Friday, September 29, 2023



                    ( Representational pic)

               PRESS STATEMENT
              26th September 2023

IN what can be termed as playing into the nerves of the Naga people’s religious ethos as the call of the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi for a nationwide cleanliness drive falls on October 1 (Sunday). Nagas as Christians cannot simply abide by the call of the Prime Minister no matter how noble is the cleanliness drive.

For any such nationwide drive for cleanliness,the sentiment attached with the spirit of secularism must be rightfully respected. Naga people will stand as one Christian family to resist such cleanliness initiative that defies the mutual respect for different faiths that reflects the secular character of India. NSCN cannot remain as mere spectator to any policy or initiative that obstructs and undermine Christian faith.

The bold step taken by Chakhesang Baptist Church Council (CBCC) that “We must obey God rather than human beings” is something highly valued and appreciated. It is to stress the importance  of Naga people’s attachment to God, because no matter the challenge of life, no matter the weight of problem we face, it is God who sustains us. The Christian’s Holy Bible teaches that God not only created the universe but He upholds and sustains it day by day, hour by hour. The Bible further says that " Christ, the son of God, upholds the universe by the word of His power".

All said and done, the Nagas cannot deny God by obeying the call of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.


TBCA opposed


TBCA  not happy with PM announcement on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

(Desacralizing our holy worship day tantamount to renegading our faith; seems like a systematic persecution of religious minorities: Rev.Dr.Themshang)

The Dawn Tantak

UKHRUL,27th Sep' 27:  THE  Tangkhul Baptist Churches Association(TBCA) strongly oppose the Prime Minister's announcement for Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Mission) on 1 October 2023 where all Indian citizens have been called upon to do a l-hour Shramdaan cleanliness drive
countrywide, said Rev Dr.Themreishang Horam Education secretary, TBCA.

In a press conference held at TBCA office, Alungtang Ukhrul on 27th September '23, Rev.Themreishang stated that  Cleanliness is one of the core teachings of Christianity and we advocate it with ardent devotion. However, to do cleanliness drive desacralizing our holy worship day tantamount to renegading our faith.
We are curious what intention of our dear PM has when he declared the 'Clean India Mission' on Sunday ask the secretary.

As every year, on Gandhi Jayanti (2" October) the nation perform
cleanliness drive. There is no need to prepone it to Sunday. This seems like a systematic persecution of religious minorities. This is not the first instance. In the past, we've experienced same persecutions during his regime.
Such as December 25 declared as Good Governance Day" in 2014
April 17 was declared as "Digital India Day" in 2017
And Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Mission) on 1" October which falls on Sunday.

We would like to remind that Article 25-30 of the Indian Constitution provides and guarantees our fundamental rights to advocate, propagate, and administer the practice of our own religion, the Reverend added.

Further,  TBCA head office has announced all its feterating Churches where they have over 100 plus Churches all over the Tangkhul region and its unit not to participate but refrain from the activities which fall on the  First Sunday of October but to differ the date for taking up the cleanliness drive of Clean India mission.

The press conference was also attended by Eno Homreising Muinao Youth secretary,TBCA and Rev.VA.Ayo Finance secretary,TBCA

Monday, September 25, 2023

TNL warns Kukis


The Unwarranted Acts of Kuki Militants must End :  TNL
( Forewarn Kukis for the last time to refrain from hereafter)

(Naga Flag file pic)

UKHRUL, 20th Sep'23:  THE  Tangkhul Naga Long (TNL) strongly condemns and reiterates its warning against the unexpected and unwarranted acts of stopping. threatening of the innocent commuters and passengers and intimidating of workers engaged in restoration/repairing work along the Imphal-Ukhrul route by fully armed Kuki militants.

We, the Tangkhul Naga community, have been very tolerant towards such provoking and unconcerned behavior on part of the militants on multiple occasions. Even if the act was wrong, we had exercised maximum restraint not wanting to jeopardize the prevailing peace and tranquility of the region.

The TNL calls for immediate end to such public nuisance in our jurisdiction which has so far been peaceful and tolerant despite repeated provocations in the midst of the ongoing unrest.

We strictly warn the concerned that any untoward happening due to their provocation, will be the responsibility of the perpetrators and that they will be solely held accountable for all the unwanted consequences that follow.

The Kuki villagers who are residing on the stretch of Ukhrul-Imphal highway should take serious note of such incident and bring immediate end to such nuisances lest they should also be equally blamed in the event of any untoward incident that follows.

