hill areas. The ATSUM leaders also had a serious deliberation on the plausibility of the demand to jeopardize the constitutional protection of tribal people of Manipur with the Chairperson, the ATSUM said.

Earlier, before reaching out to the Union Ministers and NCST, a team of ATSUM led by President Paotinthang Lupheng and General Secretary Sinruwung Andria on November 15, 2022 knocked on the doors of Tribal leaders in the present Manipur Assembly, including Outer Manipur Parliamentary Constituency MP, Lorho S Pfoze, where they submitted a memorandum in regards to the ST demand made by the STDCM, which is not acceptable to them.

The team of ATSUM first went to the official residence of the Minister of Animals husbandry & Agriculture and Transport, Khasim Vashum and appealed to him to oppose the ST demand by the STDCM.

The ATSUM also met the Chairman of the Hill Areas Committee of the Manipur Legislative Assembly; Dipu Gangmei but he said that there is no need to panic due to the demand made by certain communities for inclusion as ST saying that in a democracy everyone has the right to demand. The most important thing is its genuineness and there are competent authorities like the National ST Commission, the Union Government and State Government who will study and act upon it, he said.

In their memorandum, the ATSUM, time and again, unequivocally expressed its stated position on the contested demand of the STDM for inclusion of Meitei, the majority community of Manipur, in the ST list as it poses serious threat to the land and existence of tribal people with the empirical reasoning that the Meitei community are an advanced community marked by 2000 years of civilization, unbroken lineage of kingship, superlative cultural advancement with its exquisite classical dances purportedly shown as the finest form of arts, Meitei Language (Manipuri) recognised under the Eight Schedule of the Indian Constitution, urban civilization for eons, participation and signing of international treaties with the British in 1762 AD and 1826 AD, academic advancement with high literacy rate.

The ATSUM, in the memorandum, said that the fact that the Meitei community has done exceedingly well in the fields of technology, medical, engineering, sports and civil services under UPSC is indicative of their advancement. For instance, 15 students from the community cracked the NDA examination last year, two civil services this year and the bulk of MBBS successful students in the whole North-Eastern States came from the Meitei community while it may be noted that all the states and central higher educational institutes in Manipur are concentrated in the Meitei dominated valley districts, particularly Imphal East and Imphal West districts. ATSUM also pointed out that recruitments conducted in all these institutions under Unreserved (UR) category are being filled up by the members of the Meitei community. This is just one of the evidences to show that Meitei is an advanced community rather than “backward”, it added.

ATSUM also stated in the memorandum that the land of the tribal indigenous peoples in the hills of Manipur is protected by the constitutional provisions which restricted purchase of land in the hills by non-tribal people, including the Meiteis and the demand for ST status by the Meitei now, 70 years after the Constitution of India made provision for Scheduled Tribes, is only a nefarious policy to gain constitutional means to grasp the lands of the tribal people in the hills.

However, the STDCM, while strongly condemning the ATSUM for objecting their ongoing demand on inclusion of Meitei in the ST list, has urged ATSUM to withdraw their stand as the STDCM would not affect any particular community.

Convenor of STDCM Laishram Romesh said that objecting their ‘legitimate demand’ on inclusion of Meitei by ATSUM is unfortunate. From early part of their agitation, ATSUM has been opposing the demand while STDCM has been approaching the union to clear their misconception of ineligibilities of Meitei in ST list.

“ATSUM objecting to STDCM demand on the ground that Meitei are in higher class is not acceptable at all. The Imphal valley, having a size of just around 1,843 square kilometers, doesn’t have any constitutional rights to protect the land. On the other hand, there is a consistent influx of migrants. What would be the condition of the valley once Asian Highway and railway projects are fully functional,” he questioned while stating that allowing or disallowing Meitei in ST list should be decided by the Registrar General of India and Tribal Affairs Ministry.

Also stating the stand of Protection and Preservation Committee, Manipur (PPCM), Romesh recalled that PPCM, in the year 2017, had submitted memorandum to Manipur Government seeking not to send recommendation for inclusion of Meitei in ST list and calls on them to withdraw their stand considering the essence of bringing unity and integrity in the state.

Meanwhile, the Kangleipak Kanba Lup (KKL) has strongly come out on November 24, 2022 against the ATSUM and questioned their agenda for road-blocking the demand of ST status for Meitei community.

Speaking to media persons on November 24 at its office at Paona Keithel, the KKL Secretary Ngamkheingakpa Luwang said the demand for ST status is to safeguard the Meitei and ensure their survival as an ethnic community of Manipur.

ATSUM submitting written representations to the Union Minister of Tribal Affairs and Tribal Commission is most unfortunate. Whether to grant ST status or not is the sole right of the competent Ministry of the Centre. ATSUM has no say in this regard and it should not interfere, said the KKL Secretary.

