Sunday, September 18, 2022

NSCN IM - CCoNpI meet

After meet with CCoNPI, NSCN (I-M) to resume talks

DIMAPUR 18th Sep' 2022: CONTRARY to the stand that official negotiations had concluded on October 31, 2019, the NSCN (I-M) has agreed to “resume talks” based on the “formulation of papers” submitted to the Government of India and based on the Framework Agreement signed on August 3, 2015.

This significant revelation was made by UDA chairman and CCoNPI co-convenor TR Zeliang to media persons after the two-and-half hour closed door meeting held between Core Committee on Naga Political Issue (CCoNPI) and the NSCN (I-M) at Rhododendron Hall, Police Complex, Chümoukedima on Saturday.

Zeliang said NSCN(I-M) has agreed to resume talks after the CCoNPI had made the request. He said NSCN (I-M) agreed to resume talks on the condition that “the talks should be based on the Framework Agreement and the formulation papers submitted by both RN Ravi and AK Mishra altogether.”

In this regard, NSCN (I-M) delegation will be leaving for Delhi on Monday and discuss some unresolved matters with the officials of the Government of India Tuesday.

According to media reports, a Central team was working on a new set of ‘formulation papers’ which would include both new and old set of offers so as to facilitate inking of a final peace pact at the earliest.

Zeliang said the NSCN (I-M) delegation’s contention was that they were unhappy with Centre’s representative AK Mishra for “omitting some of the important political points which was included in the formulation papers” earlier prepared by then Interlocutor RN Ravi.

He said no new issues were discussed at Saturday’s meeting except whatever was conveyed to the committee by Amit Shah on September 12 and that the same was conveyed to NSCN (I-M) members. Zeliang said the committee had planned to meet with the prime minister in Delhi but that he directed the Home minister to meet the Core Committee.
Saturday’s meeting comes barely a week after Union Home minister Amit Shah had advised the CCoNPI to impress upon the NSCN (I-M) on signing the final agreement.

Zeliang also clarified that the role of CCoNPI was to act as facilitators and to “convey the feeling of Nagas and the feeling of government of India to the negotiators” adding they were in no way involved with the negotiation.

When asked whether solution can be expected before the upcoming Assembly elections, Zeliang said that would entirely depend on both the NSCN (I-M) and Government of India on whether they were ready to sign the final agreement before the elections. As for WC/NNPGs, Zeliang said they are prepared to sign the final agreement any time.
It was also learnt that the NSCN (I-M) members were also given a copy of the July 16, 2022 resolution adopted by the Core Committee.

Ball in GoI’s court’

Meanwhile, talking to the media, NSCN (I-M) member collective leadership, Rh Raising made it clear that the ball was in the court of the Government of India and not CCoNPI or the NSCN (I-M).

“It is they (GoI) who are to decide. We have been waiting for their response,” Raising stated.

When asked to comment on Government of India’s directive to CCoNPI to convince NSCN (I-M) on signing the final agreement, Raising said “It is in the process. It has to be settled in the table between Government of India and the NSCN (I-M) not here.”

The 11-member NSCN (I-M) team included members of the collective leadership– Rh Raising, TT Among, Kraibo Chawang, K K Angami, VikiyeAwomi, Chuba Pongen, Kimong Lowang, ‘maj’. (Retd) Hutovi Chishi, Akhah Konyak; Indo-Naga Peace Talk coordinator and Naga army chief Anthony Ningkhan Shimray and secretary Indo-Naga Peace Talk Wungmaring Zimik. The
CCoNPI delegation comprising of 20 members led by convenor and chief minister Neiphiu Rio included co-convenors– deputy CM Y Patton, UDA chairman T.R. Zeliang and UDA co-chairman & NPF legislature party leader Kuzholuzo (Azo) Neinu, member secretary Neiba Kronu and members– S. Pangnyu Phom, G Kaito Aye, Metsubo Jamir, KashihoSangtam, Paiwang Konyak, Jacob Zhimomi, Mmhonlumo Kikon, H Haiying, Imkong L Imchen, Chotisuh Sazo, Dr. K Ngangshi, KezhienyiKhalo, Muthingnyuba Sangtam, Yitachu and Rajya Sabha MP S Phangnon Konyak.
(Source NP)

