Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Naga Hoho urge HPC

 Naga Hoho urge HPC on Border Affairs for a permanent settlement on border issue

The HungHao

Aug'11,021:  NAGA Hoho urged the High Powered Committee on Border Affairs to expedite the matter and bring about a permanent settlement between Assam & Nagaland which shall ultimately usher in peace, development and progress in the region.

The Hoho in a press release said that every society or community is defined by a distinct boundary line drawn either traditionally inherited or drawn out of Administrative convenience with the consent of the people.

The Government of India’s recent proposed satellite demarcation of boundary line between North Eastern states will not be viable or acceptable to the people, it said adding that if any border disputes are to be resolved, then the indigenous people of the area must be taken into confidence first.

The Naga Hoho reiterated that the affected people in the border areas needs to be consulted and should mutually agree for any resolution of the conflict. Forceful demarcation of boundary line against the wishes of the people would only invite the wrath of the people, it said.

“Whereas, the Assam-Nagaland border is in conflict due to arbitrary demarcation by the then British government without the prior informed consent of the people.

The then Naga occupied areas were not included in the creation of new Nagaland state which has led to incessant conflict over the borders. The imposition of the state’s will on the people has only invited conflict rather than peace and tranquility in the region. If only India is serious and have political will, the issue would be resolved once and for all”, the Hoho said.

The various Interim Agreements between Government of Assam and Nagaland with special reference to Interim Agreement of 1972 must be reviewed in the best interest of the two states. The Hoho regrets that, both the states particularly Assam, have literally failed to uphold the agreements and therefore, there has been continuous volatile situation in the border areas.

The Hoho suggested that historical accounts must be taken into account to arrive at a long lasting solution and to have mutual relationship between the Naga people and Assam._ _The age old relationship can be revived and strengthened only when the historical facts are placed in the right perspectives, it said.

While appreciating the constitution of a High Powered Committee on Border Affairs under the Chairmanship of the Chief Minister of Nagaland, the Naga Hoho urged the committee to expedite the matter and bring about a permanent settlement, which shall ultimately usher in peace, development and progress in the region.

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