Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Speech of Qr. Raising MCL

Speech of Rh. Raising, Member Collective Leadership, NSCN/Kilo Kilonser, in The Interactive Meeting With The Tangkhul CSO’s Nagaland State, on Naga Issue, Dimapur.

(Gate of Hebron inset pic RH.Raising) 

Jul 18, 2022

Greetings to all of you in the precious name of our Lord Saviour and Jesus Christ.

Naga politics and the word of God:

It is said everything begins from the word of God. History of human race begins from it; Naga history begins from it. The unique identity of the Nagas is a brand stamped by the Creator, and that no power can uproot what has been planted by the Lord.

Nagalim for Christ is God’s word revealed to the Nagas and the commitment of the Nagas to God. The Naga national independent movement is inspired and guided by the Spirit of Nagalim for Christ. The Spirit of the Lord has been with us from the very beginning. It was with us in the military front; it was with us in the diplomatic front; it was with us in the political front; it was with us in the spiritual front and it is with us today. The good Lord has given us a portion of land- called Nagalim for Christ to possess.

When our national independence was threatened by the aggressor states, our fathers put up tough resistance. They fought for the cause in the face of ruthless persecutions perpetrated by the colossal forces of the aggressors with tears and blood; and they spoke for the cause to the world. They did their best and left the legacy of a living history.

After the failure of NNC, the question arises, ‘Who will go and fight for the national cause? Who will go and speak for the cause to the world? Who will go and talk for the cause/ issue with the government of India?’ No individual or group can fight for the cause of the people without mandate of the people, Jack and harry cannot talk on the issue of the people with the government of India without mandate of the people. Indeed, NSCN is mandated by the Naga National Assembly. As mandated we did our best in the confrontation front: We fought enemies of all hues in the east, in the west and everywhere in defence of our issue; we did our best in the diplomatic front, in the negotiation front and others, which was lauded even by friends and foes. I believe our people are well informed of what we have done.

Thousand ran away from the field, but those revolutionary patriots stayed the course and the Lord who we trust has been faithful to His word. If the Lord had not been with us in the battles, we would have been fished by the enemies long time back. But we were saved by his grace and brought us thus far.

If we drop the name of the Lord and our national principle to bow down to the enemies, everything of us – our land, our sovereign right, our culture, our identity, our history, our politics, our religion and future will perish. We must keep going.

Naga politics and the words of Indian leaders;

In 1947, Mahatma Gandhi, the father of Indian nation said, “The Nagas have every right to be independent.”

On November 28, 1949, Rajagopalachari, Governor General of free India said, ”Nagas are at full liberty to become independent if they feel it would be in their interest.”

On November 22, 1965, Jaya Prakash Narayan MP, stated in the Parliament, “It is far more important to have friendly Nagas on our frontier closely associated with us in some new constitutional manner rather than unfriendly and discontented Nagas kept forcibly within the Union of India.”

In 1966, Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of India agreed to solve the Indo-Naga political problem on the basis of ‘Suisa’s proposal,’ which is a kind of solution that respects the sovereign right of the Nagas and guarantees the security of India.”

Realising the futility of seeking military solution, Indian authorities including generals who conducted military operations in Nagalim for decades stated military solution is not possible.

It is a political problem, which calls for a political solution. NSCN is also opposed to military solution. NSCN is committed to political solution.

Based on commitment of the then Prime Minister Mr P.V. Narasimha Rao, government of India represented by Mr. Rajesh Pilot, Union Minister and NSCN Chief negotiator Th. Muivah agreed on November 17, 1996 that talk will be held on the following principles:

i) The talks will be unconditional,

ii) The talks will be between the Prime Minister of India and NSCN collective Leadership;

iii) The talks will be held outside India.

Former Prime Minister I. K. Gujral announced the cease-fire agreement between GoI and NSCN ( on 1st August 1997) in the Indian Parliament whereas Mr Isak Chishi Swu, Chairman of NSCN announced it in the General Assembly of UNPO.

Former Prime Minister, Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s government recognised the ‘unique history and situation of the Nagas’ on July 11, 2002. On the contention of ‘cease-fire without territorial limit’ voiced by some people in Manipur state, he clarified stating, “Wherever there is fighting there is cease-fire, cease-fire is everywhere.”

Former Prime Ministers Mr Deve Gowda gave his strong commitment to find out honourable political solution, Mersse V.P Singh and Chandra Shekhar too gave their support in written for an honourable political solution.