Thursday, September 15, 2022

CcoNpH to meet NSCN IM

CCoNPI to meet NSCN-IM leaders after September 22

      (NSCN I -M Ato Kilonser Qr TH.Muivah)


DIMAPUR,14th September 2022: WITH the Centre having made it clear that the onus is on the NSCN-IM to end the stalemate and ensure an early inking of a peace pact, the Core Committee on Naga Political Issue (CCoNPI ), led by Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio, is likely to meet the militant leaders after Sept 22.

Sources said the much expected meeting will take place after September 22 wherein the Naga delegation of legislators and Ministers will share with the ultra leaders on what transpired at the meeting between the State delegation and Union Home Minister Amit Shah on September 12, Monday, at New Delhi.
“The meeting will take place after the Assembly session that ends on September 22”, a source said.

In the September 12 meeting, Home Minister Shah told the Naga delegation that they are approaching the “wrong man”, when Chief Minister Rio and others were trying to impress upon the Government of India to expedite the peace process.

During the interaction wherein two Naga leaders “were most vocal” the issue of extortion also figured prominently.

The reference was made to the recent data revealed by the National Crime Bureau that the State of Nagaland tops the list of States for extortion and related offence. “People are fed up of extortion in the name of peace process”, several Naga leaders insisted.

With regards to the Flag and a separate Naga constitution, Shah was yet again categorical, *“Woh baat nahi karna (Please do not raise these two issues)”*.
The Home Minister said, *“You ask for anything else, we are there with you.”*

According to sources, Shah, in a lighter vein, reportedly also said, *“One senior militant leader is from Manipur”*. Obviously this was in reference to the powerful general secretary of NSCN-IM Thuingaleng Muivah.

Sources claimed the Core Committee would also be keen to meet NNPG convener N Kitovi Zhimomi and other leaders of the umbrella organisation.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Stalled Parleys with NSCN-IM

Stalled parleys with NSCN-IM 'revived'; Jamir wants MLAs to quit en masse*

TDT Sep'10,2022
NEW DELHI: There is a critical and significant forward movement in Naga peace talks. Representatives and officials of the Central Government recently visited the Northeast, including Guwahati and Shillong, and the stalled talks between the NSCN-IM and the Centre have been revived.

The Central team is now working on a new set of Formulation Papers which would include a new and old set of offers to facilitate the inking of a final peace pact at the earliest.

The ball will soon be in the court of militant groups, including the NSCN-IM, whose raising of demands for a separate Naga flag and a constitution, had practically stalled the peace parleys since October 2019.

A top military commander from the group, which initiated ceasefire and peace talks in 1997, is involved in these crucial and final rounds of discussions.

The Centre is more than keen and is already running the 'extra mile to achieve the destination of peace, solution and development for Nagas.

"Elections or no elections, the focus is on the Formulation Papers. It's refreshing...," a source claimed.

Nagaland is inching ahead towards the next Assembly elections by February-March 2023 along with two other northeastern states of Tripura and Meghalaya.

While the BJP heads a coalition regime with a tribal-based party in Tripura, it is a junior partner to regional parties NPP in Meghalaya and NDPP in Nagaland.

A delegation of Nagaland legislators and Ministers led by Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio is camping in Delhi to 'push for expediting' the peace process and arriving at an early solution.

Rio and his delegation held a meeting with AK Mishra, the peace emissary on behalf of the Centre. Sources are tightlipped on what transpired at the meeting between the Naga delegation and Mishra.

"We know how to keep some secrets... In the national interest, the secrets have been kept secret. However, there is no second opinion that every Naga of the state of Nagaland wants a final solution. They, however, complain about the deliberate delay in peace parleys," a source said.

