Thursday, July 14, 2022

Naga; Myanmar-India


Naga in Myanmar and India

(Myanmar Naga's have vast hilly region in Sagaing Division)

NAGA birthplaces are mostly in highland areas in Nagaland, Manipur, and Arunachal Pradesh, plus the vast hilly region of the Sagaing Division in Northern Myanmar.

In Myanmar, not only in the three Naga townships—Nanyun, Lahi, and Lashi—are collectively called the Naga Self-Administrative Zone (Naga-SAZ), which was created in 2008 under the Constitution of Myanmar.

The above areas are all land-locked and difficult to access, and some names are not familiar to the local tribes, such as the Pemberton Line in the Gabow Valley of Manipuri, the Free Movement Regime (FMR), the borderlines of India's Northeast States, and Myanmar. But they are the hilly areas where some three million Naga of different groups are inhabited.

They are ancestral places of Naga who have lived here since immemorial times, but they did not develop the areas because of language barriers in communication with each other, but from the last 180 years up to the present, or after foreign missionaries came to preach the Gospel and use the English language, Naga has broken through such barriers.

Today, the Naga tribal groups have no problems with communication among their tribal groups and the outside world. Their English language is superb, and the Naga of this generation are smart enough to use hi-tech in communication.

It is the time for them to help develop their birthplaces in all fields and all methods that will be beneficial for their areas and Naga communities.
And some projects, such as tourism, deal with huge budgets. They should co-operate with tourism departments in their states, seeking both financial and technical support.They are not only planning to bring their tribal tourists to visit the sea in Thailand but also how to bring foreign visitors to visit the major attractions and sightseeing places in Nagaland and Manipur.

For the sustainable development of their Naga communities, they just need to plan and pray to ask for guidance from the Lord.

IF Naga people set their goals and join hands for the development of their nation, it is believed that within 3–4 years from now, Naga tribal people can do many great things for their nation in social and economic development as well as upgrade their status to an international level.

About three million Nagas are known to live in the land-locked areas, mostly in Nagaland and Manipuri, and along the so-called Free Movement Regime (FMR), the borderline between India and Myanmar. But it is known that Nagas are in many areas of Myanmar; there are about 40 Naga villages in Tanai township of Kachin State, and thousands of them are living in foreign countries, including Thailand.

These people will never forget their Naga nation, guided by the Mighty God. They share the same faith, share the same worship with the other 2.3 billion Christians worldwide, and more than 20,000 Christian charity organizations with trillions of dollars will certainly help these Naga Christian groups and churches in the remote regions who want to develop their Naga marginalized communities.

In a nutshell, the faithful Naga people can do many great things within a few more years. They can open their land-locked regions to the outside world, bringing foreign tourists to their areas. Invite Christian charity organizations to work with their own people and also dispatch some educational young Naga people to work in foreign countries.

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for (Matthew 7:7). July 11 (7/22)

All Naga armed groups, whether using the names Naga Socialist of Nagaland (NSCN’s), Naga National Council (NNC), or other names, also have the word "Naga" to identify their Naga affiliations and, although they have engaged in conflict with other Naga groups, they will have the same Naga national flag, which they believe was not designed by a mortal but of divine origin.

The flag was hoisted for the first time in Parashen in Rengma on March 22, 1956.

It has a blue background, representing the sky. A red, yellow, and green rainbow arches across the center. The Star of Bethlehem adorns the top left corner of the flag; the Nagas are predominantly Christian.

Certain political groups at the highest level have been attempting to ban the flag, but they are unable to do so as the flag is the symbol of Naga tribal groups and they will never abandon the flag.

However, the mentioned groups, still seeking a way to stop the growth of the Naga tribes by trying to make the public officially call them only by their names, such as Tankhul Tribe, Sema Tribe, not Tankhul Naga or Sema Naga at the end of the tribal word.

If Naga is compared to a tree, it is being castrated by the above mentioned political groups, which has been done for the last 20 successive years but is still not successful.

The eating rules กฎของการกินอาหาร

Three meals a day are not necessary. The only rules are: eat when you’re hungry, don’t eat too much, and always have a varied and healthy diet that’s crammed full of fruit and vegetables. ไม่มีคววามจำเป็นอันใดที่จะต้องกินอาหารวันละสามมื้อ  กฎธรรมชาติสอนไว้ว่าจงกินเมื่อคุณหิว อย่ากินให้มากนักและจงกินอาหารหลากหลายที่จำเป็นต่อร่างกายเช่นผลไม้และพักต่าง ๆ เป็นต้น

The purpose of your teeth is to disintegrate food into small pieces.  Your saliva is meant to make it easier for you to swallow your food. Your stomach is meant to digest food to extract its essential nutrients. เป้าประสงค์ของฟันคือการเคี้ยวอาหารให้เป็นชิ้นเล็กชิ้นน้อย
น้ำลายก็เพื่อให้กลืนกินอาหารลงคอสะดวก ส่วนท้องก็เพื่อย่อยอาหารแยกแยะส่วนดีและไม่ดีออกจากกัน

If it’s true that humans can survive for days or weeks without food, then why is it so difficult for most people to go more than a day without eating? เป็นเรื่องจริงที่ว่ามนุษย์เราสามารถอยู่ได้เป็นเวลาหลายวันหรือหลายอาทิตย์โดยปราศจากอาหาร ฉะนั้นทำไมหลายคนจึงกังวลอยู่กับวันใดวันหนึ่งว่ายังไม่ได้กินอาหาร

Nobody can go months without eating. It’s difficult to not eat because our brains and bodies are designed to eat whenever the opportunity presents itself. ไม่มีใครมีชีวิตอยู่ได้เป็นเวลาหลายเดือนโดยไม่กินอาหาร หากไม่กินอาหารก็อยู่ยาก เพราะสมองและร่างกายเราออกแบบมาเพื่อให้กินอาหารตามสภาพความเป็นจริง
โดย สุเทพ ฉวีวรรณ/9 กรกฎาคม 2022

(Article by : Suthep Chaviwan is a veteran Journalist from Bangkok Thailand). 

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