Friday, October 29, 2021

Govt'white Paper


Government Brings Out White Paper On Funds Released To The Hill Districts


IMPHAL Oct 28: TRIBAL  Affairs and Hills Development Department held a press conference at old Secretariat, Imphal today. At the press Conference, TA & Hills Director C. Arthur Worchuiyo highlighted the expenditure of the Hill District of Manipur.

As per the press note issued by the Secretariat Finance Department during the press conference, the State Government constituted a ‘Committee on the 25th August 2021 which examined the funds released to the districts of the State for the last 10 years, starting from Finance Year 2011-2012. Based on the information submitted by Departments and the information of overall expenditure from the Accountant General and Budgetary Figure with Finance Department, the committee made a comparison of the actual development funds released for the Hills Districts against the overall annual developmental expenditure of the Government.

The Press note said that the Committee upon examining all available information concluded that the fund flow to the Hills, as a percentage of the total developmental expenditure of the State, shows a fluctuating trend from 2012-13 but shows a general increasing trend from 2017-18. Further, it states that the last two financial years (FY 2019-20 and FY 2020-21) show a substantial increase in the absolute figures and in the percentage of funds such as Total Developmental Expenditure as per Budget figures during 2011-12 is Rs.3396.73, in 2012-13 Rs.3381.18. In 2013-14 the total expenditure was 3477.51 while in 2014-15 it was increased to Rs.4124.60 and in 2015-16 it was upto Rs.4290.15.

Hill expenditure as per Departments reports was Rs.1321.93 in 2011-12, Rs.1330.89 in 2012-13, Rs.1270.52 in 2013-14, Rs.1411.14 in 2014-15 and Rs.1337.89 in 2015-16 respectively. The percentage of Hill expenditure against total is 38.92% in 2011-12, 39.36% in 2012-13, 36.54% in 2013-14, 34.21% in 2014-15 and 31.19% 2015-16 respectively.

The total Developmental expenditure as per Budget figures in 2016-17 is Rs.4597.33, in 2017-18 Rs.4830.73, in 2018-19 Rs.5015.34, in 2019-20 Rs.4874.58 and in 2020-21 Finance year it was Rs.7051.10. Hill expenditure as per Departments reports is Rs.1538.98 in 2016-17, Rs.1843.72 in 2027-18, Rs.1845.34 in 2018-19, Rs.2133.09 in 2019-20 and Rs. 3225.99 in 2020-21 respectively. Percentage of Hill expenditure against total is 33.48% in 2016-17, 38.17% in 2017-18, 36.79% in 2018-19, 43.76% in 2019-20 and it was 45.75% in the Finance Year 2020-21  respectively.

In the Report of the Committee constituted by the Government of Manipur State that some major Departments including Planning, TA & Hills, Rural Development, PWD, PHED etc are responsible for the recent increase in the expenditure. There are many smaller Departments whose expenditure is less due to the overall small budgetary allocation of the Department and do not have a major impact on the fund distribution. Implementation of a few major projects leads to skewed fund distribution between Hill and Valley Districts and between the different Hill Districts which was seen mainly in beneficiary-based schemes whereby districts with a larger population get a larger share of scheme funds and in major infrastructure project and fund distribution between the different Hills Districts need to be streamlined was observation given by the committee.observe

The Committee made their recommendation, based on the observations that to move away from the Hill-Valley fund allocation system in the Budget, to that of tribal Sub-plan as this will help in monitoring fund allocation and expenditure in a better way. For better allocation of funds for the Tribal Sub-plan and also among the different districts, the State Government to consider adopting a formula along similar lines to that of the Finance Commission( both Central and State). Creating an institutionalized administrative mechanism to monitor the fund allocation and expenditure, the committee observed.

The Committee has reported that the report is to give fund flow from to all the Hill Districts in the last 10 (ten) years, starting from the Financial year 2011-12. The report aims to provide a Department-wise break-up of the developmental expenditure in the Hill Areas based on the information submitted by the Departments on the Schemes, various projects and other activities taken up by the State Government Departments.