In quite an interesting turn of events, one leader of the Naga People's Movement for Human Rights (NPMHR) has blamed the Centre for delaying and almost derailing the peace process.

As the Government abrogated Article 370 and took away the Kashmir flag and constitution... "A message went around deliberately or otherwise that no other state or region can have a separate Flag. Here comes the 'Nagaland issue' and thus this linking between Kashmir Policy and Naga issue was not a wise thing to do," the NPMHR leader said.

The Centre has rejected the twin demands for the Naga constitution and the flag.

Nationalists among Naga leaders like SC Jamir, a former Governor to Maharashtra and Gujarat, told this journalist: "There is no need for another Constitution within the Indian Constitution."

The 91-year-old Jamir, who has personally met PM Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah earlier this year says: "All issues have been discussed and finalized since 2019 and now we are only waiting for a solution."

Reviving the peace talks between the Centre and the NSCN-IM is certainly a positive sign and it will expedite the peace process.

The NNPG, an umbrella organization of seven militant groups, led by N Kitovi Zhimomi is already keen on signing a peace pact.

This umbrella group maintains Peace and solution pact should get priority as Nagas have suffered enough and are now longing for peace and development.

Jamir also insists further delay may not be good either for India's security or for the Nagas too.

"Why should it be delayed in the final implementation? For how long will the people of Nagaland be taken for a ride? For how long will they be pawns in the hands of the political people, underground and other anti-social elements? How long will the people of Nagaland remain cut off from the rest of the nation?" he says.

"For how long the youth of Nagaland will rot in poverty and despair when their counterparts are leading a drastically a different life in the rest of the country," Jamir wrote in another and a most recent article published in Nagaland newspapers on September 9.

The veteran leader, who has worked with all Indian Prime Ministers since 1947, further says: "The MLAs are morally obliged to step aside to 'facilitate' a solution — something they have pledged. But almost proving the old phrase, 'Promises are made to be broken', our legislators have not done it so far. They should do it at the earliest. This is the moment of history — to make sacrifices. Mr Chief Minister, are you ready for it?" (IANS)

Thursday, September 8, 2022

UNC Reiterates New dist oppose ADC elec

 UNC Reiterates demand for Rollback of New Districts

( Oppose conduct of  ADC Election in newly created districts) 

(Representational pic)

The Dawn Tantak Bureau
Sep' 7,2022:.  THE presidential meeting of the United Naga Council (UNC) held at Imphal on September 7 reiterated demands for rollback of the newly created districts in Manipur.
Based on this position, *the UNC said that it will oppose the conduct of “separate ADC elections in the new districts under any circumstances.”

Further, the UNC meeting “outrightly rejected the 6th and 7th Amendment of the Manipur(Hill Areas) District Council Bill, 2022.”

In a statement the UNC said, “Today’s United Naga Council (UNC) emergency presidential council meeting held in Imphal reiterated the position of the Naga people on newly created districts of December 8, 2016 and it also outrightly rejected the 6th and 7th Amendment of the Manipur(Hill Areas) District Council Bill, 2022.” In regards to the creation of new district(s), the UNC said that the Government of Manipur and the Naga people have signed 4 Memoranda of Understandings(MoUs) on December 14, 1981, November 10, 1992, September 27, 1996 and June 23, 1998 and also the intervention of the Government of India on  November 24, 2011 that all stakeholders including Naga body(s) who would be affected by such creation would be consulted._

The spirit of signing the MoUs and the intervention of the Government of India is that the “Naga people would be consulted while creating new district(s).” While Nagas are upholding the MoUs and respecting the intervention of the Government of India, the UNC alleged that the Government of Manipur treacherously created 7 new districts on December 8, 2016. In response, a ‘Naga Consultative Meet’ was held on December 12, 2016 at Tahamzam (Senapati) and resolved to “roll back newly created 7 districts.” In this connection, the UNC said that the Naga people imposed 139 days of economic blockade. 