“Are all the constituent indigenous tribal student bodies on the same page with ATSUM? They should provide an answer and make their stand clear within 15 days,” the KKL Secretary said.

If an answer is not given, KKL would be launching protests against ATSUM. Good or bad, all activities of ATSUM will be boycotted. Further, ATSUM’s office in Imphal will also be closed if it doesn’t respond and gives a clear answer, he said.

“There are lots who are not indigenous people but protected by the Constitution as Scheduled Tribe. If they act against the interest of the indigenous people (Meitei) when the community is facing threat of being extinct in the near future, then we will also act against their interest and contest their Constitutional status, the KKL Secretary said.

Moreover, the World Meitei Council has submitted a memorandum to the Prime Minister of India to delete the Chin-Kuki groups settling in Manipur from the list of the Scheduled Tribes of India.

According to a press release issued on November 25, 2022 by the Chairman of the World Meitei Council, Nabashyam Heikrujam said the ATSUM leaders who are camping in Delhi and meeting Union Ministers are giving wrong information. The ATSUM cannot represent the indigenous people of Manipur, the memorandum added.

While the Meiteis demand their right to include in the ST list, the Chin Kuki groups in the ATSUM objects and tries not to include Meitei in the ST list. The Chin Kuki groups are from Myanmar and they are migrants. The Constitution does not provide to include them in the ST list and they have been included illegally. Therefore, the Chin Kuki groups should be deleted from the ST list, the Meitei should be included in the ST list, the release said.

Now, the latest developments over the issue of STDCM demand for inclusion of Meitei in the ST list turn out to be coloured with communal tones piting one against another while Manipur Chief Minister Nongthombam Biren has been working hard at his level best since his frist term to bring oneness of all the ethnic groups of Manipur and live in coexistence peacefully.I

If both the Government of India and Government of Manipur does not tackle the vulnerable and contested issue over Scheduled Tribe demand timely, and allow the present situation to continue; it may become a flashpoint for violent ethnic conflict.


Senior Editor: Imphal Review of Arts and Politics

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Mnp Tourism Dept'


       Ibohal Singh
       Director Manipur State Tourism

      I will like to request your esteemed good office to kindly pay the money which is due to me since May 24,2022.(During the State 4th edition Shirui Lily festival).

Regarding my humble Tourist magazine 'Ukhrul Paradise ' . I have also submitted an application of the same according to your advice and came to your office 3/4 times but unfortunately your deputy staff has bargain me to take @6000/- of which honestly I feel insulted. Iam a journalist not a contractor or businessman so it's not my ethics to go table to table to pursue or loopy to cash the bill.

So, once again I conjure your understanding to do the requisite.

Addie Chiphang

Miss India grand Finale will be held at Imphal


Manipur to host Femina Miss India 2023 Finale

The Dawn Tantak

IMPHAL, 17 Nov'  2022:  IN a significant development  the Government of Manipur has signed the partnership agreement with Times Of India to host the Grand Finale of the Femina Miss India 2023.

The signing agreement of GOM and TOI was attended by  Vineet Jain, Managing Director, Times of India(TOI) Group and Ministers, MLA and State Govt. officials.

This will be the first time that the mega event is being organised in the North East. Hosting the event in Manipur will surely inspire the local youths as well as provide an opportunity to promote ecotourism and showcase Manipur’s rich culture and traditions.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Assembly Polls in 3 NE states


Election Commission begins preparations for assembly polls in 3 Northeast states

TDT Bureau

9th November 2022: THE Election Commission has directed the Nagaland Election Department to undertake a special summary revision of photo electoral rolls with reference to January 1, 2023 as the qualifying date, officials said on Monday.

The Commission in a separate order to the Chief Secretaries and Chief Electoral Officers of Meghalaya, Nagaland and Tripura said that no officer connected directly with elections shall be allowed to continue in the present district of posting if they are posted in their home district.

If the officer completed three years in a district during the last four years or would be completing 3 years on or before March, 31, 2023 shall not be allowed to continue in the present district of posting, the EC order said. An official of the Nagaland Election Department said that now onwards, the annual summary revision would be conducted with reference to January 1 of the year as qualifying date, with three subsequent qualifying dates of the year are April 1, July 1 and October 1.

As per the directives of the EC, the integrated draft electoral roll would be published on Wednesday and after the special summary revision the final photo electoral rolls would be published on January 5. Similar special summary revision of the photo electoral rolls already started in Tripura and Meghalaya many weeks ago. Assembly elections to Meghalaya, Nagaland, and Tripura are expected to be held in February 2023 after the assembly polls in Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat.