It is, therefore, forewarn for the last time that any militants/group/individuals should immediately stop their irresponsible acts in the interest of maintaining peace and harmony in our jurisdiction stated Qr. RS. Jollyson vice president of TNL  in a press statement made available to this news portal.

Women's Bill


Govt introduces Women’s reservation Bill

DELHI, 20th Sep' 2023:  THE. government on Tuesday introduced a constitutional amendment bill reserving 33 per cent seats for women in the Lok Sabha and state assemblies, reviving a bill pending for 27 years and blending history, politics and societal imperatives on the first day in the new Parliament building.

The women’s reservation bill, named Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam and introduced in the Lower House by Law Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal, will come into effect only after a delimitation exercise is completed and is therefore unlikely to be in force during the next Lok Sabha elections in 2024.
It was the first bill to be introduced in the new Parliament building.
September 19, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, is a date that will be etched in history and god has chosen him for the “noble work”.

“The Narishakti Vandan Adhiniyam will further strengthen our democracy…I assure all mothers, sisters and daughters of the nation that we are committed to making this bill into a law,” Modi said in the first speech in the first session in the new premises amid thumping of desks by members of both treasury and opposition benches.
The government, PM stressed, wants more and more women to join the development process of the country. Modi also urged opposition members of both Houses to pass the bill unanimously.

Pending since 1996 when the first bill on the matter was introduced but could not be passed due to lack of political consensus — several regional parties demanded ‘quota within quota’ — it is likely to see smooth passage this time with most parties pushing for guaranteeing women one-third representation in Lok Sabha and state assemblies.

However, provisions in the Constitution (128th Amendment) Bill make it clear the reservation will come into effect only after the delimitation exercise, or the redrawing of constituencies, taking into account data of the census conducted after the bill becomes a law. Meghwal said number of women members in the Lok Sabha will rise to 181 from 82 currently after the bill comes into force.

MPs move to new Parliament complex, Old building renamed ‘Samvidhan Sadan’

Friday, September 22, 2023

Nagas on Peace side not Neutral: HAC Chief


Nagas are on Peace not Neutral; HAC Chairman appeal for Peace to prevail

( ADC delimitation has been finalised now we are awaiting Government approval: D.Gangmei)

( Eno.Dingkanlung Gangmei HAC Chairman)

The Dawn Tantak
UKHRUL,22nd Sep'23:   THE Nagas of Manipur are on for peaceful atmosphere and environment we are not a party to any community neither we are neutral but  Nagas of Manipur are genuinely for Peace to prevail in Manipur  said  Eno.Dingkhanglung @ Dipu Gangmei Chairman of Hill Areas Committee ( HAC).

As the peace loving citizen of Manipur, to enjoy the peaceful environment so that they can focus on the development and future. As a HAC chairman, I am keeping in touch with our members and used to discussed but since time has come to the situation sort of where its difficult to control. However, we are reaching out to each other and trying to sort out to bring peace in our state. As a HAC chairman, I want to say that the situation has come in Manipur in such a critical juncture where we all should stay together as one and live together and think for our future generation. We don’t have any alternative but to live together as one, Gangmei added.

While interacting with this Journalist the HAC Chairman further amplified that 'Delimitation of Autonomous district council' has been entrusted us as a sub-committee of the HAC and we have done our homework very well with the consultation of the stakeholders as well as with the members of the HAC but due to the law and order situation, we are not able to proceed with the report for finalisation by the government. Once the situation in the state are normalise, we are ready with all necessary paperwork has been done and the report itself has to be approved by the HAC and it has to be tabled by the government. We are ready to do whenever the government ask .

When asked about the present crises in Manipur and the position  of the Nagas, Kangmei  said that our position is on "Peace"  and we are not a party to any community neither we are a.neutral.

The state has faced such communal violence earlier as well and we learnt from the past incidents. History has taught us that all issues has been resolved by sitting across the table and a dialogue has to happen. Until and unless two warring faction or any opposite, if they are not willing to come to the table, it will be very difficult to sort out the differences and difficult to bring peace.

