Wednesday, December 8, 2021

CDS Gen Bipin Rawat

CDS Gen Bipin Rawat, wife and 11 others killed in IAF Chopper crash

(Madhulika Rawat and 11 other persons on board have died in the unfortunate accident) 

CDS Gen Bipin Rawat


Chennai,Dec' 8,2021:   INDIA's first Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat, his wife and 11 others were killed when an IAF helicopter crashed near Coonoor in the Nilgiris district of Tamil Nadu today.

Gen Bipin & wife Madhulika

Confirming the deaths, IAF in a tweet said “With deep regret, it has now been ascertained that Gen Bipin Rawat, Madhulika Rawat and 11 other persons on board have died in the unfortunate accident.”

PM Narendra Modi

(File pic) 

Gen Bipin Rawat was an outstanding soldier. A true patriot, he greatly contributed to modernising our armed forces and security apparatus. His insights and perspectives on strategic matters were exceptional. His passing away has saddened me deeply. Om Shanti.

President Kovind expresses grief over the demise of General Bipin Rawat who died in an air crash today. President says, he was shocked and anguished over the untimely demise of General Bipin Rawat and his wife

(File pic) 

General Rawat had served the country with exceptional courage and diligence. As the first Chief of Defence Staff he had prepared plans for jointness of our Armed Forces: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh 

(File pic) 

(Source: mixagencies/twitter) 

NSCN condemn Amit Shah's

NSCN-IM Condemns Amit Shah’s statement as irresponsible 

HM Amit Shah

          (Press Statement)



Dimapur, 8 Dec'2021: THE National Socialist Council of Nagalim (NSCN) has taken a strong exception to the irresponsible statement of the Union Home Minister Mr. Amit Shah in the Indian Parliament on Oting’s mass killing by the 21st Para Commandos of the Indian Army on the 4th December, 2021, in Mon district, Nagaland. Amit Shah’s statement comes when the whole Nagas are in a state of mourning in solidarity with our Naga brethren belonging to the Konyak community in Mon district. 

In a situation like this, Amit Shah was expected to show political maturity and practical statesmanship in order to cool down the socio-political upheavals. Ironically, he poured fuel to the burning issue by standing behind the Para Commandos under his command with his fictional sleuth stories supporting the Para Commandos for their heinous act of killings. This is like rubbing salt and chili in the wounds of the Nagas. Truth be told that there was no signal to stop the pick-up van of the coal laborers as mentioned by Amit Shah in Parliament. 

One of the survivors, Sheiwang who is undergoing treatment at the Assam Medical College and Hospital in Dibrugarh, said, “They shot right at us, no signal to stop, we did not flee.” 

There is nothing to doubt that it was a botched ambush with deliberate mission to kill and nothing to do with ‘credible’ intelligence of NSCN movement in the area. Nothing can be far from truth that it was something executed deliberately. 

What is most sinister is when the Army was found stripping naked the dead bodies of the Naga civilians with military dress to give the impression in the eyes of the media and the world that they have gunned down the militants. Luckily, they were caught red handed by the villagers before they succeed through their plan. 

Significantly, NSCN is now driven to the point to take the stand on the draconian Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 (AFSPA). This notorious AFSPA has given the Indian security forces the license to shoot and kill anyone on mere suspicion. We Nagas have endured the insults heaped on our human dignity for too long. The Nagas have had the bitter taste of this act on numerous occasions and it has spilled enough blood. Blood and political talks cannot go together. The Nagas can no longer be made the laughing stock in the eyes of the world. No political talks will be meaningful under the shadow of AFSPA. Let human dignity take control and be made an integral part of the Naga political peace process. Unfortunately, the Oting’s killing has become a threat to the Nagas’ longing for Naga political solution.

Therefore, placed under this compelling situation, NSCN put on record that ‘enough is enough’ the atrocities and tortures meted out to the Naga people by the Indian soldiers. Now if the Government of India (GoI) wants to do justice to the Naga people, AFSPA must be immediately withdrawn and investigation for proper prosecution must be immediately constituted. Investigation must be independent and transparent. Prosecution must be done for justice for the people in general and the victims in particular. It must also be transparent so that scrutiny from any quarter must sustain. 

