Tuesday, May 30, 2023

HM arrived at Imp


Union Home Minister Amit Shah arrived at State capital Imphal

IMPHAL,29th May, 2023: THE  Hon’ble Union Minister of Home, Shri Amit Shah arrived at Imphal Airport on 29th May, 2023 at 9:20 pm and was received by Shri N. Biren Singh, Hon’ble Chief Minister, Manipur, Shri Nityainand Rai, Hon’ble Minister of State for Home, Shri Sambit Patra, National Spokesperson, BJP and cabinet ministers, Th. Biswajit Singh, Y. Khemchand Singh, Govindas Konthoujam, Th. Basanta Singh, Smt. A. Sharda Devi, President, BJP, Manipur, Vineet Joshi, Chief Secretary, Government of Manipur, Kuldip Singh, Security Advisor and DGP, Manipur.

From Imphal Airport the Home Minister Shri Amit Shah proceeded to the office of Chief Minister, Manipur and held a closed-door meeting with the Hon’ble Chief Minister, Manipur, Hon’ble Union Minister of State for Home, Council of Ministers, Shri Sambit Patra, National Spokesperson, BJP, Shri Ajay Kumar Bhalla, Secretary (Home), Government of India, Shri Tapan Kumar Deka, Director of Intelligence Bureau (DIB), Chief Secretary, Government of Manipur and Security Advisor. 

Detailed discussions were held from 9:40 pm to 10:45 pm at the Chief Minister’s Secretariat and the following decisions were taken:

To restore normalcy and bring peace to the State at the earliest, To take necessary action to improve the law-and-order situation and build confidence among the public,  to  expedite  relief measures and make essential items like petrol, LPG gas, rice and other daily requirements available to the common people. Compensation at the tune of (a) Rs.10.00 lakh (Rs.5.00 lakh to be borne by the State and Rs.5.00 lakh as Central share) to the deceased persons and (b) provision of one job to the family of the deceased persons.

Telephone lines with the help of BSNL will be installed to dispel rumours. 


Monday, May 29, 2023

RRAG urged HM for President's rule


Home Minister Amit Shah Urged To Impose President’s Rule In Manipur To Facilitate Inter-Community Dialogues

( HM Amit Shah)

UKHRULI, 29 May 2023: THE Rights and Risks Analysis Group (RRAG) today urged Union Home Minister Amit Shah, who is visiting Manipur from today, to consider imposing President’s rule in the State in view of the failure to bring the ethnic violence under control following the imposition of Article 355 on 6 May 2023. The clashes including burning of the houses continue as on date with the killing of five persons including a policeman yesterday.

In the ethnic violence that begun on 3 May 2023 following the protest of the Kuki tribals over the judgment of the High Court of Manipur on the grant of Scheduled Tribe status to the Meiteis, over 80 persons were killed while over 250 persons were injured. About 26,000 people have been internally displaced while another 50,000 people had to be relocated within their communities for safety.

“The ongoing military operations alone are not enough to douse the flames of ethnic violence. What requires is inter-community dialogues at all levels to establish trust and peace but the State government has not been able to initiate any inter-community dialogue as on date in the last one month. It does not seem to have acceptability to initiate such a process. This makes the case for the imposition of the President’s rule necessary as the Central government is seen as the only neutral and acceptable authority.”- stated Mr Suhas Chakma, Director of the RRAG.

“The relocation of about 50,000 people to safe places within their respective communities only exposes the collapse of the State structure to ensure the right to life of its citizens. The relocation of the people is reminiscent of the relocation of people during the partition of India in 1947. Seventy five years after the partition, the government of India cannot make the current relocation of people a permanent one and ought to act decisively to ensure that people can return to their homes wherever they were prior to the start of the ethnic violence.” – further stated Mr Chakma.

“There are limits of combing operations by the army and other para-military forces. If the measures to control ethnic violence become akin to the decades long counter-insurgency operations in the State, it abodes ill for all. The need of the hour is inter-community dialogues at all level to establish peace and mutual trust.” – also stressed Mr Chakma.

   ( Source : Agencies)

Jurnos union refunded


Journalists' unions refute allegations, urge reversal of ban on Manipur media

(Representational pic)

UKHRUL, 28 May'23:  The ban, imposed by four student organizations namely KSO, Churachandpur, Zomi Students Federation, Hmar Students Association, and Mizo Zirlai Pawl, has raised serious concerns among the journalist community.