The Report said that many projects cannot be divided strictly based on expenditure in Hills and Valley Areas. Many projects taken up in the Valley Districts are for the benefit of the Hill Areas including Tribal Research Institute, Hill Village Chiefs Guest House etc, or for the State as a whole like Manipur Secretariat, Inter-State Bus and Truck Terminus etc.

The present budgetary allocation in the form of Hill-Valley is not able to capture the actual fund allocation and expenditure for the Hill Districts, thereby making monitoring difficult state the press note.

Tribal Affair & Hills Director C. Arthur IAS, Joint Secretary ( Finance) Neilenthang Telien, and other dignitaries of the Department are present at the conference.

(By: Rinku Khumukcham)

Sunday, October 24, 2021

ADC recruitment tale

Former ADC's of Ukhrul  expressed resentment against the Care taker chairman


UKHRUL, Oct: 24 2021.:  THE former Ukhrul Autonomous District Council (ADCs) members expressed their strong resentment to it's Care Taker Chairman for being the agent of CM Biren in the ADC recruitment process. 

In a Press Conference held at Kasomtang, Hunphun Ukhrul today the former Ukhrul ADC's members alleged that the present style of functioning as care taker chairman in ADC is unconstitutional and it has become a crafty and corruption modus operandi on the part of the government, they charged. 

It further states that in the beginning with good faith we do not object much thinking that the care taker chairman may rise the ADC issues and bring about the early ADC election but things went from bad to worse which we were least expecting but he himself sell the rights and become and agent of the corrupted ministers and openly ask ₹.10 lakhs and more for recruitment under ADC job vacancy, we have the hard proof, they claimed. 

Under CM Biren corruption free slogan and his anti-corruption cell is a joke,  it is taken place right in front his nose openly and every sensible person knows that and we the former ADCs of Ukhrul would never accept such a filthy policies nor will we allow the recruitment process of ADC, they unanimously voiced out. 

It also question why CM Biren took keen interest in the ADC functioning and recruitment process. 

Taking the opportunity of huge job seeker selling the rights of the hills people is not fit to be people's representative and the recruitment process should be hold until popular and normal new ADC election is held as the crafty business of the minister is against the wishes of the hills people and it is unconstitutional under Article 371(C) and care taker chairman is never included in the Constitution but forcefully penetrating, the ADC members charged. 

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Sword ready for 2022 election

Sword Vashum all prepared to fight for 2022 State Legislative Assembly under Congress tickets

The Dawn Tantak

UKHRUL, Oct'23, 2021: RIGHT after my retirement of serving for 36 years in Central government office I joined as social crusader on 2010 and by mid 2012 I, was sunken into politics, said Sword Vashum. 

Qr. Sword Vashum is and intending candidate of Congress for 45-Chingai Assembly Constituency. 

In a press conference held at 3 in 1 Hotel, Phungreitang Ukhrul here today, Sword Vashum said that his paramount aims and objective to enter politics and also to contest an election is driven by four basic points among others, and they are, Restoration of villages/land facility alloted to the village district to respective hill district; Employment where at present there is a wide disparities so immediate review of employment quota mutually agreed upon in the ratio of 2 : 1 ; Immediate implementation of Article 371 (C) , notably provision relocated to bifurcation of budget for the hills and valley and functional Autonomy of HAC (Hill area Commit) and Delimitation: Base on demographic and topographic featurrs. But among this four the last one will take time but that is alright along as the right Inshrined in the Constitution is followed, Vashum said. 

Nevertheless, Vashum further stated that the future of Manipur absolutely depends on peaceful co-existence and that essentially means mutual trust, matual respect, equity and justice without which there will be no vibrant, peaceful, co-existence in the state of Manipur which means perpetual turmoil that we have witness in the recent past, Sword adds. 