It is necessary to remind oneself that the reckless perpetration of atrocities and tortures meted out to the Naga people during the Oinam’s Bluebird Operation in 1987 for which a case was taken up in the Gauhati High Court (GHC) but when judgment was about to be delivered by the GHC the Chief Justice of India had prevented may be at the behest of the GoI from writing the required judgment. Thus, the Indian soldiers are emboldened beyond measures and they have been treating the Nagas like sub-human beings without fear of any scrutiny of the court of law. 

Therefore, this time round, the Naga people expect that the judgment must be transparent and must be swiftly delivered. This is the only way to establish absolute fidelity between the Naga people and Government of India.


My husband was not a terrorist

 My husband was not a terrorist: Monglong



                      Eno. Hokup


                                By:Atono Tsükrü Kense 

I am hurt.....I can’t talk.....I will talk to you later,” were the last words Monglong heard from her husband Hokup following her frantic calls and messages on December 4. 

Thirty-year-old Monglong and Hokup were married on November 25, 2021, only ten days before Hokup was killed by the bullets of the 21 Para Special Force based in Assam on the night of December 4, at Oting under Mon district. Her husband, the youngest in his family, was just 37.

Speaking to The Morung Express, Monglong, the young grieving widow of Hokup was inconsolable as she narrated her story—one of a young married couple whose lives and dreams have been shattered by the bullets of ‘protectors,’ before it even started, without even a chance to say goodbye.

My husband was not a terrorist
“I want to let the world know that my husband was neither a terrorist nor a militant,” said Monglong who described her late husband as a simple, humble and God-fearing man.

“If they killed my husband because he was, that is another story, but my husband was not,” she iterated.

She said her husband was very active in church activities and was also the finance secretary of the Church 75th year jubilee committee. 

Hokup was not someone who can hurt anyone, but a cheerful man who was always ready to help the Church and its ministries, and others alike, she narrated. 

How they met:Recalling how she met her husband, Monglong who is from another village, has been staying at Oting village because of her ministry in the Church, and they met through the youth ministry.

“Being from poor economic background, both of us have been saving our earnings and we got married on November 25,” said Monglong.

One sad aspect of their married lives is that they have been living separately even though they were married because of their obligations to their respective works. It was learnt that she has been staying in the Church quarter, while her husband stayed with one of his brothers and went to work in the mines daily.

We have plans to spend Christmas together since we couldn’t spend much time together after our marriage. We were planning to construct a small house to live together in the coming year, through our savings,” said Monglong sobbing uncontrollably.

“We are not much educated and we are poor, but my husband loved me so much, and despite opposition from my family I decided to settle with him, not caring if we have anything to eat or not because we really cared for each other,” said Monglong who has dedicated her life to Church ministry.

My whole world just shut down:

“I feel like my whole life has been snatched away from me, and my whole world just shut down,” said Monlong recalling how her husband’s life has been cut short too soon.

On that night of December 4 after hearing a rumour of a ‘war in her husband’s work place’ Monglong recounted that she frantically placed several calls and messages, all of which went unanswered. 

 “Finally, one of his friends answered my call and said my husband has been shot by the army. But he assured me not to worry and disconnected the phone,” recalled Monglong. This information made her restless and worried, so she called back, but it was unanswered.

Unrelenting, she called again and this time, the call was answered by Hokup’s friend who informed her that they were taking him to the hospital and that he would be alright. Desperate to hear his voice and to confirm he was okay, she requested to speak to her husband. “I am hurt. I can’t talk. I will talk to you later,” Hokup told her and the line went dead.

“I thought he would be alright since he was being taken to the hospital and I said a prayer and went to bed,” said Monglong.

“In the morning our deacons came to my quarter saying we will go for a prayer where my husband lived with his brother and as I came out they started crying,” recalled Monglong. Alarmed by their reaction, she started to question them: “What’s wrong? Has something happened to my husband?”