The UNC lifted the economic blockade in the meeting of ‘tripartite talk’ among the Government of India, the Government of Manipur and the representatives of United Naga Council on March 19, 2017 at Senapati headquarters after agreeing that “the grievances of the United Naga Council which led to the imposition of economic blockade by them was recognized as there was no adherence to the four Memoranda of Understanding and the Government of India’s assurance on the matter. The Government of Manipur agrees to start consultation with all stakeholders to redress the same.” Since then, there have been 9 rounds of inconclusive ‘tripartite talks’ at political level, the UNC also said.

Therefore, the decision of the UNC taken on December 12, 2016 to roll back the newly created districts still stands. And also, UNC will oppose the conduct of separate ADC elections in the newly created districts under any circumstances,” the UNC added

UNC expect nothing from Hill MLAs

UNC expect nothing from Hill  MLAs : Kho John

SENAPATI,3th Sep''2022: THE  United Naga Council (UNC) has asserted that it does not expect anything from the 20 MLAs elected from the hill districts including the five MLAs of the Naga People’s Front (NPF).

UNC president Kho John said that all the 20 MLAs including the five NPF MLAs have become puppets of Chief Minister N Biren.

The UNC was thinking that the Biren Government may carry out the State administration in a very peaceful manner and the Government was asked through the NPF Manipur State unit president not to take up any sensitive issue, Kho John said.

Notably, the NPF was set up with the purported objective of fighting for the Naga issue through political means.

The State Government and Naga leaders signed four MoUs on the creation of new districts and it was agreed that all stakeholders including Naga bodies should be consulted before any new district was created for it would affect the Naga people.

In spite of these MoUs, the State Government created seven new districts on December 8, 2016.

The Naga people responded by holding a consultative meeting on December 12 the same year and resolved that the decision of creating the seven new districts should be rolled back, the UNC president recalled.  

This was followed by a prolonged economic blockade. Afterward, a tripartite talk was held among the Government of India, Government of Manipur and the UNC.

The tripartite talk arrived  at an understanding which said, “The grievances of the United Naga Council  which led to the imposition of economic blockade by them was recognised as there was no adherence to the four MoUs and the Government of India’s assurance on the matter. The Government of Manipur agrees to start consultation with all stakeholders to redress the same.”

The prolonged economic blockade imposed by the Naga people was lifted on the same day the tripartite talk was held and it was the 139th day of the blockade, Kho John recalled.

Since then there have been nine rounds of political tripartite talks.

The tripartite talk was suspended/halted from 2019 following the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Although the tripartite talk was suspended, the Naga consultative meeting’s resolution “roll back newly created seven districts” still stands, Kho John said.

After N Biren was sworn in as the Chief Minister of Manipur for the second consecutive term, the State Government made arrangements to hold a Cabinet meeting at Kamjong.

As the same arrangement was akin to legitimising the newly created districts, the UNC directed the Tangkhul Naga Long (TNL) not to allow any Cabinet meeting at Kamjong.Nonetheless, the Chief Minister and Cabinet Ministers went to Kamjong on January 15, 20021 in the name of Go to Village and Go to Hills and they also held a Cabinet meeting there.

The UNC appealed to the State Government to annul the Cabinet meeting of January 15. Subsequently, the UNC has been discouraging the Government’s Go to Village and Go to Hills since May 1 last year, Kho John said.

Creation of Jiribam district and Sadar Hills district was something demanded by the people. However, UNC raised strong objection to the creation of Sadar Hills district.The other new districts which were not demanded by the people were created coercively and it was an imposition upon the people, the UNC president said.

The Government’s preparation to hold ADC elections in all the 10 hill districts and carry out delimitation in the newly created hill districts goes against the people’s wish and the UNC would not accept it, he said. As per the District Council Act, each ADC should have 26 members including two nominees but none of the newly created district has the capacity to elect 24 Members.