Ram Muivah inspects Paint Ukl

Ram Muivah launched Ukl town paint project 

(Ukhrul is the Jerusalem of Manipur : Ram Muivah) 


UKHRUL, Oct'22, 021:  FOR  the first time a novel project call Paint  Ukhrul town was launched and inspected by Ram Muivah(Ramnganing Muivah) on Friday here, at Ukhrul Town. 

And so it has begun from Ukhrul Mine- Secretariat. A movement to paint the entire street of Ukhrul Town specially on the walls. 

Ram Muivah while talking with the media persons during the inspection said, "Today is a red letter day for Ukhrul,” exuding optimism in the artwork in transforming the looks of the township in the coming days.I appreciate what the local artists are doing today. This is such a noble service you are rendering for our beloved town,” he said.

According to the former NEC Secretary, Ukhrul town must be kept clean and beautiful. “Ukhrul is the Jerusalem of Manipur because Christianity started here and education in the hills also started here,” Muivah remarked.

Flanked by ‘Paint Ukhrul’ team members, Ram Muivah expressed his appreciation for the initiative which aimed to beautify the township which is basically connected to his " Mission U-khrul " . 

Muivah who is reportedly seeking NPF ticket to run for the forthcoming state assembly elections from 44- Ukhrul AC, stated that he’s now on a commitment called ‘Mission Ukhrul’ to transform and bring positive changes in the township.

Ql.Lemyao said that the initiative is setting a target to cover the entire Ukhrul town with 1000 paintings by 2023, which she described would be ‘a kaleidoscope of classical and contemporary art works.’

Meanwhile, Ram Muivah and his team also visited the "Friday Market" at Ava market Phungreitang, Ukhrul and bought many items from each and every stall of the market. 

Total of around 80 local artists have banded together under the banner of ‘Paint Ukhrul’, a street art project, for a common cause – to make Ukhrul town a colorful gallery of artworksartworks, jointly organised by Tanted Arts village, the Naga Wire and former Manipur Miss Manipur Ms. AR. Mathing and the painting will continue till 2023, Lemyao said. 

The theme of the project is specifically based on the concept of culture, flora and fauna, environment and social issues, Sorei Keishing said.

This is not only a movement to paint the town but it is a movement  to save the Youths  and  help sharpened their skills  of  the young local artists with platform and exposure needed to make them grow and develop professionally,’ the organiser adds. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Ram Muivah Blessed by Shokvao

 Blessing Program of Ram Muivah  IAS (Retd.) former secretary North East Council (NEC) and intending NPF candidate Ukhrul 44 A/C  held at Shokvao

Blessing by Shokvao headman

( I am ready to sacrifice the lest of my comfort to work for the sake of the people : Ram Muivah) 


UKHRUL, Oct'18, 2021: A rousing blessing program was held at Shokvao village Monday to a noted bureaucrat and a greatprominent personality of Tangkhul community Qr. Ram Muivah (Ramnganing Muivah) an Intending Naga People's Front (NPF) Candidate of 44 -Ukhrul Assembly Constituency. 

FORTUNATELY, today we have  the most fitted and strong seasoned Pillar of the society chossen and selected the best Pillar ever and now it is for the people to erect this vey Pillar together to construct and build a strong and magnificent building said Qr. Shangyo Muivah headman of Muirei village. 

Qr. Ram Muivah on his speech calmly said said that he was born from this Shokvao village and that his love for the village is undeniable. He also recall the village history told by his father when he was very young and share the congregation where Shokvao village happens to be one of the biggest village in Manipur than where the population at that time reached lakhs of people. 

" I have a sense of Mission to transform our Ukhrul: Ram Muivah"

Qr. Ram Muivah

Ram further States that he have his vision to be fulfilled and that after his retirement from active service as an IAS official he is now ever ready to sacrifice the lest of his life and comfort for the sake of the people and that he named it as 'Mission Ukhrul'  as 'he have a sense of Mission to transform Ukhrul' with God given vission to be fulfilled and ask the people to help  fulfill his mission which is purely for the growth and all round development of all the community. 