Their response shattered her world, she said. “I couldn’t believe. I felt numb. I couldn’t say anything. I couldn’t cry because I could not process and understand what was actually going on around me.”

I leave it to God to judge;

On the action of security personnel killing her husband and many other innocent civilians, Monglong said, “we have been fasting and praying for undergrounds, for the army for peace and tranquillity in the society.”

Stating that she was deeply hurt, she said, “I feel I am betrayed by the Army, whom we look upon as our protector. I feel betrayed for the prayers I have said for them.”

But despite the hurt and the uncertain future, Monglong with full of grace and humility said, “it is not upto me to seek any revenge. As a Christian, and a woman committed to Christ’s ministry, I leave it to God to be the ultimate judge as God has told us never to seek revenge.”

(Source: TheMorungExpress)

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Oting Mon 4th Dec

Oting, Mon killing

On the 4th December 2021( last Saturday), fifteen(15) innocent Naga daily wage-earners of Oting village, Mon District were killed by the 21st Para Special Forces/Para Commandos(SF) under the command of its Major.  Indian Army logic use to give such soldiers "bravery/gallantry Awards", instead of punishments.

It vividly recalls and reminds us of the bitter memories, tears and heart-rending stories of those past years and killings of more than 3.5 lakhs unarmed innocent Nagas, and merciless rapings of Naga women during the period 1953-1975 under the Armed Forces Special Power Act(AFSPA) promulgated on the 22nd May 1958 - which was also an Act of raping of Naga women.

AFSPA is an extreme military Martial-law, an alien law borrowed by the freed-slaves from their Master and imposed on the Nagas by the first PM of India, Jawaharlal Nehru. This Act was put above every other law, above all courts and above the Indian Constitution. A constable can kill three(3) persons without question. Local, National or International Media were completely banned to enter the Naga Hills to give report.

Lakhs of unarmed innocent Nagas were killed since then by the mighty Indian military brute forces in the same manner as it happened on last Saturday - on 4th December 2021, but unknown to the outside world. AFSPA is military dictatorship and severe military rule running non-stop for sixty three(63) years now in Nagaland which has become the longest and cruellest Indian military rule in the world-history. The Nagas groans on their bent-backs under this longest military Martial rule till date. The nightmare exists and it haunts us all till today.

Both India and Burma must know one truth worth-remembering with gratefulness to the Nagas. It was true that both India and Burma were big and bulky nations; but badly defeated, enslaved and ruled people for hundreds of years by the British - a country only a size of Uttar Pradesh(U.P.).

During WW2 in 1944, Nagas fought very hard for you here at Kohima in Nagaland, and liberated both India and Burma from your long shameful slavery under British colonialism. And also freed both India and Burma from quite possible Japanese Imperialism again after such long British colonialism, if not the Nagas fought in favour of the Allied Forces. If not the Nagas fought for you here at Kohima, Nagaland, where did you fight your gun-battles for your freedom?  It is the Nagas who fought hard the Japanese Imperial Army, beaten them back, gave you; your liberation, your freedom and your independences.

India and Burma owe a great deal of indebtedness to the Nagas. These are real histories. How can you be so ungrateful to the Nagas?  Instead of rewarding and loving the Nagas, how long will you go on killing the Nagas?

You tried to divide Nagas into pieces, and make Nagaland a small nation and country, but Nagas know who who are the Nagas, altogether they are one of the biggest single race on the present globe, and they are very confident people.

No nation could bear the heavy burden the Nagas have been undergoing through all these many years. Indian soldiers have been killing the Nagas in a land where the Nagas saved and freed India. India will fall for killing the innocent Nagas, a chosen nation of God. Sad to recollect that Jawaharlal Nehru himself, his only begotten daughter Mrs. Indira Gandhi, his two grandsons: Sanjay Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi - all had ended in most horrifying deaths.

By:   Zapra Chakhesang,

(Share this truth to all the leaders of both India and Burma and to the world).

