Tuesday, November 23, 2021

'ME' Know your candidate released

Mission Ukhrul Know your candidate booklet of Ram Muivah released with much fan fare

( I have a sesnse of vision to transform Ukhrul  as the Jerusalem of Manipur: Ram Muivah) 

Qr. Ram Muivah IAS (Retd.) 


UKHRUl, Nov'23, 2021:  A WELL knitted book  entitled, " Mission Ukhrul" Know your candidate of Ram (Ramnganing) Muivah was released at 25° degree North Hotel Phungreitang, Ukhrul here on Tuesday.

Father Gabriel, Parish priest of Sacred Heart Hungpung officially released the booklet with prayerful praise. 

Speaking at the launching event of "Know Your Candidate" retired North East Council Secretary, Ramnganing Muivah said that his main purpose to contest in the coming state general election is to serve the people. 

Elaborating on his 'Mission Ukhrul and Know Your Candidate'  objective, Ram Muivah said, "Elders know me however as many youngsters donot know know me 'Know Your Candidate' was introduced in the public domain with the sole intent to know each other and build a better relationship with the youths, and not to blow my own triumphant and gain benefits for myself."

I want to dedicate the rest of my life for the people, he said while unveiling his Mission Ukhrul objective, he said, "My mission is to make Ukhrul the Jerusalem of Manipur. I want to dedicate the rest of my life for the people." 

To realise the Mission Ukhrul dream, education is the key because it is the anti-dote to poverty. Quality school should be opened in every nook and corner of Ukhrul district. 

The intending NPF candidate of 44- Ukhrul, Ram Muivah also call for promotion of startup and entrepreneur ship. "There are many educated youths in the district but they don't have the opportunity. Startup is the key." 

Making Ukhrul as India's tourism destination could bring rich dividends for the people especially the youths as it would open floodgates of employment and usher revenue for the people thereby improving the livelihoods of the people. 

He further said that Ukhrul which is home to myriads of flora and fauna and many enchanting places could emerge as the tourists destination of India. 

To make and develop Ukhrul a "smart city" is also my mission. 

The retired NEC secretary who had served as government servant for 35 years in various capacities as Additional Chief Secretary of Manipur, Principal Secretary, Joint Secretary and Chief Vigilance Officer,  Director and Joint Secretary in the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Urban Development said that womenfolk should be empower. "Being a patriarchal society, there are many areas where we look down on women. This mindset needs to be changed in keeping with the change."

Commenting on the HAC recommended ADC Bill 2021, Ram said that meaningful autonomy should be granted to the tribals of Manipur as it is their legitimate rights guaranteed under the constitution of India. "Whoever got elected in the coming state election should work for implementation of the same." 

Father Gabriel

He further stated that district council should be strengthen. 

The retired IAS, Ram Muivah while stressing on the essence of media pitch for strong media saying that the impartial media could bring better governance. Media as a watch dog and mirror of society could put a check on corruption and ensure accountability.

Manager of the 'Aja Daily'  a Tangkhul daily news while wishing the intending NPF candidate his best wishes said that Ram Muivah has contributed much for the development of the community. "Among the bureaucrats of the community, the works he had taken up is quite visible."

The programme was attended by UADC Caretaker chairman Dr. Yaronsho Ngalung, Qr. Wungnaoyo Shimzingwo Hunphun Village authority members, Dr.Felix, renown Tangkhul writer Chihanpam Sareo,  and well wishers.

Tashar Chanhong meet


Interactive meeting with Qr. Ram Muivah, IAS(Retd.) former NEC secretary held at Tashar & Chanhong village

(Deliver more than the promise that is Tangkhul traditional: Ram Muivah) 


UKHRUL, Nov'22, 2021:   Naga People's Front(NPF) intending candidate for Ukhrul 44-Assembly Constituency Qr. Ram (Ramnganing) Muivah had a
Marathon interactive meeting session with Tushar and Canhong village on Monday.

I thought of having a low profile and small interactive meeting with the village authority but seeing the huge turn up and arrangements from the village concerns made me sartled and I am hubled profoundly said Ram Muivah.

Ram further stated that after my retirement from NEC many offered for job in centre and abroad but i honestly decline because I have a vision to serve the people, a mission to transform Ukhrul. Yes, God is merciful enought to bless me more than i deserve and now I want to give back my gratitude to the Almighty God by serving the people under any circumstances, he adds.

