Thursday, July 29, 2021

NPF against mandatory of Covid vaccines

 NPF against mandatory Covid vaccination 

UKHRUl, JULY 29,2921: THE Naga People’s Front (NPF) today asked the state Government to review its July 17 notification directing state Government employees for compulsory vaccination, terming it a violation of Fundamental Rights guaranteed under the Constitution of India.

The NPF press release issued by its Press Bureau,  said, “The State Government’s directive for compulsory vaccination of State Government employees vide No. NSDMA-ER-COVID 19/30/2020(Part-II)/5515 dated July 17, 2021 is unreasonable and dictatorial in nature. Neither imposition of forceful vaccination nor demanding COVID-19 negative test report every 15 days on the expense of employees will go down well with any State since the same is not only a clear violation of human rights challenging Article 14 & 21 of the Indian Constitution but a Contempt of Court”.

   It said COVID-19 vaccination is voluntary and the same is validated by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and the binding precedents of the Supreme Court of India, adding the judgments of the Mizoram High Court and Meghalaya High Court are also clear illustrations that Covid-19 vaccination is purely voluntary.

“COVID-19 vaccination is not mandatory and as such, no one can be forced, coerced, lured, or pressurized to take the vaccine. Individual freedom includes the right to control one’s health and body, free from any interference and therefore, imposing forceful vaccination on its employees by the State Government can only be seen as a deliberate abuse of power”, it said.

Stating that no citizen of the State can be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation without his free consent, the NPF said the state Government cannot consider the COVID-19 vaccine as completely safe since several people around the world have died or suffered from severe adverse effects after COVID-19 vaccination. “Furthermore, there is no guarantee that a vaccinated person will not be infected with COVID-19 after inoculation”, it added. 

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