First and foremost, to bring peace in the state is to have a dialogue. As long as we stay aloof from each other, we won’t be able to bring peace. So my humble appealed to all the stakeholders and leaders who love Manipur and our great nation is to come together and puts our head together and try to sort out the differences and try to amicable solution. In this process, the Union Government under the leadership of PM Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah and state government is giving us full cooperation and support to all the leaders who are working on it, so once again I appealed to all the church leaders, CSOs leaders to come out from our comfort zone and try to bring peace. And other political issues can be sort it out together but until and unless, we sit together but we won’t be able to find any solution in this current imbroglio, the HAC Chairman adds

The government has set up a peace reconciliation committee of the legislators and as a HAC chairman, I was made the chairman and other members are from Nagas and Meitei Pangals community. We are also working on it to restore normalcy and bring peace in the state but whomsoever we have approached, they have apprehensions. There is a hidden agenda groups are working on it to sabotage the peace process. So first thing if we want to bring peace the openness of our leaders, especially from both the communities, should come out. Until and unless they come out openly, it will be very difficult for others to intervene and its high time now that better sense to prevail and violence will never bring peace and progress. In this kind of crisis, there won’t be any victors or vanquished. It will be almost a berievef  victory for both the communities.  So the best option now is if we have any differences, we should find it  out  and struggle it out together constitutionally and democratically with parliamentary process of the political procedures, Gangmei quote.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

MP intending candidate Qr.K Timothy Zimik


A public interaction for the forthcoming  Lok Sabha election held at Kamjong

(My prime concern  is Naga Political issue: MP intending candidate Timothy Zimik)

( QR K Timothy Zimik)

The Dawn Tantak

KAMJONG, 11th Sep' 23:     A Public interaction for the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha election of the Members of Parliament was held at Kamjong community hall on Monday .

The  intending MP candidate for outer Manipur Parliamentary Constituency, in the upcoming 18th Lok Sabha election 2024 Qr K.Timothy Zimik,IRS Principal Chief Commissioner of Income Tax(retd.), Ministry of Finance (Revenue), Government of India  informally kick start his public audience.

While giving his speech  former Chief Commissioner  Qr. Timothy Zimik who hails from Sinakeithei village in Manipur Ukhrul district has emphasised the need to resolve the long-standing conflicts of the Indo-Naga political issue, calling for an expediency in the matter.

My prime concern is to resolve the Indo-Naga political issue. It has been dragging on far too long, and a political solution is long overdue. I want to work for the resolution of this issue if I am elected as a Member of Parliament,’ he said, seeking public support, during the public interaction programme.

Timothy further stated that in essence, he’s running for the forthcoming MP elections with a commitment to find a solution to the Indo-Naga political issue and ensure meaningful development of the hill districts, address grievances of his people once and for all. “Let’s all take a stand today and fight for our rights so that our people have a much better future,” Zimik exhorted the gathering comprising hundreds of local church elders, public leaders and public members.

The 61-year-old former bureaucrat also listed other issues that he is concerned about, such as unemployment, lack of development, lack of basic amenities, economic backwardness, and corruption in the hill districts. He added that he is committed to find effective solutions to these pressing issues.We basically  need to promote our economy and grab the opportunity for over all development if we as a citizen have to go along with the epoch of time. On my personal belief  I am a strong believer in Christian principles and values in public life including political field Timothy  amplified on his speech.

Zimik is an MA in School of International Studies, JNU, New Delhi. He worked as a research scholar at JNU before joining the Indian Revenue Service. During his stint at IRS as PCC from 1985-2022, Zimik held many important positions while posted in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and other cities of India.

As the Tangkhul society evolves and grows, Zimik has been there every step of the way. With an impressive career span of 36 years as an experienced bureaucrat, he has become a valuable asset to many. With such extensive experience in public policy implementations, highly specialized legal fields, and top level administration, Zimik has become a well known benefactor for many Tangkhul youths working in various fields including airlines, shipping etc.

His commitment didn’t stop there however. As an individual striving to support the betterment of the society, Zimik said he has his sights set on further developing and improving the quality of life of the hill people. He looks forward to using his knowledge and experience to help grow agricultural activities in the hill districts and boost rural economy.

He also pointed out that a vast disparity in distribution of development funds between the valley and the hills, which he claimed as the major factor for lopsided development in the state. He said he is committed to ensuring proportional fund flow for the hill districts to bring them at par with the valley.

Among those who attended the interaction programme included President Raizan Long Zingshongam Kashau,  Bungpa Khullen headman Hopingson Chithung and Grihang headman Daniel Shadang, and Shimdhar Kamotang of Ramphoi village, Kamjong Baptist Church Pastor Steward Kashung and Catechist, St. Peter Catholic Church, Kamjong Lucas Shimpam Kashung and others.