'Deliver more than promise', give more than what it deserve that what exactly our Tangkhul forefathers traditional and customeries practice and this is where I want to enlighten and amplifies such a glorious past to present, Muivah expound.

Amongst the many speeches made from the gathering the headman of Tushar and Chanhong express the exitment of former Ukhrul DC way back in 1991-93(Ram Muivah) then and now to become a people's representative as one of the fitest Candide amongst the Tangkhul and blessed him on his endeavor.

At Tushar village ground the program was attented by headman and his village authority, Pastors and deacons, St. Paul Ceathetist, Tashar khararlong, Tashar Shanaolong, Tashar katamnao long, MNREGS committee, Tahar NPF unit, senior Congress party workers now merged to Ram Muivah support.

At Chanhong village, village headman and village authority, katamnao long, shanaolong.

Chanhong village headman praise that he is sure that the anointed leader has finally emerge our long awaited leader has come and he expressed his gratification to Ram Muivah openly in front of the  public gathering.

Chanhong vill

During the program around 120  health cards were distributed at Tushar villagers initiated by 'Mission Ukhrul' team.

Zalengpung Consultative meet

Consultative meeting held at Zalengpung area ADC constituency

( Booklet,  Mission Ukhrul 'Know your candidate'  released; and a blessing shower to Ram Muivah) 


UKHRUL, Nov'18, 2021:  A  CONSULTATIVE meeting at Zalengpung areas Autonomous District Council(ADC) constituency was held at Zalengpung village on Thursday. 

A booklet name "Mission Ukhrul" 'Know your candidate' translated to Thatou-Kuki dialect of Ram (Ramnganing) Muivah Retd. IAS, former NEC secretary and published by The Aja daily team was released by  Rev. Dr. Setminlen Khongsai Pastor KBC.

Nevertheless, a shower of blessing  was besides, bestowed to Ram Muivah by the 12 Kuki headman's of the areas in front of all the congregation. 

The Zalengpung headman also declared that his village will vote for Ram Muivah(Ramganing). 

Pu Thangboi Haokip  president NPF(Kangopokpi) from Saikul under Kangopokpi district exhorted that to prepare the contributions of representatives of major areas of the constituencies and stakeholders in the region to global processes such as discussion is the need of an hour and today Ram Muivah came at the right time. And now we need to identify opportunities to enhance the participation of tribal groups and stakeholders in policy-making processes at different levels, he adds. 

Haokip further stated that NPF is the only right party to stand for the rights of the tribal people of Manipur so despite he being a Haokip Kuki he joined NPF willingly without any hesitation and ask Tangkhuls bretheren  to discart any other so called political parties to save the tribal rights and identity and alledged those Tangkhul people who works for other political parties as selling ones own right and identity who can not protect himself . 

Ramnganing on his usual humble but calm speech said 'forgive and forget' our previous misdeeds is the best medicine to bring peace,harmoney and development in all front, so let let's join our hands together to stand firmly and pave opportunity to foster dialogue of love and respect as marching forward with unity is the only means to uplift our livelihood in the region, Ram said. 

Ram further said you can choose a friend from Mumbai, Delhi or where ever you like but you cannot choose your neighbour the neighbor comes naturally and the Biblical teaching to love your neighbour is paramount. So in order to live in peace we need each other cooperation and support. 

Ram Muivah IAS, Retd.and former NEC secretary is an intending NPF candidate of Ukhrul central 44- AC. 

Turner Raihing president Tangkhul valley association from Wunghon village and Ex- MLA candidate  also exhorted the gatering to support Ram Muivah as he is an anointed leader of our present geration, he adds. 

7th Zalengpung ADC areas under Ukhrul 44-AC active social worker Pu.Arun of Maokot Chafu  vocally disown the local MLA for lackadaisical attitude toward his villages saying that the areas is one of the poorer of the porest village of Ukhrul district but even our basic requirements are yet to provide despite the MLA tall promise.So he appeal  Ram Muivah to remember them when elected.