Narcotics seized

 Narcotics substance worth ₹.500 cr seized

(Tengnoupal Police and 43 Assam Rifles seizing humongous quantity of illegal narcotics substances worth ₹.500 Crore) 


Dec' 7,2021:  ON receiving inputs from reliable sources, the combined team of Tengnoupal Police and 43 AR had arrested one Myanmar national with 220 soap cases of suspected heroin and upon his revelation, a warehouse was raided and seized 3716 soap cases of suspected heroin and 152 packets of suspected crystal meth (methamphetamine) drugs. 

This is one of the biggest seizure of drugs under the ‘War on Drugs’ initiative of the State Govt.

Nagaland Oting toll rose to 19


With this, the toll in Nagaland rose to 19, according to Rajya Sabha MP KG Kenye.

(KG Kenye is a Rajya Sabha member from Nagaland and advisor to the Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio)

Dec' 7,2021:   EARLIER on 4 December, a contingent of the Indian Army's 21 Para Special Forces killed six civilians and injured two others - all residents of Oting village in the state's Mon district while they were returning home in a pick-up van after working at a coal mine.

According to official sources, the security forces apparently 'mistook' them for militants.

According to a statement issued by Dimapur-based 3 Corps of the army, the unit was on a counter-insurgency operation in the area following a tip-off on the likely movement of militants belonging to the NSCN (Khaplang).

Later, seven other civilians died after they were shot by that unit at Oting a little after the first incident. Two persons succumbed to their injuries from that shooting on 5 December.

*What exactly happened in Nagaland? Different versions of civilian killings throws up more questions than answers*

The Nagaland Cabinet called for an 'urgent meeting' on Tuesday in which it passed two key decisions.

First, the Nagaland government will write to the Centre calling for a repeal of Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA). The second decision taken was to call off the Hornbill Festival, which sees tourists from all over the world visit the state.

On Monday, Nagaland Chief Minister attended the funeral of the 14 civilians killed by the security forces where he made the demand to repeal AFSPA from Nagaland.

"India is the largest democracy and this is a draconian law so, it should be removed from our country. There are many laws that can be handled but this law (AFSPA) has blackened the image of our country," said Rio.

Meanwhile, a joint report by the state's Director General of Police (DGP) T John Longkumer and Commissioner Rovilatuo Mor has said that the army made no attempt to ascertain the identity of the civilians returning from work on a pick-up truck before shooting them in Nagaland's Mon district on Saturday.

Quoting eyewitnesses, the two top officials have said villagers found the Army's special forces trying to "hide" the bodies of six people by wrapping and loading them on a pick-up van with the intention of taking them to their base camp.

The Nagaland Police on its own filed an FIR against the 21st Para Special Force of the Army on Monday. The case was registered under Sections 302/307/34 of the IPC, relating to murder, attempt to murder and criminal act committed by several persons in furtherance of the common intention of all.

"Hence, it is obvious that the intention of security forces is to murder and injure civilians,the FIR added, urging authorities to take necessary action against the culprits.

(With inputs from agencies)

Nagaland police rejects armys claim

Nagaland Police rejects army’s claim of credible intelligence behind Oting firing, says troops fired without establishing facts

(The DGP and Commissioner, who have been camping in Mon since December 6, in the detailed report, divulged details of the December 4 Oting firing incident, and the subsequent violent clashes following the ambush in Nagaland’s Mon town on December 6) 


Nagaland Dec' 6,2021:  NAGALAND  director general of police (DGP) John Longkumar and commissioner Rovilauo Mor, in their ground report on Oting incident filed before the state government on December 6, said that “Troops of 21 Assam Rifles indiscriminately fired on the coal miners at random, apparently without any attempt for identification.” 

The DGP and Commissioner, who have been camping in Mon since December 6, in the detailed report, divulged details of the December 4 Oting firing incident, and the subsequent violent clashes following the ambush in Nagaland’s Mon town on December 6.