Ukhrul is the mirror of Tangkhul and Isreal of Manipur where Christianity was born and nature's so it's our responsibilities to make it developed like any other developing places, Ram adds.

Besides, Ram Muivah said in the Hill Districts, my most satisfying contribution was converting 5 roads into NH:Tadubi to Tengnoupal via Tolloi, Ukhrul, Shanghai, Phungyar and Kasom Khullen as NH 102A, Maram to Medziphima,  Khongsang to Tamenglong, Pallel to Chandel and Churachandpur to Singzawl.And in the valley from Keishampat to Kakching via Mayang Imphal. 

Some of Ram Muivah Mission Ukhrul mode are, Good governance, Agricultural and Allied sectors, public infrastructures and utilities, Tourism and Human resource development.

Ram was offered a lucrative jobs by the centre and prominent foreign companies but he turns down all the offer for the love of his people and came back to Ukhrul K. Stonney one of the trusted Leutenent of Muivah said. 

                    Blessing by the Church

Qr. Destiny Hungpung former president of INC  Ukhrul district and a chief agent who left his former party(Congress) said that he have no issue with his parent party but his choice of shifting his allegence was purely on personal choice and he sincerely believe that  Ram Muivah was one of the best if not the top leader of the In-generation undisputedly. A rare precious gem Ram is and that he was over joyed when he hear the news that Ram is joining the politics. He  also call upon the people to choose and vote for Ram Muivah the right representative who can sincerely work for the community with action and not like other politicians with mere honey words. 

As. Maransa Makangwo, Shokvao headman said that he had already invisioned the victory signs and that he also saw bright faces on the gathering that reaffirmed his confidence adding and challenging by asking to tell him if there is any person  fitter than Ram Muivah to be our present leader/representative .Ram is our bright and as long as my knowledge admits he is our hope,  God is with him, God blessing and grace is with him and my unreserved blessing is with him always,  nevertheless, my village will unitedly vote for Ram Muivah the headman, declared. 

Amongst other the program was attented by Shokvao, shanao long, Shokvao katamnao long, Shokvao mayarnala long, Church pastor and deacons, and well wishers from, Shangshak, TM kasom, Ramva, Hungpung and Hunphun etc.

Earlier as soon as Ram Muivah reach Shokvao village he was ascorted to Church by the village elders prayed and blessed him by the local Pastor along with deacons and deaconess. 

Qr.As.Maransa Makangwo, Headman of Shokvao  pronounced the shower of blessing to Ram Muivah(Ramnganing Muivah) in the presents of all the villages and neighbouring villages who attented the blessing program . 


Sunday, October 17, 2021

OSC Awareness Prog

 Sakhi One Stop Centre awareness program on Child Rights with POCSO act held at Lanai Ukl

(Ukhrul one stop Centre was listed as one of the best performing OSC by WHO) 

       Qrl. Chonchuirinmayo L. P (CA) OSC, Ukl

(The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012 came into force with effect from 14 November, 2012. The Act defines a child as any person below 18 years of age and defines different forms of sexual abuse including penetrative and non-penetrative assault as well as sexual harassment and pornography") 

HungHao / The Dawn Tantak

UKHRUL,Oct'17,2921:   THE day long program on SAKHI One Stop Centre(Ngayinshim) awareness program on Child Rights with special focus on POCSO Act was held at Mt.Senai College,Lanai 11kms away from Ukhrul town on Sunday here today. 

When i was  young  I used to play guitar one day one men came and ask me why I am playing guitar I simply reply why not then he just told me that guitar are for boys/men and not for girls/ women the same traditional like girls cannot climp a tree or girls shouldn't to this or that,this is very unfortunate but now girls too have many rights so we need to know all this rights and also assaults our rights if necessary, Chonchuirinmayo(@Yoyo)said. 