However, the Government has been working to elect three Members in Pherzawl, eight Members in Kamjong, 12 Members in Tengnoupal, 16 Members in Ukhrul, 21 Members in Churachandpur, 12 Members in Chandel, nine Members in Noney  and 15 Members in Tamenglong after amending the District Council Act, Kho John continued.

Pointing out that the number of ADC Members are not uniform for all the districts, the UNC president questioned the Government’s intention of holding ADC election in the district which has just 500 voters. Such things are unprecedented in India, he remarked.

Regardless of whether the District Council Act is amended or not, the UNC will oppose holding ADC election under the existing situation. Such arrangement is unheard of in any part of the North East and the whole of India, he added.

Sunday, September 4, 2022

NPF Chief

 We will wake up on time, says NPF Chief on withdrawing support to Rio

(“Our Peace Mission was hijacked by MLAs”  :   Shurhozelie)

KOHIMA,1st Sep'2022:. THE NPF is very much aware of the reality of Naga politics and the limitations of the so-called opposition-less Government.

But “as a people’s party”, the regional outfit will “wake up on time”.

“Do not worry…we will wake up on time”, NPF president Shurhozelie told Nagaland Page in the state capital when asked to comment whether his party will soon withdraw its support to the Neiphiu Rio Government.

He claimed under the present complexities, the NPF is unable to ‘withdraw support’ all of a sudden as he had personally endorsed the MLAs extend support to the Rio-led Government for ensuring a consensus approach to bring an early solution to the Naga problem.

“I had allowed them ~ the NPF legislators ~ to be part of the opposition-less regime in 2021 for political reason. So it is natural I give them some time…Again, earlier this year, 21 MLAs from my party defected to NDPP. All these are into play, so I am taking time…but we will do our part sincerely”, the former Chief Minister said.

Shurhozelie claimed his party’s Political Affairs Committee, headed by former CM TR Zeliang, had done a commendable job in terms of bringing NNPG and NSCN-IM into some agreement in principle to ensure an early signing of a peace pact.

“But we are so unlucky…we were about to host a dinner meeting for key leaders in both camps ~ NSCN-IM and NNPG ~ for agreeing to come together….but other circumstances prevailed. My MLAs hijacked party organization’s agenda and Peace Mission. They fell for being part of opposition-less Government. Who or what influenced such a move, is something I will not dwell on now”, Shurhozelie said.

However, a key political source told this newspaper that the regional chieftain’s claim is little far-fetched.

Answering a question, he asserted that unless two principal stakeholders ~ the NNPG and NSCN-IM ~ agree to the Government of India and sign a pact jointly, a lasting peace is not possible.

As of now, we are not very optimistic but we don’t want to give up hoping…,” the veteran regionalist remarked.

“Of course, we made forward movement…but when MLAs insisted on being part of opposition-less Government; I was embarrassed. I don’t complain”, the NPF chief said.

He said as a committed regionalist he is firm about an honourable solution and for a solution which is acceptable and inclusive.

But, there is a twist, “when I say inclusive solution, my detractors say, I am supporting Muivah…this is not true.”

Therefore, he said the NPF has repeated more than once that no “piece meal” solution will be accepted. “Such a thing will result in bloodshed yet again. So, we say we want one solution and one agreement. If the Government of India wants separate agreements and still ensure peace, we can support.”

On the issue of Flag and Constitution as demanded by NSCN-IM, he said, “I have discussed things with former Governor RN Ravi and others…Even Government of India said a Constitution within Constitution is not acceptable…so they said Yezabo, but now that has also hit roadblock.”

Talking about NPF’s future and past politics, he said the story of Naga politics is always incomplete without the journey of regionalism ~ whether UFN, UDF, NNDP and NPC or NPF.