The report informed that the incident occurred around 4:10 pm on Saturday (December 4) where eight coal miners returning home in a Mahindra Pickup truck were ambushed.

“They were ambushed and killed by security forces (reportedly, 21 Para Special Force based in Assam) at random, apparently without any attempt for identification,” the report stated.

According to the report, the ones killed were unarmed civilians working at a coal mine in Tiru valley, who were travelling in an open Mahindra Pickup truck, but were fired upon and six of them were killed on the spot and two critically injured.

The villagers on hearing the gunshots went to the spot with apprehension as the individuals did not return home from work, the report revealed.

“When the villagers reached the spot, the security personnel were trying to hide the bodies of the six villagers by wrapping and loading them in a Tata Mobile truck apparently with the intention of taking the bodies to their base camp,” the report stated further.

“On finding the bodies in the Tata Mobile, under a tarpaulin, violence broke out between the villagers and the security personnel,” as a result, the irate villagers burnt three vehicles belonging to the security personnel, and in the melee, the troops again opened fire on the villagers which led to the death of seven more villagers, it said.

The report also mentioned, “Eyewitnesses have confirmed that the security forces opened fire indiscriminately as they fled from the scene towards Assam side.”

On the secured crime site, there are presently one Mahindra pickup in which the civilians were ambushed; one burnt Scorpio; a burnt Bolero; a burnt Tata Winger; and a damaged Tata Mobile, according to the findings.

The report further informed that 13 civilians were killed on December 4 while 14 were seriously injured. Eight civilians suffered minor injuries.

Meanwhile, the Army in a statement issued from Delhi on December 6 claimed that the security forces had planned the ‘specific operation' based on ‘credible intelligence about the likely movement of insurgents in the area. 

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Mnp High Court

Manipur High Court grants anticipatory bail to former CM Okram Ibobi in money laundering case of ED

(The money laundering case was registered by the Guwahati Zonal Office of the Enforcement Directorate on March 16, 2020 based on FIR file by the Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Police Station, Manipur in 2018) 


UKHRU, 30 Nov 2021: MANIPUR

High Court Chief Justice Sanjay Kumar on Tuesday granted anticipatory bail to former Manipur chief minister Okram Ibobi Singh, in connection with money laundering case registered by the Enforcement Directorate.

The case was registered by the Guwahati Zonal Office of the Enforcement Directorate (ED) on March 16, 2020 based on FIR file by the Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Police Station, Manipur in 2018. The FIR pertained to offences under Sections 420 and 120-B IPC along with Section 13(2) read with Section 13(1) (d) of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988.

The alleged offences related to award of certain works by Loktak Development Authority, of which the petitioner was the chairman at the relevant point of time. The works was stated to have been done in violation of the prescribed norms resulting in wrongful financial loss to the Government and the exchequer.

The fresh case was registered by the ED in 2020 on the ground that the information or documents pertained to the Vigilance’s FIR case against accused persons, including Ibobi had generated and laundered proceeds of crime and a prima-facie case of money laundering, under Section 3 of the Act of 2002, was made out.

The HC granted anticipatory bail to the petitioner in connection with the case on August 26, 2019. With the bail order having attained its finality, Ibobi sought similar relief in connection with the case.

In the course of the hearing, the court noted that the petitioner has also been granted anticipatory bail in relation to the said FIR in August 2019. Documentary evidence, which would be the fulcrum of the case, having already been secured and given the passage of time since registration of the earlier case, there is no “manifest risk” of the petitioner tampering with evidence or witnesses at this late stage.

Moreover, the court stated that it finds no tangible reason to believe that the “petitioner would abscond or try to evade the law and, in any event, the same can be guarded against by imposing restrictions”.

The ED, Sub-Zonal Office, Imphal submitted an affidavit of objection that his office would require custodial interrogation to record statements and provide evidence. Moreover, the ED expressed apprehension that the petitioner would tamper with evidence, witnesses and might attempt to dispose of the proceeds of crime, citing the position of Ibobi, who has firm root in the society being undisputed. The court noted that the present case originated from the FIR case of 2018 and the evidence seized in connection therewith is already in the custody of the authorities.