Former Prime Minister Dr. Man Mohan Singh stated ‘solution outside the box.’ which is read as solution outside the parameter of Indian constitution. Shared-sovereignty was proposed by his government.

And finally, the present honourable Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi took the bold step to make the historic Framework Agreement signed on 3rd of August, 2015.

In the formal talk, Mr. RN. Ravi the then interlocutor of the government of India reiterated saying “Government of India has recognised the sovereignty of the Nagas.”

Mr. A.k. Mishra, the present interlocutor of the government of India (GoI) authoritatively  stated , “Framework agreement is the cornerstone of solution.”

Naga politics and the words of the international leaders:

Our honourable Chairman and General Secretary of NSCN, Messrs. Isak Chishi Swu and Th. Muivah attended meetings of the United Nations consecutively for five times on invitation.

The United Nations acknowledged the right of the Nagas. The then Secretary General of the United Nations late Boutros Boutros-Ghali said, “There is human right situation in Nagaland.”

UNPO in its General Assembly recognised the sovereign right of the Naga people. UNPO is the organisation of the struggling peoples and nations, which is parallelto the United Nations.

On June 18, 2005, former President of the United State and Director of the Carter Center, Mr. Jimmy Carter sent a letter to the Prime Minister of India, Dr Manmohan Singh and Mr. Th. Muivah, the Ato Kilonser of Nagalim stating ‘…to go ahead with the negotiation to present an acceptable solution that will assure the rights of the Naga people and the security of India.’

In 2007, a prominent British Parliament Member said in a human right meeting held in London ‘The case of the Nagas is genuine. They have a big right; we will support the case of the Nagas to the last.’

Netherland Government took a positive step in the matter of peace process held between the government of India and NSCN by facilitating our talk team and hosting the talk in the country. The authorities said, “The government of Netherlands is ready to participate in the talk if both the government of India and NSCN invite it.”

There are many more others who extend theirstrong support to the case of the Naga people.

Above all, God, the Creator of nations and states has been with the Nagas since day one of the movement. God spoke to our fathers‘Nagalim for Christ.’ What He saysit happens. There is no plan ‘B’ for Him.

Indeed, both the government of India and NSCN have invested a lot of time, money, labor and energy in the peace process. Leadership of the National Socialist Council of Nagalim (NSCN) is deeply committed to the peace process and determined of finding an honourable solution based on the agreed Framework Agreement.

Framework Agreement, August 3, 2015:

Acknowledging the historical fact of Naga independence, the government of India and NSCN reiterated the recognised ‘unique history and situation of the Nagas’ (July 11, 2002).

Basing on the universal principle of democracy, the government of India has recognised the sovereignty of the Nagas stating ‘sovereignty of the Nagas is with the Naga people.’ Scholars affirmatively say, ‘flag and constitution are ingredients of sovereignty.’

The Chief negotiator of NSCN Mr. Th. Muivah repeatedly said in the talksthat the Nagas have never been a part of Union of India either by consent or by conquest. So merger with Union of India is not acceptable to the Nagas. That is suicidal. Therefore, convincing the truth, the government of India proposed ‘coexistence of the two entities sharing sovereign power.’ which was agreed by both parties.

In subsequent talks on competencies, it was agreed that Nagas are the owner of their land: everything on the surface of the land and beneath it belong to the Nagas.

It is also mutually agreed that integration of all Naga areasisthe legitimate right of the Nagas, however, it will be finalised through political process at the earliest. In the meantime, political institutions will be instituted in Naga areas in Manipur, Assam and Arunachal states in addition to the present Nagaland state which will be transitional to final goal.

Government of India proposed PAN NAGA HOHO, a cultural institution which embraces Nagas in all Naga areas. It will be dealing with culture, custom and tradition, literature, social and interests of the Nagas. And it was mutually agreed.

Butsadly, we find lack ofsincerity in the representatives of government of India, who say one thing today and another the other day. We cannot expect an honourable solution from people who believe in political chicanery or forced union. They should keep their words and commitments.

Delayed solution is not on account of NSCN. The ball is in the court of GoI. Definitely, NSCN has been looking for a bilateral agreement that addresses the sovereign right of the Nagas and security of India. The historic ‘Framework Agreement’ that wassigned on 3 rd August 2015 will be the foundation of a lasting solution the two peoples have been looking for, and the foundation of a strong relation of the two entities. It embraces Nagas of all Naga areas. NSCN and the whole Naga people give honour and praise to the authors of this historic Framework Agreement. As for NSCN and the Nagas, we will always abide by it.

 K U K N A L I M !

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