Ukl MLA Ram Muivah writes CM


MLA Ram Muivah writes to CM Biren to restore internet services in Ukhrul

(Internet  ban has paralysed and killed businesses, students including Civil service aspirants :  MLA writes twice to CM on Internet ban in Ukl)

( Ukl MLA Qr.Ram Muivah)

The Dawn Tantak

UKHRUL, 8th Sep'23:  FEELING the pulses of  the general public Ukhrul MLA Ram Muivah has written to the Chief Minister of Manipur N Biren Singh, while drawing the latter’s attention towards the public hardships, to consider restoring internet services in Ukhrul district as a special case and in the interest of public service.

“Given the public outcry and demand, may I request you to kindly restore internet services in Ukhrul district as a special case and in the interest of public service,” Ram Muivah said in his representation to the Chief Minister on September 4, 2023.

The MLA urged CM Biren for restoring internet services, and cited peaceful atmosphere in the district, apart from the growing public outcry over the information blackout.

He had also written to the Chief Minister earlier on 26 July, 2023 for restoration of internet service in Ukhrul district which, he mentioned, is not affected by the current crisis in the state.

He also took reference of the public demand for lifting the internet shutdown as published in local newspapers. “TKS rings out restore internet services call” which appeared in ‘The Sangal Express’ dated September 3, 2023, inter alia, it is reported that, ‘The more than 120 days prolonged internet ban has affected the economy, education and many other important sectors particularly in Ukhrul”, he mentioned.

He also cited the report stating “While it has paralysed and killed businesses, students including Civil service aspirants are not able to access online resources, complete assignments, fill and submit forms necessary and mandatory for various examinations’, ‘the speed of the Wi-Fi services provided to Government offices is too slow and needs upgradation’,

He went on to refer to the report, stating “The Digital india campaign launched by the Government of india has failed in Manipur since the service has been banned since May 3′, ‘that the Supreme Court of india in 2015 had declared access to the internet as a Fundamental Right under Article 19(1)(a) of the Constitution”.

He also mentioned another news item entitled “Lift mobile net ban” which appeared in ‘The Peoples’ Chronicle’ dated September 3, 2023. “It is reported that, “Tangkhul Naga Wungnao Long (TNWL) has urged the state government to restore the basic internet facility in the district at the earliest”, “Many people have left their hometown for neighbouring states in search of internet connectivity, while those staying back face immeasurable hardships”,  Qr. Ram added.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

MP candidate Qr.K Timothy Zimik


Qr K Timothy Zimik,IRS
Principal Chief Commissioner of Income Tax( Retired),
Ministry of Finance (Revenue), Government of India

The candidate for outer Manipur Parliamentary Constituency,18th Lok Sabha Election 2024

Call for his people
             Take a stand today and fight for our rights so that our people have a much better future.

" Be the change and make a difference in the lives of our people"- Ktzimik

Personal belief:  He is a strong believer in Christian principles and values in public life including political field.

Personal Details
DOB.  : 14th Jan' 1962
Place o/b: Lingphu Village
Permanent Residence
Sinakeithei village, Ukhrul district, Manipur

Past Social Responsibilities
© President - North-east officers & Professionals Welfare Association,Kolkata
© President - Tangkhul Students Union, Delhi
© Chairman - Guwahati Christian Fellowship, Guwahati
© Advisor - The Naga students Union Mumbai
© General Secretary - Tangkhul Students Union, Shillong

Management Qualifications
∆  Management Program: IIM Bangalore
∆ Executive Management program:
Washington and Syracuse,USA (2011)
∆  Management Program: Ottawa, Canada (1997)

         Qr Timothy has an outstanding Academic and Service Record

MA School of International Studies -
Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) New Delhi
BA -( English Honours) St.Anthony's College,Shillong
Pre- University - Patkai Christian College , Dimapur Nagaland
Matriculation - Don Bosco , Imphal

A Research Scholar at JNU,New Delhi before joining the Indian Revenue Service ( IRS)

                 Work Experience
Principal Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, Government of India service period from 1985 to 2022

Qr K. Timothy Zimik worked in the income Tax department that collects revenue for the country.For example,in the financial year 2022 -23 the Income Tax department collected about 20 lakh crores. The Taxes collected by the central agencies are devided between the central and state governments and are used for Nation building. Manipur also get the share of revenues from the taxes collected by the central government.

In the case of Manipur 90% of the revenue comes from the central government.Thus the state of Manipur is using the revenue collected by the Income Tax department and GST for running iis administration and development works including, Infrastructure,roads, bridges, buildings,power projects, educational institutions,hospitals and payment of salaries of the state government employees.