Amongst other the program was attented by Songphel village headman -  Pu. Kamthang; Phashong Village headman -  Pu. Lunthang;  Molnom village headman Pu.Kutpao;  Sangkai headman- Pu. Paomang;  Zanlengpung headman-  Pu. Thanglal;  Mangkot village headman- Pu. Lunmingthang and many rank and files of NPF party workers from Ukhrul and 12 village chiefs of the areas. 

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Manipur Merger agreement

 Manipur independence and Merger Agreement 1949.

(India got independence on 15th August 1947 from British colonial rule) 


MANIPUR being a part of British India too got freedom since  then. The then political agent of Manipur Mr Stewart wrote a letter to Maharaj Bodhachandra stating that Maharaj should come at the residency in the mid night of August 14/15, 1947. First Maharaj Bodhachandra thought that Stewart should come to the palace as the later was a lower rank. Maharaj Bodhachandra soon realized that Stewart was a representative of British crown. On a stipulated time, Maharaj Bodhachandra, private secretary Gourahari and ADC Anandmohan came to the residency. Political agent Stewart warmly welcomed them. They entered inside the bungalow. Stewart was sitting facing east while Bodhachandra sitting in opposite direction. Both private secretary and ADC were sitting behind the Maharaj. The moment was so still. At 12 midnight they stood up. Then Stewart said that the British rule over Manipur will lapse from today.The state administration is handed over to you. Maharaj Bodhachandra and Stewart shake hands. Next moment the duo said good morning, good morning. Then Maharaj Bodhachandra, private secretary and ADC left residency for palace. Since that moment Manipur attained freedom.

Viceroy Mount Batton summoned a meeting of all princely states of British India on July 25,1947.He told  that all the princely states should get freedom after the British left. He announced that the British paramountcy will divide the Indian sub continent into two separate dominions viz dominion of India and dominion of Pakistan. He advised that each princely state had to join in either India or Pakistan for their betterment. The princely states must handover their authority of external affairs, defense and communication to the authority of India or Pakistan, he reiterated. Believing this Maharaj Bodhachandra signed the Instrument of accession and stand still agreement on August 11,1947 at Imphal.

In the morning of 14 August 1947, Maharaj Bodhachandra entrusted his brother Maharaj Kumar Priyobrata to form an interim council, a provisional government. Bodhachandra appointed Maharaj Kumar Priyobrata as chief minister. In the interim council there were seven council of ministers including chief minister. Other ministers were Major Bob Khatting minister in charge hills administration and Manipur rifles, Krishna Mohan finance, RK Bhubansana revenue, Moulavi Basiruddin Ahmed medical, PWD and jail, K Gouro Singh education and local self government and TC Tiankham forest and agriculture. Later on the Manipur state Constitution act 1947 was constituted. Under this Constitution, the first assembly election of Manipur was held in June July 1948. The election was based on universal adult franchise. Total number of seats was53. 30seats from valley, 18 seats from hills, 3 seats from Muhammadans and 2 nominee of Maharaj Bodhachandrawith the Maharaj being head of the Constitution. MK Priyobrata and E Nilakanta were the two nominees. Hijam Erabot won from Utlou A/C.

Md Alimuddin, Laishram Achou, Sekmai Chaoba,, Moirang Koireng, Elangbam Tompok, S Somerendra, RK Bhubansana, Dr Leiren, Giri, Major Bob Khattingetc were worth mentioning elected persons. Manipur state Congress won only 14seats and failed to form government. A coalition government of Praja Shanti supported by 12 independent MLAs was installed. MK Priyobrata was sworn in as chief minister by Maharaj Bodhachandra. Six other ministers were also sworn in. S Somerendra was the opposition leader in the assembly. The term of the assembly was three years. Manipur state Congress was so disappointed after the election. The first assembly session was held on 18 October 1948 at Darbar Hall, palace. Maharaj Bodhachandra inaugurated the session by giving speeches.After election there was  turmoil , unrest in the society despite a responsible government was in place.The political agitations influenced by the Congress movements in India spread to Manipur and  they were demanding a responsible government in the state. Among the politicians there were quarreling, allegations, claimsand counter claims.Tompok Congress agitated demanding formation of Purbanchal Pradesh. Tomal congress opined that the sorrow of Manipur will be resolved if it joins in Purbanchal Pradesh. Keeping this in mind he and his followers went to Assam and agitated demanding Purbanchal Pradesh. At that time there was a rumour of formation of Purbanchal Pradesh including Manipur, Lushai hills, North cachar hills, Jaintia hills whose capital would be at Shillong. Jana NetaHijamErabot strongly objected to the proposal of formation of Purbanchal Pradesh. At that time he was an MLA. He organized a public meeting at MDU Hall on 21 September 1948. A crowd from Lamlai side came to participate the meeting. A team of Manipur police stopped the rally at Pungdongbam. Confrontation between the police and the crowd was occurred. A sub inspector Naranbabu was killed in the incident. Consequently the government ordered immediate arrest of Erabot. On hearing this information, Erabot quickly   ran away from meeting. Government proclaimed himas wanted. From that incident Erabot became underground for ever. Eventually he died on 26 September 1951 at Tangbo hill Burma.

