Thursday, September 30, 2021

New World Order

 NEW WORLD ORDER Religious Headquarter looks to open up 2022

HungHao / The Dawn Tantak

September, 021:

THE BIBLE  is very clear when it comes to the great apostasy that is to come to the earth in the last days and it appears as if we are in the midst of the great apostasy.

 In I Timothy the Bible says “now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons”, one of those deceptive doctrines that is roaming the earth is the idea that all religions can “coexist”.

The Higher Committee of Human Fraternity  is now constructing a one world religious headquarters in the UAE called the Abrahamic Family House which will consist of a Church, Mosque and a Jewish Temple located all together in a complex at the Capital of the UAE.

The project is being monitored closely by the Pope, and Grand Imam Ahmed el-Tayeb of al-Azhar, who both condoned the new project.

Here’s what the complex will look like after construction finishes in 2022:

The Vatican News reported these details:

The Abrahamic Family House, which encloses a synagogue, a church and a mosque in a single complex, and which is scheduled to be inaugurated in 2022, is 20 percent complete, the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity (HCHF) said in a statement on Tuesday. The Committee, which is also supervising the project , said it is inspired by the 2019 Document on Human Fraternity. Constructed on Saadiyat Island in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, the project is closely followed by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam Ahmed el-Tayeb of al-Azhar, who endorsed the design, the HCHF said.

The Abrahamic Family House derives its name from the Old Testament biblical figure, Abraham, who is recognized and greatly revered by Jews, Christians and Muslims.

The Abrahamic Family House’s design, by architect Sir David Adjaye, captures. the values shared by Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, through three main buildings, including a mosque, a church, and a synagogue in one place. “As such, the complex innovatively recounts the history and builds bridges between human civilizations and heavenly messages.”

Besides the 3 places of worship, the site includes a cultural center that aims to encourage people to exemplify human fraternity and solidarity within a community that cherishes the values of mutual respect and peaceful coexistence, while the unique character of each faith is preserved.

Earlier in the year Pope Francis, publicly acknowledge the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity noor

The Times of Israel covered the story too:

The United Arab Emirates will build a new synagogue as part of an interfaith compound that will also house a mosque and church and is reportedly set to open in 2022.

The announcement of the Abrahamic Family House, on the Saadiyat Island in Abu Dhabi, follows a visit by Pope Francis to the UAE in February, the first by a pope to the Arabian Peninsula. During the trip, the pope signed a joint declaration with the grand imam of al-Azhar, Dr. Ahmed el-Tayeb, that called for religious tolerance and dialogue.

An interfaith council to oversee projects advancing tolerance was formed as a result of the declaration, and named the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity. The Abrahamic Family House is its first initiative.

“This is an important opportunity for all who believe in the power of faith and humanity. It will help build bridges between religious leaders and communities as well as foster peace and harmony in an era that is too often defined by difference,” said Rabbi M. Bruce Lustig, senior rabbi at Washington Hebrew Congregation, and a Jewish representative of the committee.

Jesus said “I am the way truth and the life” but the world religious leaders are saying there are many different ways to heaven and all people need to do is coexist and everybody world peace will ensue which is a lie.

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