“Once we blamed Government of India for our people’s suffering. We were not wrong; but today we have to make a judgment in a right perspective without shifting blame to others”, he said

(Source: NP)

2 Retired Mec Eng under CBI

 Two Retired Mechanical engineers under CBI scanner on corruption charges re-engaged for civil engineering works at MOBEDs

IMPHAL, Sept 2,2022: CHIEF Minister N. Biren Singh's promises to root out corruption appear to be another joke as Mechanical engineers who have been retired from MDS and who are under CBI scanner for corruption charges are re-engaged for MOBEDs (the engineering cell of MOBC) which is supposed to be filled by Civil engineers. As per an official notification by the former Chief Engineer of PWD (L) Binoykumar Singh, Civil works of construction of Buildings, Roads, and bridges are normally designed and executed by Civil engineers only. The notification was issued in 1999 and is still valid.

On the other hand, there have been numerous rulings of the High court and also decision of the state cabinet not to re-engage or extend service for those who are retired. Above all these, student organisation like AMSU had appealed not to extend service or re-engage on June 26 this year and this appeared in many newspapers of the state.

 However, in spite of all these, the present BJP-led government of the state is re-engaging and extending the service of retired engineers in various Engineering Departments, Societies and Corporations and giving them full-time employment. It is not clear under which criteria, the retired engineers are being re-engaged. It is worth mentioning that the present Chief Minister of Manipur had time and again vowed to root out corruption from the state in various public meetings and press meet and even went to the extent that, even his family members will not be spared if found involved in corrupt practices.

The Engineering Cell of Manipur Minorities & OBC Economic development society (MOBEDS) which is under the Directorate for Welfare of Other Backward Classes and Scheduled Castes has the Chief Minister as the Chairman, Secretary to the CM as Vice-Chairman and Director of Minority Affairs, OBCS, and SCs, Government of Manipur as Member Secretary. A retired Additional Chief Engineer from the erstwhile Irrigation and Flood Control Department, currently known as Water Resources department has been re-engaged as a Chief Engineer, MOBEDS since 2019. The said re-engaged Engineer is a close relative of the present Secretary to the CM and Vice Chairman of MOBEDS, raising the question and doubt of corruption, favouritism, and nepotism. Above all these, services of certain employees (Engineers) of Manipur Development Society (MDS) which has an ongoing case by the CBI are being utilised. Two retired Engineer officers (EO) and one retired Surveyor of Works(SW) of MDS are currently re-engaged with MOBEDS. Different civil construction works are being undertaken by MOBEDS under MSP, PMJKV, and other centrally Sponsored schemes of Minority Affairs, Government of India, and most interesting of them all are the civil construction of Sadhbavna Mandap, Model Residential School, School Buildings, Boys and Girls Hostel in different districts of both Hill and valley region of the state. What is most intriguing is that the Executive Engineer (EE) who are re-engaged to execute and supervise all these numerous civil constructions happens to be Mechanical Engineer instead of a Civil Engineer. It may be worth questioning why the Member Secretary and Chief Engineer are silent over this matter of re-engaging a Mechanical Engineer as an EE for supervising these projects which cost crores of rupees. In the event of an unfortunate event arising out from technical defects, who will be held responsible and accounted for, is the finger going to be pointed towards Chairman or Vice-Chairman or the Member Secretary?

Nowhere in other Engineering Cell of other Manipur Government departments like the Public Works Department (PWD), Water Resources, Public Health and Engineering Department (PHED) and Minor Irrigation(MI) engage Mechanical Engineers to supervise and execute Civil construction works. It is worth mentioning that every developmental project and work taken up should be done for the welfare of the public, not in the self

ATSuM sticks to ADC Bill


ATSUM sticks to ADC Bill, submits Memo to Guv

IMPHAL, 1st,Sep' 2022:  REAFFIRMING  the pledge taken in its 2nd General Assembly on July 15 last at Haipi village in Kangpokpi district, the All Tribal Students’ Union Manipur (ATSUM) and its federating units apprised the Governor of two pertinent matters through a memorandum.

The tribal student’s apex body urged the Governor for immediate withdrawal of the Manipur (Hill Areas) District Council (Sixth Amendment) Bill 2022, which has now become an Act, as it is ‘not a Money Bill’.