At this juncture the political leaders of India were thinking of how to annex Manipur in Indian Union. The Assam governor Sir Akbar Haidari sent Deveshor Sharma, a politician of Assam Congress to Manipur to observe the political loophole of Manipur as a dominion agent. He frequently intervened in the political  affairs of Manipur. After that the leaders of Delhi after thorough discussion sent a person called Rawal Amar Singh giving a post Dewan in place of agent to Manipur. After independence the political status  of Maharaj Bodhachandra was only in namesake. Just only  as head of the Constitution. The dewan did many works in place of Maharaj. This led Maharaj Bodhachandra disappointed. This was pre plan of Delhi. It may be mentioned here that there was a plan of Sardar Patel, then deputy prime minister to form a union of India by annexing all princely states within three years.

The Assam governor Sri Prakash officially came in Manipur and talked with Maharaj Bodhachandra about the annexation of Manipur to India. However, Maharaj Bodhachandra didn’t give final decision regarding the annexation of Manipur. He thought that he should go to Shillong to meet governor Prakash to restrain the over smart nature of Dewan Amar Singh and to discuss some political issues. Bodhachandra sent a telegram to governor Prakash stating that he would come at Shillong in the first week of September 1949. On hearing this information governor Prakash and his advisor Rustumji  were full of joy. Both of them were having headache to think how to annex Manipur in India. At this time they have a golden chance to execute the plan. Assam governor Prakash immediately rushed to Delhi to meet the political leaders of India to discuss about Manipur. Then he went to Bombay to meet Sardar Patel to tell about the Manipur. Sardar Patel asked, Is there not a single brigadier of Indian Army at your Shillong? Prakash understood that he was given permission to force Maharaj Bodhachandra if the later doesn’t sign the merger agreement.

Maharaj Bodhachandra left Imphal for Shillong on 16 September 1949. Total number of persons in the team including private secretary Gourahari and ADC Anand Mohan were 15. They were traveling on vehicles. Next day , they reached Shillong in the evening and halted at Red Lance’s Shillong. On 18 September 1949 at around 11am Maharaj Bodhachandra along with private secretary Gourahari and ADC Anand Mohan went to government house Raj Bhawan to meet governor Prakash. They were traveling on vehicle. They saw a vehicle of Indian CID chasing them. Soon they came to Know that the campus of Raj Bhawan was security tied. Governor Prakash warmly welcomed Maharaj Bodhachandra. Then governor Prakash took an envelope from his private secretary TS Krishna Murti and opened it. Governor Prakash gave the documents to Maharaj Bodhachandra and said, please sign it. He told that the government of India has decided to annex Manipur state in dominion of India. It is for betterment of Manipur state.

Maharaj Bodhachandra flashed his eyes and got disappointed. He replied that he should consult the council of ministers and the assembly as the matter was a state concern. So I could not sign it. All the efforts of governor Prakash were in vain. Governor’s advisor Rustumji threatened Maharaj Bodhachandra by saying that Maharaj could not leave Shillong unless he signs the merger agreement. Governor Prakash said Rustumji to keep quite. Then governor Prakash said Maharaj Bodhachandra that the sign will be done tomorrow at the same room. Maharaj Bodhachandra returned to Red Lance’s. On that day the Indian CID personnel surrounded the Red Lance’s. Bodhachandra didn’t come to government house on 19 September 1949. Letters were sent to both sides. Maharaj Bodhachandra was like a house arrested person in Red Lance’s. He may be compared with the lion caught in a trap. He was helpless there. At last he decided to sign the merger agreement. On 21 September 1949 Maharaj Bodhachandra, private secretary Gourahari and ADC Anand Mohan went to government house and formally signed the Manipur merger agreement. On 15 October 1949 the government of India officially announced that Manipur had become a part of India.

