Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Oting Mon 4th Dec

Oting, Mon killing

On the 4th December 2021( last Saturday), fifteen(15) innocent Naga daily wage-earners of Oting village, Mon District were killed by the 21st Para Special Forces/Para Commandos(SF) under the command of its Major.  Indian Army logic use to give such soldiers "bravery/gallantry Awards", instead of punishments.

It vividly recalls and reminds us of the bitter memories, tears and heart-rending stories of those past years and killings of more than 3.5 lakhs unarmed innocent Nagas, and merciless rapings of Naga women during the period 1953-1975 under the Armed Forces Special Power Act(AFSPA) promulgated on the 22nd May 1958 - which was also an Act of raping of Naga women.

AFSPA is an extreme military Martial-law, an alien law borrowed by the freed-slaves from their Master and imposed on the Nagas by the first PM of India, Jawaharlal Nehru. This Act was put above every other law, above all courts and above the Indian Constitution. A constable can kill three(3) persons without question. Local, National or International Media were completely banned to enter the Naga Hills to give report.

Lakhs of unarmed innocent Nagas were killed since then by the mighty Indian military brute forces in the same manner as it happened on last Saturday - on 4th December 2021, but unknown to the outside world. AFSPA is military dictatorship and severe military rule running non-stop for sixty three(63) years now in Nagaland which has become the longest and cruellest Indian military rule in the world-history. The Nagas groans on their bent-backs under this longest military Martial rule till date. The nightmare exists and it haunts us all till today.

Both India and Burma must know one truth worth-remembering with gratefulness to the Nagas. It was true that both India and Burma were big and bulky nations; but badly defeated, enslaved and ruled people for hundreds of years by the British - a country only a size of Uttar Pradesh(U.P.).

During WW2 in 1944, Nagas fought very hard for you here at Kohima in Nagaland, and liberated both India and Burma from your long shameful slavery under British colonialism. And also freed both India and Burma from quite possible Japanese Imperialism again after such long British colonialism, if not the Nagas fought in favour of the Allied Forces. If not the Nagas fought for you here at Kohima, Nagaland, where did you fight your gun-battles for your freedom?  It is the Nagas who fought hard the Japanese Imperial Army, beaten them back, gave you; your liberation, your freedom and your independences.

India and Burma owe a great deal of indebtedness to the Nagas. These are real histories. How can you be so ungrateful to the Nagas?  Instead of rewarding and loving the Nagas, how long will you go on killing the Nagas?

You tried to divide Nagas into pieces, and make Nagaland a small nation and country, but Nagas know who who are the Nagas, altogether they are one of the biggest single race on the present globe, and they are very confident people.

No nation could bear the heavy burden the Nagas have been undergoing through all these many years. Indian soldiers have been killing the Nagas in a land where the Nagas saved and freed India. India will fall for killing the innocent Nagas, a chosen nation of God. Sad to recollect that Jawaharlal Nehru himself, his only begotten daughter Mrs. Indira Gandhi, his two grandsons: Sanjay Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi - all had ended in most horrifying deaths.

By:   Zapra Chakhesang,

(Share this truth to all the leaders of both India and Burma and to the world).

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