In response to the recent ban imposed on media personnel and media houses in Manipur, the All Manipur Working Journalists Union (AMWJU), Editors Guild Manipur (EGM), and Manipur Hill Journalists Union (MHJU) have expressed deep concern and refuted the allegations of biasness leveled against the media.

The ban, imposed by four student organizations namely KSO, Churachandpur, Zomi Students Federation, Hmar Students Association, and Mizo Zirlai Pawl, has raised serious concerns among the journalist community. The AMWJU, EGM, and MHJU emphasize that it has always been the norm for organizations or individuals dissatisfied with media reporting to approach the respective unions for rectification, clarification, or any necessary corrections.

The journalist unions call upon the four student bodies to reconsider their decision and retract the blanket ban on media in Manipur, particularly in the capital city of Imphal. They assert that a ban of this nature indicates a deeper conspiracy rather than addressing any specific issues.

Furthermore, the AMWJU, EGM, and MHJU urge the four student organizations to submit case-wise instances of any articles or reporting, highlighting their concerns or discrepancies, to the respective media houses. This would allow for constructive dialogue, rectification, and clarification, ensuring fair and balanced journalism.

If the ban is not reversed, the journalist unions warn that they may be compelled to seek support from various national and international media bodies, including the Press Council of India (PCI) and the Central Government, to safeguard the freedom of speech and the movement of media personnel.

TNL condemns


TNL condemns Kwakethel Airport road incident

( Disown AK.Jhalajit Central Control room i/c for wrong press circulation)

TNL President QR.David K Shimray

The Dawn Tantak
UKHRUL,25 May'23:: THE apex body of  Tangkhul Naga Community - Tangkhul Naga Long ( TNL) has condemned the 24th May' 23 incident at Kwakeithel airport road near Asian hospital where four Tangkhul womens were physically and mentally assaulted by the alleged Meitei mob.

Tangkhul Naga Long (TNL), while condemning the unfortunate incident in Kwakeithel where four Tangkhul girls were physically and mentally assaulted on May 24 by an unruly mob near Asian Hospital, Imphal, has vowed to settle the issue through prevailing customary law of the Tangkhul community.

TNL had also rejected and condemned the press note dated May 24 issued by AK. Jhalajit Singh (IPS) i/c Central Control Room, 1st MR Banquet Hall, Manipur.

Speaking to the medias, President of TNL Qr.David K Shimray confirmed that the incident was true and pointed out that “circulation of press note issued by AK. Jhalajit Singh (IPS) is totally wrong”. “TNL would take up necessary actions against the officer AK. Jhalajit Singh (IPS) for circulating such press note and trying to cover up the whole incident. TNL has not entrusted or authorised any organisation to negotiate and settle the issue at hand”, he said.

Qr.David  further informed that the parents of the victims were with him and asserted that any settlement should be through TNL and as per Tangkhul Customary Law and added that the organisation will not negotiate with any organisation except the culprits.

Meanwhile, United Naga Council (UNC) has also vehemently condemns the “heinous crime committed” by the unruly mob to the four innocent girls.

While Naga Civil Society Organisations are constantly appealing for restoration of peace and normalcy in the state, worsening of law and order situation in Manipur in spite of the promulgation of 355 and frequent occurrence of arson, killing and harassment at sporadic places speaks volumes that the ‘Rule of Law’ is at a very low ebb, said UNC.

The oragnsiation further stated that the “ugly episode occurred in a broad day light” and went on to condemn “the ill-conceived motive of an organisation for dragging the name of the UNC in a press briefing aftermath the incident without the knowledge and consent of the Council”.

Tangkhul Welfare Society, Mumbai, had also issued a condemnation note and urged the concerned authority to look into the incident on priority and demanded for immediate arrest of the culprits and bring them to justice. Also, demanded that, AK. Jhalajit Singh should tender an official “apology press note” for circulating a cover-up letter.
It may be mentioned that AK Jhalajit Singh had issued a press note stating the incident as “It is absolutely false and there is no incident as such”, said the Tangkhul Welfare Society, Mumbai.
Tangkhul Katamnao Long Delhi, Tangkhul Katamnao Long Hyderabad, Tangkhul Naga Welfare Society Bengaluru, Tangkhul Katamnao Long Guwahati amd Tangkhul Katamnao Long Shillong has also issued a statement and has vehemently condemned the aggressive behavior of the culprits.

