Sunday, July 3, 2022

NPF New office bearers

NPF Ukl Div new Office Bearers  Oath-Taking Ceremony held

(NPF is not just a regional party but a people's movement: Ram Muivah)

(Ukl MLA Qr. Ram Muivah) 

The Dawn Tantak

UKHRUL,June 30,2022:  THE Oath-taking ceremony of the Naga People's Front (NPF), Ukhrul Division new office bearers was held on the 30th of June, 2022, at the NPF Ukhrul Division Office in Phungreitang.

The Oath-taking was administered by Qr.C. Shem, Working President of Ukhrul Division.

Qlr. Khayui Raleng, Secretary Ukhrul Division, led the program with the opening hymn song 'To God be the Glory' and invocation by Peter R. Shimray, Vice President, Ukhrul Division.

The ceremony was also attended by  Hon'ble Ukhrul MLA Qr. Ram Muivah (@ Ramnganing Muivah), IAS (Rtd.), party leaders and scores of supporters.

During the ceremony altogether 19 people took the pledge to fully commit to the constitution, principles & policy of NPF.

"I would like to quote the saying of our hon'ble MLA Ram Muivah which he often says, NPF is not just a regional party but a people's movement, I am glad that many people are believing and joining the party. It's even better to see many youths joining the NPF family to support the cause to make it stronger," said C. Shem.

MLA Qr. Ram Muivah expressed his appreciation and honour towards A Kevichusa, the first Angami to graduate, the first Naga to become Indian Civil Service (ICS) and a beloved teacher of Rungsung Suisa, the Naga prophet. He said that Kevichusa founded the NPF with the motto 'Fide Non Armis' which means 'By Faith Not by Arms'. Isn't it beautiful? It is written in the Holy Bible if you have faith, you can move the mountain. Therefore, I truly appreciate the motto."

Ram who is fondly call AmeiNing  by the  Tangkhuilites further said that "In 1957, the first Naga convention started in Kohima and three thousand leaders came to attend the meeting. He was the Gen. Secretary. It is written in the book that the Naga people convention (NPC) is only a mediating/ facilitating body/group to talk with the underground (Naga) federal government and the Indian government. The second NPC was held in Wokha. The third NPC was held at Ungma, the home for the Ao Nagas. According to the resolution, NPC is a mediating body but the decision was taken that NPC will be talking with the Government of India (GOI). So he walk out and re-signed from the group. NPC went to Delhi and met Jawaharlal Nehru and got the Nagaland statehood. He was deadly against this idea as the Naga federal government and GoI was supposed to talk about being different entities and not mediator. Then how can there be permanent peace if the two entities do not talk?

If Nagas have listened and taken the advice of Kevichusa, the problem would have been resolved long back. We are still fighting to claim our legitimate rights to be recognised. Now his vision & foresight has vindicated. At that time, NPF was the first regional party in Northeast India and the second oldest in India. In October 1963, it was registered by the election commission of India.

Ukhrul MLA  added that,  "According to my understanding, NPF has a very rich legacy and principles to be admired. Another good thing about NPF is, that the founding members never joined the other party. Such kind people with a principle are hard to find. Because we know which side the butter lies and people generally prefer to go after the butter. They live and die by their ideas. I consider NPF as an idea whose time has come and I believe in that. Despite many parties, it is only the NPF party that affiliates with the party outside Nagaland state. It is only in the Constitution of NPF that the party stood for the integration of the Nagas, for the protection of the Naga people, for the tribals, and the indigenous people regardless of boundary, caste, creed, or sect. Actually, in a true sense, no one can criticise the idea of NPF. Because it is not wrong. Since 1953, the founding members A Kevichusa, Vizo, Lanu Shaiza, Aliba Imti, Talinamo, Khuska Sumi never join another party till death. NPF party is unique and distinct from any other party. They live and die by their ideas. Even I want all of us to follow such a principle.  We need to support this kind of party. Even in the Indo-Naga peace talk, seems like NPF is the only party to support the negotiation. We don't know how many of us will stand with the party principle like that of our founding members but it should be our endeavour. I am very happy about your joining in the NPF Ukhrul Division. I understand that it is with personal conviction, commitment, and sacrificial attitude as there is no salary but truly for the love of NPF and nation," concluded Ram.

The program ended with a closing hymnal song 'Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah' and a benediction was pronounced bu Wungpam Mahung, President, 43-Phungyar ST/AC.

(By: Dr. Phungchamnao Ranreiphi Kharei)

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