The petitioner has also been granted anticipatory bail in relation to the said FIR in August, 2019. Documentary evidence, which would be the fulcrum of the case, having already been secured and given the passage of time since registration of the earlier case, there is no manifest risk of the petitioner tampering with evidence or witnesses at this late stage.

Further, his status and firm roots in society being undisputed, the petitioner is not shown to be a flight-risk. The court finds no tangible reason to believe that he would abscond or try to evade the law and, in any event, the same can be guarded against by imposing restrictions. Further, as he has presented himself willingly before the ED after receiving the summons.

As such, the HC opined that the court does not find any grounds warranting custodial interrogation at this stage in relation to events that took place long ago and granted the bail.

However, the HC allowed the bail petition with conditions that the petitioner should execute a personal bond for a sum of `1 lakh (Rupees One Lakh) only and shall also furnish two sureties for a like sum each to the satisfaction of the Assistant Director, Sub-Zonal Office of the Enforcement Directorate at Imphal, Manipur. The petitioner should continue to co-operate with the investigation by presenting himself for interrogation as and when required and shall produce documents in his possession, if any, as and when required by the Enforcement Directorate.

In the event, if the petitioner fails to do so, the Enforcement Directorate would be at liberty to approach the court and seek cancellation of the order. The petitioner should not tamper with the evidence in any manner or seek to influence any witness; be it by threat, intimidation or by inducement or promise. The petitioner should not leave the country without the permission of the Enforcement Directorate. He should deposit his Passport with the Assistant Director, Sub-Zonal Office of the Enforcement Directorate, Imphal, Manipur, within two days from the date of receipt of a copy of the order.

(Source: IFP) 

Omicron Variant

Omicron Variant: New guidelines in place for international passengers entering Manipur

(Manipur Health director Dr K Rajo informed that as many as eight travellers from four countries “at risks” had entered the state till Tuesday) 


IMPHAL,Nov'1,2021 : MANIPUR  Health director Dr K Rajo said a new protocol will be in place for international arrival at the Imphal airport from Wednesday midnight as a preventive measure in view of the growing concern over Omicron globally.

He was speaking to the media during the state-level press briefing on 'COVID-19pandemic' at RD Wing, Imphal West.

The director informed that as many as eight travellers from four countries “at risks” had entered the state till Tuesday. Fortunately, all of them tested negative, he said, adding that they are in home quarantine.

Rajo said the infrastructure of the healthcare facilities in the state has been upgraded at the maximum possible extent, with the initiative of both the state and central government.

As such, the public need not panic given all the preventive measures taken up by the state to face any eventuality, he added.

Elaborating on the new guidelines, state surveillance officer Dr Somorjit said travellers should submit their travel history of the last 14 days.

Somorjit said travellers will be tested again on arrival at the airport in addition to mandatory production of Covid negative testing report (by RTPCR) conducted within 72 hours prior to taking the journey.

The person will be allowed to exit the airport only after testing negative and they will be tested again after eight days, he added. 

He further informed that 14 days of home quarantine is compulsory for all travellers even if they tested negative.

By chance, if a traveller is tested positive, the person will be kept in a special isolation unit and a sample will be sent for genome sequencing, added the surveillance officer.

State immunisation officer Dr Manihar appealed to all the eligible public to get fully vaccinated asserting it the best preventive measure as of now. 

He also announced that the health department is ready to give the service of doorstep vaccination if required. 

The total fatalities of COVID in November are 56, of which 50 are unvaccinated, one was fully vaccinated and the remaining five were vaccinated with the first dose. 

It has been informed that the state has provided Rs 50 lakh each to the kins of three healthcare workers who succumbed to Covid-19 in the line of duty.

(Source: DIpR) 

Ato Kilonser Muivah 90th Birthday

  Honouring Thuingaleng Muivah's 90th Birthday and 60 Years of Unyielding Service to the Naga Nation Esteemed comrades, distinguished g...