Friday, October 28, 2022



SCAN unfairly misleading Ntangki National Park

(Should have acted in a more responsible manner and not go for spoiled-brat like grumble with the highly inflammatory allegations against NSCN: MIP)

(Representational pic)

The Dawn Tantak
CHq Hebron, the 25th October, 2022: ANYTHING that matters the national interest should not be allowed to escape the eyes of public scrutiny if something is suspected to be going wrong. For the same reason no bewildering allegations will stand the test of time when the factual story will have to be unfolded before the citizens.

The press statement from the Government of the People's Republic of Nagalim through its  Ministry of Information and Publicity (MIP) states that it's unfortunate that the Senior Citizens Association of Nagaland (SCAN) has targeted NSCN unfairly with its misleading statement that NSCN had occupied Ntangki National Park and put under its full control. Given the magnitude of the issue, SCAN should have acted in a more responsible manner and not go for spoiled-brat like grumble with the highly inflammatory allegations against NSCN. They should have chosen the path that would reflect their wisdom and temperament on the given issue rather than cry foul against NSCN bereft of valid justification.

On the contrary, had it not been the NSCN and counter-measures taken by it, the Ntangki National Park could have been another story today.

Placed under this situation with the overstatement of SCAN against NSCN the story of Ntangki National Park has to be given proper narrative to point out the truth of everything that has kept the Ntangki National Park alive today and free from those who cast covetous eyes upon the beautiful forest, the wealth of the nation.

It is on record that Ntangki National Park originally belongs to Old Beisumpui village. It has well defined boundaries. The critical need to protect the Ntangki forest and wildlife was taken up during the NSCN National Assembly, Gilgal Camp, 1996 and it was resolved to protect and preserve Ntangki forest as wildlife reserved forest. Accordingly, no newly set up villages was allowed to exist inside the Ntangki National Park. During the course of Indo-Naga political talks Ntangki National Park was never a topic of discussion as this has nothing to do with Naga political settlement. Whether there is solution or not, it will remain protected and shall be preserved as Naga national property.

Recently, during the exclusive interview given by Ntangki National Park Director Shri. T. Aochuba to Global Window, there was no indication that NSCN has encroached upon Ntangki National Park.

Significantly, Hebron Camp is outside the boundaries of Ntangki National Park. The Hebron Camp originally belongs to Old Jalukie village. The Jalukiekam village was established with the permission of Old Jalukie village. It is a recognized village with specific boundaries. The Hebron Camp is very much within the Jalukiekam village jurisdiction and outside the boundary of Ntangki National Park and not as recklessly claimed by SCAN. The Jalukiekam village authorities gave permission to NSCN to establish its Council Headquarters (CHq), Hebron Camp with the condition that the land will be returned to the owner Jalukiekam village in the event of NSCN leaving the place.

It was during the chief minister-ship of SC Jamir that Hebron was also allocated as ceasefire designated camp and he should be well aware that the camp has nothing to do with Ntangki National Park.

The Nagaland Forest department claimed to have acquired the land at present Hebron Camp from one Kachari who had been paying land taxes to Old Jalukie village. How can a tenant sell the land? The forest colony/Hebron Camp was never given to the forest department by its land owner Jalukiekam or Old Jalukie Village.

It is important to note that it was under the compelling circumstances that the forest department shifted its office at Beisumpuikam village and at present the forest department office can be seen located at Beisumpuikam village block-C.

In no occasion NSCN had disturbed or caused harassment to the forest department in performing its duties. NSCN as a responsible organization will never overstep its role to stoop that low to be a source of nuisance to the forest department and thus, the question of forest department having to ask permission from the NSCN should never arise. Such a fabricated statement from the mouth of SCAN is something highly uncalled for.

It is disheartening to see that SCAN raised a great hue and cry against something that does not exist at all, desperately attempting to generate a storm in a tea cup. The discerning people should be able to read between the lines how SCAN’s irresponsible utterance is done deliberately to provoke public outcry against the NSCN. Rather it has only exposed its ulterior motive. The irony is that it only goes to heap disgrace upon the very group wearing the crown of senior citizens association that comprises of Nagas that are attached with the highest echelon of Indian/Nagaland civil service. It is unfortunate to see SCAN headed by KK Sema as spokesman that has turned into trouble maker rather than troubleshooter. This is very unbecoming of the nomenclature of SCAN which should have displayed its mission with religious fervor without allowing other power to use them with vested interests.

Ironically, SCAN claimed to be a non political organization but the fact that KK Sema is it's spokesman nullified the claim. KK Sema contested the 2018 Assembly Election on Congress ticket and faced humiliating defeat. Such a person who have gained the notoriety to be loud- mouthed and who have developed the shameless habits of going for big lies should not have been allowed to represent a non political organization lest he brings further disgrace to the organization. Nothing is far from truth! What SCAN is talking about Ntangki National Park as used and manipulated by NSCN is simply an extravagance of an old braggart like KK Sema, the MIP statements adds

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