Timothy held many important positions while posted in Delhi,Mumbai,Kolkata and other cities of India.He possessed vast experience in top level administration and in legal field.He is determined to use his knowledge and experience gathered in his 36 years of service to work towards the betterment of our society.The Tribal and poor people of Manipur deserve a much better future,

Saturday, September 9, 2023

2nd FIR against EGI


Woman files 2nd FIR against EGI, seeks CBI probe

UKHRUL, 9th Sep'23:  A woman in Manipur who filed the second police case against the Editors' Guild of India (EGI) chief and three members of its fact-finding team has requested for the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to take over the case.

Imphal resident Sorokhaibam Thoudam Sangita had filed the first information report (FIR) against the EGI fact-finding team who went to Manipur for four days to look into the media's reportage of the Meitei-Kuki ethnic conflict. Hers was the second FIR; the first was filed by another Imphal-based social worker N Sarat Singh.

The EGI in the report released on Saturday last said there are clear indications that the leadership of the state became partisan during the conflict. "It should have avoided taking sides in the ethnic conflict, but it failed to do its duty as a democratic government which should have represented the entire state," the report said among its several observations in a concluding summary.

The EGI has condemned the state government's move to file the FIR as an effort to intimidate journalists. The Supreme Court yesterday said no coercive action can be taken against the four accused till Monday.

Sangita, however, alleged the EGI is trying to divert the issue and escape from answering with evidence all the allegations the three-member team had made against the Meitei community, who are a majority in the valley areas of Manipur.

"This issue is very serious. The team was crowdfunded too. We want to know who all donated to them for the Manipur visit. The CBI should take this case and go into the root of the case," Ms Sangita said.

"There was relative calm in Manipur, but after the report that used words like 'Meitei police' and 'Meitei media' came out, the atmosphere has become tensed following the ethnic clash with Kukis. This report led to fresh enmity between the two communities and there has been fresh trouble in the past few days," she alleged. "The EGI may try to pressure us to cancel the case. I don't want that to happen. I beg the government to request for a CBI probe into the entire case," Sangita said.

The EGI report alleged the Manipur government branded all Kuki tribes as "illegal immigrants" after some 4,000 refugees fleeing the military coup in neighbouring Myanmar crossed into Manipur. The EGI in the report faulted the state government for taking a series of steps that led to resentment among the Chin-Kukis to build up.

"The state government seems to have facilitated the majority's anger against the Kukis through several seemingly partisan statements and policy measures," the report said.

The All Manipur Working Journalists Union, and the Editors' Guild of Manipur said they have taken strong exception to the "half-baked so-called fact-finding report, which was completed in merely four days." "The report has many contentions and wrong representations which are damaging to the reputation of the journalist community in the state, especially Imphal-based news outlets," the Manipur journalists' collective and the Editors' Guild of Manipur said in the statement.

The three journalists came to Manipur on a crowdfunded visit to prepare the report. The EGI on July 26 posted on X, asking for donation to fund "a fact-finding mission to document media's coverage of the Manipur ethnic clashes." (Courtesy: NDTV)

Thursday, September 7, 2023

UNC Press Communique


                UNC Press Communique

Sep' 6 ,23: FOUR months has well passed ever since the mayhem broke out on May 3rd 2023 and all the ethnic communities living in the state of Manipur including Nagas as the third parties have been suffering untold miseries in every sphere.
With all concern and patience, hoping for resolution to the ongoing conflict between the warring communities viz, Kuki-Zo and Meiteis, Naga people have endured all the hardships and provocations from both the communities and on top of that UNC has been giving all efforts-goodwill peace mission towards the
resolution of the same but it turns out otherwise and all the more weight is being put upon the Naga people in many ways.

At this given situations, UNC is necessitated to draw the following concerns from the state authorities and the two warring communities for immediate redressal in the greater interest of all the communities living in the state of Manipur;

1. The state and central government should initiate necessary steps to ensure the uninterrupted supply of essential commodities throughout the length and breadth of the state.

2. Unwarranted checking/frisking/detentions/ unloading of essential commodities and various strictures imposing upon Naga people in sporadic areas and unabated illegal taxation/extortion towards the commuters and suppliers of essential commodities along the National Highways and Inter-District highways should be stopped once and for all.

3. Persistent ongoing Economic Blockade being imposed by COTU along the Highways be lifted immediately in the interest of all communities living in the state.
That, the state and central government must also address the grievances like non-availability of life-saving drugs and essential commodities being faced by the kuki-Zo community as demanded by COTU.