The five-year term of the Nagaland, Meghalaya and Tripura assembly would end on March 12, 15 and 22, respectively.
(Source: IANS)

Mnp CM launches P-tax enrolment drive


Month-long statewide professional tax enrolment drive  launched by Manipur CM N.Biren

The Dawn Tantak

IMPHAL, 9th Nov'2022:  MANIPUR Chief Minister N Biren Singh on Wednesday launched a month-long statewide Professional Tax enrolment drive.

This initiative is yet another effort of the state government towards improving the ease of doing business and improving tax administration and compliance, the state department of taxes said in a statement.

"The enrolment drive will cover private schools and colleges, private hospitals and clinics, private nursing homes, pharmacies, cable services, newspaper publishing house, hotels, restaurants, stone crushers, brick kiln, all shops, handloom and handicrafts units, furniture shops, quarries, mills, other service providers etc. Essentially, it will cover all kinds of professions, established trades and employment of all Individuals who earn a living through any medium," the state department of taxes stated.

During the launch, a new application developed by the National informatics Centre (NIC) to facilitate online enrolment of these institutions/bodies/units was also rolled out which will help broaden the professional tax base in the state.

The enrolment drive will be carried out in all the districts for which district-wise teams have been constituted to assist and facilitate the enrolment process under the supervision of the OCs, the department of taxes stated.

Department appealed to all the private traders, professionals, institutions, service providers, etc. to extend cooperation by enrolling themselves during the special drive and contribute in augmenting the resource base of the state.

The Professional Tax is derived from article 276 of the Constitution read with entry 60 of the list-Il State List of the Seventh Schedule. The state government is empowered under Article 276 of the Constitution of India to levy professional tax on professions, trades, callings and employment with a maximum cap of Rs 2500 annually.

Monday, November 7, 2022

3Mnp nurses recieved National FN awards


Three Manipur nurses receive National Florence Nightingale Awards 2021

(A total of 51 nurses, including three from Manipur, were awarded the National Florence Nightingale Awards 2021)

The Dawn Tantak Bureau
UKHRUL 7th Nov'2022:  PRESIDENT Droupadi Murmu on Monday presented the National Florence Nightingale Awards for the year 2021 to the nursing professionals at Rashtrapati Bhavan.

A total of 51 nurses, including three from Manipur, were awarded the National Florence Nightingale Awards 2021.

The Three nurses from Manipur were Thaimei Sanahanbi (ANM), Wairokpam Hemabati Devi (LHV) and Takhellambam Helena Devi (nurse).

Taking to Twitter, the President said that COVID-19 pandemic has shown the world the formidable spirit of our nurses.

"Delighted to present National Florence Nightingale Awards 2021 to nurses for their exemplary work and selfless service. COVID-19 pandemic has shown the world the formidable spirit of our nurses — working overtime, away from families, and serving in extremely demanding conditions," the President tweeted.

The President wished the nursing fraternity the best while stating that their contribution in strengthening healthcare delivery has been "exemplary".

The contribution of nurses in strengthening healthcare delivery has been exemplary. These awardees will inspire young nurses and midwives in the country to work with commitment and compassion for the betterment of fellow citizens. My best wishes to the entire nursing fraternity," the President said in another tweet.

The National Florence Nightingale Awards were instituted in the year 1973 by the Union Health and Family Welfare Ministry as a mark of recognition for the meritorious services rendered by the nurses and nursing professionals to the society.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Sangai Festival at 13 venues

 Sangai Festival events to be held at 13 venues across Manipur

(Government is planning to open Kangkhui Cave before the festival: CM Biren)

CM N.Biren

The Dawn Tantak
IMPHAL 5th Nov'2022: 'EXPERIENCING Manipur Sangai Festival 2022'  a promotional media campaign of State Tourism was kicked -of today by Chief Minister  N Biren Singh ahead of upcoming fest. Biren stated that the state government is making arrangements to organise the Sangai Festival events at 13 places across the state.

The festival media campaign is focused on boosting tourist arrival figures to Manipur during the state biggest tourism festival.  It emphasizes on highlighting the unique cultural diversity of the state and its tourist attractions

Expressing the beauty of the state inhabited by different communities, he welcomed everyone to come and experience the extravaganza of the Sangai Festival which will be organised under the theme ‘Festival of Oneness’.

CM Biren informed that the festival will be organized at different places across the state with the aim of connecting different communities of the state.

Moreover, different events will be organized at different venues including the Sangai Ethnic Park at Moirang Khunou, Bhagyachandra Open Air Theatre and Hafta Kangjeibung, Ibudhou Marjing at Heingang, Mapal Kangjeibung and Kangla Polo Ground, Mao, Khuman Lampak, Manipur State Film Development Society, Behiang and Khuga at Churachandpur, Makhel, Food Park at Nilakuthi, Koirengei and City Convention Centre, the  CM added.