It may be mentioned that the Coordinating Committee on Manipur Integrity (COCOMI) has tendered an unqualified apology to the Tangkhul community and the four innocent girls who were reportedly harassed by the unruly mob. On a similar note, the World Meetei Council had also strongly condemned the incident stating that these people are the ones who jeopardise the fate of the land and the people.


Saturday, May 27, 2023

TNL submitted MeMo to PM

The Tangkhul Naga Long has submitted a Memorandum to the Prime Minister of India

UKHRUL,26th May'23


      The Hon‘ble Prime Minister, India New Delhi.

Through the Deputy Commissioner. Ukhrul District. Manipur.

Sub: Appeal for early conclusion of the Indo-Naga Peace Dialogue within the bilateral principles of the 3" August Indo-Naga Framework Agreement
recognizing “INTEGRATION, FLAG AND CONSTITUTION’ as the inalienable right of the Naga people.


I. the undersigned herein, on behalf of all the Tangkhul Naga commur ‘ty. are hereby once again obliged to make this urgent appeal for early conclusion o t e Indo-Naga Peace Dialogue within the bilateral principles of the 3° August Indo-Na_a Framework Agreement recognizing “INTEGRATION, FLAG AND CONSTITUTION” as. the inalienable right of the Naga people.

I hereby at the outset reaffirm the Camp-Hebron Resolution — 2005 in fu | reendorsement of the mandate given to the National Socialist Council of “aga im (NSCN-IM) to negotiate with the Government of India on behalf of the Naga peop e to resolve the Indo-Naga international armed conflict on the basis of the historical rights of the Naga nation and likewise, I hereby further reiterate our collective 3™ August Indo-Naga Framework Agreement. 2015 signed between
the Government of India and the National Socialist Council of Nagalim (NSCN-IM) and the bilateral principles of “Shared Sovereignty” and “co-existence of two entities’ as agreed thereupon.

May it be reminded that your government has made a promise to resolve the Indo-Naga political issue within 18 months to “mark not merely the end of a problem, but the beginning of a new future”.

May it also be reaffirmed herein that historically, the Nagas were never part of India or Burma (Myanmar), having never executed any document of accession or merger agreement with either of the two nations, and more so as Article 1 of the UN Charter calls on all nations to have “respect for the principle of equal rights and self determination of peoples” and the common Article 1of the International Covenant  on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). 1966 and the International Covenant  on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). 1966 ensures that “All people's have the right to self-determination. ”

Therefore, I the undersigned herein, on behalf of all the Tangkhul Naga community. is hereby once again obliged to make this crucial appeal as hereunder:
1. Early conclusion of the Indo-Naga Peace Dialogue within the bilateral principles of the 3 August Indo-Naga Framework Agreement recognizing “INTEGRATION. FLAG AND CONSTITUTION” as the inalienable right of the Naga people: and

2. In the meantime, no form of “separate administration” shall be imposed on any of the districts or areas under the jurisdiction of Tangkhul Naga Long.

David K Shimray
President, TNL

Monday, May 1, 2023

Bon Jovi tribute to Rock at ShiRock 2023


UK base  Bon Jovi tribute band and Israel- Orphaned Land to perform on ShiRocK 2023

The Dawn Tantak
UKHRUL:  THE 5th Edition of  State level "Shirui Lily Fest 2023" is rolling up it sleeve to bring its glory and majestic hue and this time round  ShiRock 2023 is all set to be headlined by two international bands; Israel's "Orphaned Land" and Bon Jovi's tribute band “Bon
Giovi" from the United Kingdom.

Come May , the rock festival of this year will be performe by two International bands a UK-based Bon Jovi tribute band and Tel Aviv-Israel base  Orphaned Land to rock at ShiRock  2023 .


ShiRocK is one of the major entertainment held annually in Ukhrul
town as part of the state-level Shirui
Lily Festival and this year the event management will be managed by 7
Sisters Foundation.

According to a highly-placed
source, 7 Sisters Foundation has
made all necessary arrangements
to bring in the two international
bands to perform on the grand opening
and closing day of the forthcoming
ShiRock festival, which is scheduled to be held on  May 17-20.

Official sources disclosed that the organisers have already confirmed all flights and other arrangements for "Bon Giovi" and their Visa  has also been secured.  Bon Giovi  will open the rock festival on the inaugural day that is on May 17.

The sources furthrer informed that  the advance payments for both the international bands have been completed and the rest of the payments for the other local bands are also getting done.