UNC is hoping that this statement will find well to all the concerned and pave way to prevail peace and return to its normalcy.

Supreme Court tells Mnp


Supreme Court tells State to submit report on recovery of illegal weapons; Manipur

New Delhi Sep'6 (Agency): The Supreme Court on Wednesday told the Manipur government to submit a report regarding the recovery of all illegal arms in the state, which has been affected by ethnic violence since May.

A bench headed by Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud said, "The state needs to seize illegal arms. The state has to take action irrespective of who is holding the illegal arms."

"Regarding recovery of arms, let a status report be furnished to this court by the government. The report shall be made available only to this court," the bench ordered.

The top court also acknowledged an affidavit from the chief secretary of Manipur, which said that there was no shortage of essential items such as food and medicine for those affected by the economic blockade.

The chief secretary also denied allegations of chickenpox and measles outbreaks in relief camps.

Issuing a slew of fresh directions, the Supreme Court told the Union home secretary to communicate with Justice (retired) Gita Mittal, who heads a three-member panel appointed by the Supreme Court to oversee relief and rehabilitation efforts in Manipur.

The top court also asked the Manipur government to nominate an officer to interact with the committee and to submit a status report detailing steps taken to improve the state's victim compensation scheme.

After the Supreme Court was told that a large number of bodies were lying in morgues and needed to be disposed of in a dignified manner, the beach said the government would have to take a call so the unclaimed bodies don't spread diseases.

The top court told Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, "You have to do something about the bodies. They can't be kept like that. It's been four months now, else they will become a source of disease."

Ethnic clashes broke out in Manipur in May over a High Court order directing the state government to consider including the non-tribal Meitei community in the list of Scheduled Tribes.
(Courtesy: India Today)

UN experts alarmed


India: UN experts alarmed by continuing abuses in Manipur

( UN human rights chief “distressed” over plight of India’s internal migrants, welcomes measures to limit impact)

GENEVA (4 September 2023) :  UN experts* today raised the alarm about reports of serious human rights violations and abuses in the Northeast State of Manipur in India, including alleged acts of sexual violence, extrajudicial killings, home destruction, forced displacement, torture and ill-treatment.

The experts pointed to an “inadequate humanitarian response” in the wake of the grave humanitarian situation in Manipur following the latest round of community conflict between the predominantly Hindu Meitei and the predominantly Christian Kuki ethnic communities that erupted in May 2023.

By mid-August 2023, an estimated 160 persons had reportedly been killed, mostly from the Kuki ethnic community, and over 300 injured. The conflict also reportedly resulted in tens of thousands of people from the communities being displaced, thousands of homes and hundreds of churches being burnt down, as well the destruction of farmland, loss of crops and loss of livelihood.

“We are appalled by the reports and images of gender-based violence targeting  hundreds of women and girls of all ages, and predominantly of the Kuki ethnic minority. The alleged violence includes gang rape, parading women naked in the street, severe beatings causing death, and burning them alive or dead,” the experts said.

“It is particularly concerning that the violence seems to have been preceded and incited by hateful and inflammatory speech that spread online and offline to justify the atrocities committed against the Kuki ethnic minority, particularly women, on account of their ethnicity and religious belief,” they said. “We are further alarmed by the reported misuse of counterrorism measures to legitimise acts of violence and repression against ethnic and religious minorities.”

The experts said recent events in Manipur were another tragic milestone in the steadily deteriorating situation for religious and ethnic minorities in India.

“We have serious concerns about the apparent slow and inadequate response by the Government of India, including law enforcement, to stem physical and sexual violence and hate speech in Manipur,” the experts said.

The experts welcomed the fact-finding mission conducted by lawyers and human rights defenders in Manipur and the follow-up by the Supreme Court of India on the situation in Manipur, though the response could have come in a timelier manner. They urged the Supreme Court to continue monitoring the response of the Government and other actors, with a focus on justice, accountability, and reparations. “We are also concerned about reported criminalization and harassment of human rights defenders documenting the cases,” they said.

They urged the Government to step up relief efforts to those affected and to take robust and timely action to investigate acts of violence and hold perpetrators to account, including public officials who may have aided and abetted the incitement of racial and religious hatred and violence.
(Source: UN special reporter)

Ato Kilonser Muivah 90th Birthday

  Honouring Thuingaleng Muivah's 90th Birthday and 60 Years of Unyielding Service to the Naga Nation Esteemed comrades, distinguished g...