He also informed that the government is planning to open Kangkhui Cave at Ukhrul before the festival.

The CM further informed that many Ambassadors and foreign diplomats had given confirmation for visiting the State to witness the festival, he appealed to the people of Manipur to extend welcoming attitude and hospitality to visiting tourists. This will make a good impression for the state, he added.

Biren further appealed not to dump garbage at the roadside and put them in proper places for collection by concerned authorities. He also urged the public to refrain from bandh and blockades which will give hardship to all people and create a bad image of the state.

Karam Shyam Chairman Tourism Corporation of Manipur Limited , Additional Chief Secretary  V Vumlunmang, Commissioner (Tourism)  P.K. Jha and Director (Tourism)  W. Ibohal also attended the programme among others.

The festival will witness various events including fashion show, Sangai run, tourism pavilion, flower show, indigenous cultural programmes, handloom and handicrafts, Arambai show, Mukna, Yubi Lakpi, International Polo Tournament, CM’s Sagol Kangjei Championship, Film screening and Mixed Martial Arts among others.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Eco Blockade 6 arrested

 Economic Blockade: Six AMTDGF members detained; ahead of the proposed eco-blockade

The HungHao/ The Dawn Tantak

IMPHAL 3th Nov' 2022:  AT least six members of the All Manipur Tribals Development and Grievances Forum (AMTDGF) have been detained ahead of the proposed indefinite economic blockade from Thursday midnight onwards. The six were detained in separate incidents at Kangpokpi and Senapati districts in Manipur , police sources said.

ADGP of Manipur, L Kailun informed the media that Manipur police detained six members of the All Manipur Tribals Development and Grievances Forum ahead of the economic blockade that is to start from Thursday midnight.

Demanding release of adequate funds under the MGNREGA scheme to all the 16 districts of the state, the AMTDGF on October 2 called for an indefinite economic blockade of the National Highway-2 and NH-37, which are the lifelines of Manipur, from Thursday onwards.

ADGP of Manipur, L Kailun informed the media that Manipur police detained six members of the forum. He, however, told the media to verify authenticity of the organisation before the news.

Kailun further said that economic blockade is an anti-national activity and violation of people’s rights so the police departments geared up for providing necessary security arrangements for the vehicles as per requirement and demand.

Transport Minister Khasim Vashum appealed the forum for table talk as the state government arranged for negotiation. The minister speaking to the media at his office located at Sanjenthong said the call of economic blockade on the national highways particularly on NH-2 (Imphal-Dimapur) and NH-37 (Imphal to Jiribam) will cause many inconveniences to the general public as these two national highways are considered as the lifeline for the state for transportation of essential commodities and materials or equipment related development works of the state.

The department of rural development and panchayati raj, government of Manipur has released clarification of funds related to MGNREGS on November 2. The state government is totally against bund or blockade on the National Highways which suffers the general public and hampers the development of the state, particularly the Sangai festival preparation is going on, said minister.

Minister further said that the demand to release 100 percent pending funds under MGNREGS by the department of rural development and panchayati raj, government of Manipur is baseless. Allegations of misappropriation of Rs 756 crores of MGNRGES funds meant for tribal people by the state government are strongly condemnable.

Out of the mentioned Rs 756.50 crores, a total of Rs 100 crores have already been disbursed and allocated for all sixteen districts irrespective of hill or valley districts. Further, an additional amount of Rs 150 crores will be released soon and the remaining will be released in due course, the minister said.

“Be careful before the allegation, MGNREGS is a centre sponsor scheme, if such controversy comes then it may be cut of”, said minister.

Minister informed that a meeting was held with the transport department, police department and rural development and panchayati raj officials and also with the finance department at his chamber on Thursday.
Minister appealed to the forum to withdraw the economic blockade on NHs. He also appealed to the transport union for the good vehicles to keep on plying their vehicles on the national highways. The police department will provide the necessary security arrangement for the vehicles as per requirement and demand.

It may also be mentioned that the chief minister N Biren on his facebook page posted an appeal to the media fraternity that the blockade of national highways or economic blockade of national highways is an anti-national activity as declared by the apex court. He requested the media to verify the authenticity of the organisation before publication of such serious news. We have never heard of this forum in our state.

Biren shared the clarification news about MGNREGS stating that there is nothing which is specified as tribal money or general money in MGNREGS.

The State Government has received Rs. 756.50 crores for MGNREGS which is meant for all sixteen districts of the State, out of which Rs. 100 crores have been disbursed and allocated for all sixteen districts irrespective of hill or valley districts.

Further, an additional amount of Rs. 150 crores wil be released soon and the remaining will be released in due course. Hence, there is no question of misappropriation of Rs. 756 crores of MGNREGS funds as alleged. The statement is strongly condemnable and baseless,the CM said.

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