(By; Milan Luwang) 

Friday, November 19, 2021

3 Farm laws to be repealed

 Three farms laws to be repealed: PM Narendra Modi

(Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday announced the government’s decision to repeal the contentious three farm laws, which was considered “anti-farmers” by the farmers in India) 


Nov. 19, 2021:PRIME Minister Narendra Modi on Friday announced the government’s decision to repeal the contentious three farm laws, which was considered “anti-farmers” by the farmers in India.

In his address to the nation on the occasion of Guru Nanak Jayanti, Modi said the three farm laws will be repealed in the coming Winter session of Parliament.

"Today I have come to tell you, the whole country, that we have decided to withdraw all three agricultural laws. In the Parliament session starting later this month, we will complete the constitutional process to repeal these three agricultural laws,” Modi said.

The prime minister said that the three farm laws were brought about in the effort to improve the condition of the farmers, specially small farmers, that they should get the right price for their produce and maximum options to sell the produce. He said that despite all efforts made, the farmers could not be convinced of the benefits of the three farm laws that could empower them.

The farmers across the country had been strongly condemning and protesting against the three farm laws of 2020 namely - the Farmers' Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2020, Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement of Price Assurance, Farm Services Act, 2020, and the Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act, 2020. Parliament passed the three acts in September 2020 and recieved the presidential sign on September 27, 2020.

“I have seen the challenges of the farmers very closely in my five decades of public life, that is why, when I was given the opportunity to serve the country as Prime Minister in 2014, we gave the highest priority to agriculture development and farmers welfare,” he said.

The prime minister said that four prong measures of seeds, insurance, market and savings were taken to ameliorate the conditions of farmers.  Along with good quality seeds, the government also connected the farmers with facilities like neem coated urea, soil health card and micro irrigation, he said.

Pointing out that many initiatives have been taken for the farmers to get the right price for their produce in return for their hard work, he said the country has strengthened its rural market infrastructure.

“We not only increased the MSP, but also created a record number of government procurement centers. The procurement of the produce made by our government has broken the records of the last several decades,” he said.

In the spirit of holy Gurupurab, Modi said, "Today is not the day for blaming anyone and rededicated himself to working for the welfare of the farmers".

Modi then announced the formation of a committee to promote zero budgeting based agriculture, to change crop pattern as per the changing needs of the country and to make MSP more effective and transparent. The committee will have representatives of the central government, state governments, farmers, agricultural scientists, and agricultural economists, he said.

Meanwhile, several farmers' groups welcomed the government’s decision to repeal the three farm laws. Welcoming the announcement, the largest protesting farmers group, Bharatiyan Kisan Union's (BKU) Ugrahan faction, said the farmers’ unions in the country will meet and decide on the further course of action, according to reports.


ADC Bill 24 hr shutdown

 ADC Bill 2021: 24-hour shutdown, indefinite economic blockade imposed in hill districts

(Indefinite economic blockade to be held along the National Highways in the state from Monday) 


 Nov'19, 2021: TRIBLE student bodies, namely ATSUM, ANSAM, KSO general headquarters and ATSUM Federating Units on Friday announced to go ahead with the scheduled 24-hour total shutdown and the indefinite economic blockade along the National Highways in the state from Monday.   

A release issued by ATSUM information and publicity secretary Khaiminlen Doungel stated that on receipt of the invitation from the state government, an official discussion between the state government and the mentioned student organisations was held on Friday at Chief Minister's Office in the presence of the chief minister to discuss the HAC recommended ‘Manipur (Hill Areas) ADC Bill 2021.’

Since both the parties could not reach any agreeable solution in their positions, the announced agitations will go ahead as scheduled, it stated. 

It further stated that the relentless efforts of the state government “to misguide the public by constantly claiming that the Manipur (Hill Areas) Autonomous District Councils Act 1971 is a Parliament Act and cannot be repealed by the state Legislative Assembly” is unfortunate.