                        'Orphaned Land'

Nevertheless, all that is now left to be done is to get the Visa for' 'Orphaned Land'", who will be playing to close out the musical festival on May 20.it is expected that everything will be sorted by Monday or  Tuesday,it added.

According to the source, the 7 sisters foundation being the event manager, has already incurred expenses of over Rs 35 lakh from their pocket as the state government has  not sanctioned any funds for the festival till date.

From flight tickets and Visa applications to making bookings for
the two international bands, and
others, the event organisers have
taken care of, keeping in mind the
fast-approaching date of the festival. This is because they simply cannot afford to wait for the allocated funds from the government,"it said.

Orphaned Land Tel Aviv ,Israel

Meanwhile, countdown to the rock festival of the year is all set to roll as the opening day of the rock festival will kick off with spectacular performances from local bands.

The Family Band (Imphal), 1 BHK
(Ukhrul, 2022's runners-up) and
one more band which is yet to be
named.These bands will play ahead of
the headliner"Bon Giovi".

On May 18, the Local Night events will be invigorated by the performance of Pune-based Zyphertone band ahead of the headliner"Bon Giovi"and on May 19, there will be a line-up of various bands from all over the country such as Still Water (Sikkim), Agni (Mumbai), Inner Sanctum (Bangalore),  and also Rajesh
Nepali (Kathmandu).

Finally, on May 20, the festival will come to a crescendo with performance by   Featherheads (Ukhrul), Arogya (Assam), Gingerfeet (Kolkata), Rosy K and Band(  Mizoram),   CLEAVE ( Manipur), and many more bands followed by the head-liner-"Orphaned Land ".

Actress Andrea


The 68th edition of the Filmfare Awards was held at the Jio World Convention Centre in Mumbai on Thursday (April 27) evening.

Actress Andrea Kevichusa from Nagaland has bagged the Best Debut (Female) award at the Filmfare Awards 2023 for her performance in the movie ‘Anek’.

Anek is an action thriller film written and directed by Anubhav Sinha. Andrea played the role of Aido in the film that featured Ayushmann Khurrana in the lead role.

On Friday (April 28), Andrea Kevichusa shared a picture from the Filmfare Awards stage on Instagram, in which she can be seen posing with her trophy. The picture also features Salman Khan and Maniesh Paul, who hosted the award show on Thursday night.

"BEYOND grateful!! I had the honour of being awarded the Best Debut Female at the 68th Hyundai @filmfare Awards 2023 for my role as Aido in Anek," she wrote in her caption.

"Thank you to all the people involved in the making of the film! I am indebted to everyone for all the support I have received on this journey," she added.

Meanwhile, Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Gangubai Kathiawadi and Harshavardhan Kulkarni's Badhaai Do were among the big winners at the 68th Filmfare Awards.

Gangubai Kathiawadi won awards in 10 categories including Best Film, Best Director and Best Actress.

Lifetime Achievement Award: Prem Chopra

Best Music Album: Pritam for Brahmastra: Part One - Shiva

Best Lyrics: Amitabh Bhattacharya for Kesariya from Brahmastra: Part One - Shiva

Best Playback Singer (Male): Arijit Singh for Kesariya from Brahmastra: Part One - Shiva

Best Playback Singer (Female): Kavita Seth for Rangisari from Jug Jugg Jeeyo

RD Burman Award for Upcoming Music Talent: Jahnvi Shrimankar for Dholida from Gangubai Kathiawadi

Best VFX: DNEG and Redefine for Brahmastra: Part One - Shiva

Best Editing: Ninad Khanolkar for An Action Hero

Best Costume Design: Sheetal Sharma for Gangubai Kathiawadi

Best Production Design: Subrata Chakraborty and Amit Ray for Gangubai Kathiawadi

Best Sound Design: Bishwadeep Dipak Chatterjee for Brahmastra: Part One - Shiva

Best Background Score: Sanchit Balhara and Ankit Balhara for Gangubai Kathiawadi

Best Choreography: Kruti Mahesh for Dholida from Gangubai Kathiawadi

Best Cinematography: Sudeep Chatterjee for Gangubai Kathiawadi

Best Action: Parvez Shaikh for Vikram Vedh.

Ato Kilonser Muivah 90th Birthday

  Honouring Thuingaleng Muivah's 90th Birthday and 60 Years of Unyielding Service to the Naga Nation Esteemed comrades, distinguished g...