Secondly, it urged the Governor for convening a ‘Special Session’ of the Manipur Legislative Assembly to table and discuss the Manipur (Hill Areas) Autonomous District Council Bill, 2021.

The memorandum signed by ATSUM President Paotinthang Lupheng and General Secretary SR. Andria highlighted “non-reference of Manipur (Hill Areas) District Council (Sixth Amendment) Bill, 2022 to the Hill Areas Committee by deceitfully presenting it as a Money Bill, contrary to the provisions of the Indian Constitution and for convening a Special Session of the House to table and discuss the Manipur (Hill Areas) Autonomous District Council Bill 2021” as the subject.

ATSUM stated that the memorandum was submitted to prevent the violation of the special provisions provided under the Indian Constitution for the protection of hill areas of the State of Manipur.

While apprising the Governor, ATSUM stated that the Government of Manipur has tried to bypass the acts/provisions envisaged for safeguarding the interests of peoples of the hill areas by passing of a Bill  wholly affecting and relating to the hill areas of State of Manipur, i.e. the Manipur (Hill Areas) District Council (Sixth Amendment) Bill, 2022 (Bill No. 15 of 2022) as a money Bill despite the fact that the amendments passed in the Bill does not deal with any tax, money from the contingency fund of the State, declaration of any expenditure from the Consolidated Fund of the State i.e. matters spelt out in the definition of  Money Bills in Article 199 of the Indian Constitution.

The Bill is the exact copy of the Manipur (Hill Areas) District Councils (Sixth Amendment) Ordinance, 2021 amending the Manipur (Hill Areas) District Councils Act, 1971 (Act No.76 of 1971) which was placed before the Hill Areas Committee for consideration as per the law and which the HAC refused to entertain but eventually the same was withdrawn by the Government of Manipur itself in the year 2021, it stated.

It also stated that during the recently concluded Assembly session, the same ordinance was masqueraded as a money Bill and presented in the House in order to bypass the requirement of placing it before the HAC.

As per the provisions of Manipur Legislative Assembly (Hill Areas Committee) Order, 1972 (Presidential Order of 1972), read with Article 371C of the Constitution of India, every Bill other than a Money Bill affecting the hill areas of Manipur be referred to the HAC for consideration and only on being recommended by the HAC it may be passed by the Assembly, the memorandum stated.  

While highlighting a brief factual matrix of the provisions affecting Manipur, ATSUM stated that in the year 1971 Article 371C was inserted in the Indian Constitution by way of the Constitution (Twenty-seventh Amendment) Act, 1971.

Article 371C provides for special provision with respect to the State of Manipur. As per Article 371C, the President was empowered to issue an order with respect to the State of Manipur, providing for the constitution and functioning of a committee of the Legislative Assembly of the State consisting of Members of that Assembly elected only from the Hill Areas of Manipur. The Constitution (Twenty-seventh Amendment) Act, 1971 was brought into effect on February 15, 1972, it maintained.

On March 13, 1972, the Parliament passed the Manipur (Hill Areas) District Councils Act, 1971 (1971 Act) [which is being amended herein by the Bill i.e. Bill No.15 of 2022] providing for establishment of District Councils in the Hill Areas of Manipur. The 1971 Act has been amended several times, one of them being in the year 2008, the present operational Act, it stated.

On June 20, 1972, the President of India in exercise of the powers conferred under Article 371C of the Constitution of India, passed the Manipur Legislative Assembly (Hill Areas Committee) Order, 1972 (Presidential Order of 1972). The Presidential Order of 1972 provided for the constitution of the Hill Areas Committee and also listed down the matters that shall fall within the purview of the Hill Areas Committee, it stated.

Ato Kilonser Muivah 90th Birthday

  Honouring Thuingaleng Muivah's 90th Birthday and 60 Years of Unyielding Service to the Naga Nation Esteemed comrades, distinguished g...