The Manipur Gazette (Extraordinary) published by the Secretariat: Law and Legislative Affairs, Government of Manipur dated October 27, 2008 clearly states that the Manipur (Hill Areas) Autonomous District Councils Act, 1971 has continued to be in force in the state of Manipur with necessary adaptations under the Manipur (Adaptation of Laws) Order, 1972, it stated.  

Accordingly, the Manipur Legislative Assembly had repealed the Manipur (Hill Areas) Autonomous District Councils Act, 1971 in the year 2000 by enacting the Manipur (Hill Areas) Autonomous District Councils Act, 2000 ( Manipur Act No. 11 of 2000), it further stated.  

Corresponding upon the precedent of the Manipur (Hill Areas) Autonomous District Councils Act 1971 being repealed in the year 2000 and by the rule of law, the state government should stop misleading the public immediately and convene Special Legislative Assembly to table the HAC recommended ‘Manipur (Hill Areas) ADC Bill 2021’, it continued.

Every right thinking populace of the state are appealed to support the movement which aims to consolidate fraternity among all communities of the state, it added.

JTSA not to endorse ATSUM’s 24-hours total shutdown

Meanwhile, the Joint Tribe Students’ Association (JTSA), a conglomerate of students' bodies consisting of All Inpui Students Union (AISU), Liangmai Naga Katimai Ruangdi (LNKR), Rongmei Naga Students Organization Manipur (RNSOM) and Zeme Students Organizations Manipur (ZSOM) has resolved not to endorsed the 24-hour total shutdown called by ATSUM.

"We support the endeavours of the bill and appeal to the Government also to take necessary action in the interest of the Tribal at the right time,” the association said.

With festive season approaching, every individual is working hard for their daily bread, educational institutions are finally opening up after prolonged lockdown and ATSUM's total shutdown and economic blockade is deemed unsuitable, untimely and uncalled for, JTSA said.

Therefore, ATSUM's 24 hours' bandh will remain ineffective along the full stretch of NH-37 and all National Projects under JTSA jurisdiction shall remain functional in full swing. All shops and offices shall remain open to the public, it stated.

(Source IFP bureau) 

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Yamthang Haokip joined BJP


Yamthong Haokip, who joined BJP yesterday, was earlier arrested by NIA during 2018 for his involvement in procuring police pistols illegally and distributing them to different terrorist groups to wage war against the state.


MISSING pistols, sufficient material and other evidence had been found from Yamthong Haokip's house in Imphal's Mantri Pukhuri area during 2018. The missing 9mm weapon is not the only weapon recovered, the NIA agency found other weapons with and without license. Those included made in USA Beretta Pistol with an expired license, One unlicensed 9mm Made in Italy weapon (Pietro Beretta Gardone), One DBBL gun bearing number 65330/05 having License number L/981(KPI) renewed up to 31 December, 2014 and one SBBL gun without any mark of identification.

Besides this the NIA agency sleuths also found 22 rounds of live ammunition of 0.32 pistol, 15 rounds of live ammunition of 9mm pistol, 04 rounds of live ammunition of 7.62 rifle and 04 rounds of live ammunition of 7.62X39 (AK series).

NIA had attached immovable properties of Yamthong Haokip in a missing arms case. The attached properties included the house of the MLA in Imphal in connection with the case, as this property constituted proceeds of "terrorism as defined in Section 25 of Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act".

Besides, the NIA also attached four separate plots valued at Rs 1.32 crore which are in Yamthong Haokip's name and his wife Sapam Charubala Devi. 

He was charged under several sections of IPC, UAPA and Arms Act; and currently out on bail on medical ground. Owing to his recent illness, the NIA judge [in Imphal] ordered jail authorities to admit him in a government hospital during 2018.

The NIA has also implicated Ngamthang Haokip, who had joined the BJP which is in power in the state. NIA had recovered cash and letter pads of a Manipuri insurgent group from his premises.

(Source: TOI, Indian Express, HT, The Week, Scroll, India Today, Times Now, Deccan Herald.) 

Ato Kilonser Muivah 90th Birthday

  Honouring Thuingaleng Muivah's 90th Birthday and 60 Years of Unyielding Service to the Naga Nation Esteemed comrades, distinguished g...