Ql.Chonchuirinmayo Luithui Pheirei Central Administrator (CA) One Stop Centre(OSC) further said the increasing number of sexual offences committed against  the child therein needs sensitization of POCSO Act. Under Protection of children from sexual offences Act, 2012 with special attention and focus has been given on the protection of the children from coercive sexual crimes, exploitation usage of children in prostitution, pornographic performance since these forms of crime are heinous in nature. 

Ql. Shungrichon Advocate OSC

It is extremely important to know the inherent provisions under the POCSO Act 2012 in order to fully understand the child rights vis-a- visit the penal provision. In this context mass sensitization had become very important to safeguard the rights of the children and in order to protect and prevent children from becoming victims the society should ramain vigilant and protect the children. Moreover, there are aggravated forms of sexual assault which are more fully described under POCSO Act, 2012 said Ql. Shungrichon Vashum legal advocate of OSC, Ukl. 

Ql. Wontim Counsellor OSC

Ms. Wontim Counsellor of OSC on her speech and interaction with the children's during the awareness program states that the society is evolving towards development and growth however, there are anti- social elements in the society too who do not evolve and progress,this section of criminal takes the advantage of the minor children's vulnerability and sexually exploit in various forms so sensitization of the child is essential. As the criminal usually not only commit  sexual offences but victimized mentally and physically, she adds, while telling the true moral story with examples to the participants. 

Todays programme aims to disseminate important information during two session amongst two group the first group was children between age group of 7-17 years of age and the group of adults comprise of both men and women, Chonchuirinmayo, adds. 

One Stop Centre is a central government sponsored scheme under the Ministry of Women and Child Development. 

This Centre(OSC) Target group: The Centre supports women and girls affected by violence in public and private spaces. 

Services available under One Stop Centre (OSC) ;

Rescue and referral service when required. 

Women who are affected by violence will be referred to the nearest hospital for medical aid/examination.

Facilitate the lodging of FIR/NCR/DIR

Provide Psycho-Social counselling. 

Provide legal aid and counselling. 

Temporary shelter for a maximum of five nights along with their children, girls of all ages and boys upto till 8 years, old age. Basic amenities such as Soaps, toothpaste, shampoo, etc and food will be provided. 

Provide video conferencing to facilitate speedy and hassle free police and court proceeding. 

Children's of Eden Home & OSC officials

Meanwhile, to put feathers on their cap OSC Ukhrul was recently listed as one of the best performing 'One Stop Centre'  under VAW Institutional Survey of One Stop Centres by World Health Organisation (WHO) Project titled: "Mapping Good Practices of Institutions Supporting Redressal of Violence Against Women in India.

Friday, October 15, 2021

TNL former president eye elec

Blessings (representational pic) 


TNL President resigned; Hopingson is ready to inter coming  Indian state election

HungHao / The Dawn Tantak

UKHRUL, Oct'12, 2021:  TANGKHUL Naga Long  (TNL) president Qr. Hopingson Shimray resignation letter which was submitted to it's vice president earlier was officially accepted at a Longshim held today.

After the official declaration from the TNL Longshim Hopingson  meet the media persons at 3 in 1 Hotel Phugreitang, Ukhrul and openly stated that he is very happy as his resignation letter was accepted by the TNL Longshim today and more over he was fully satisfied as the conflict between TNL and Hunphun/Ukhrul was amicabley settled with the spirit of 'Forgive and Forget' .

Hopingson future informed that he is free now to prepare his election strategy and is eyeing to contest from BJP party as an indenting candidate from Phungyar 43 (ST) A/C  in the coming 2022 State Legislative Assembly election slated to be held somewhere on the early part of Feb/March, he adds.

Working for three year as TNL president has given me immense experience and now I would like to take up the onus of serving the people with more resolute and biger plateform for the larger interest of our community in particular and our state in general by joining with the BJP as best option Sensing the political atmosphere and political scenario to accomplish my unfinished and uncompleted mission, Hopingson said.

He furthe stated that his journey as the President of Tangkhul Naga Long (TNL) has officially ended today (12-10-21). I would like to express my gratitude to the Vice President (VP), Phungva_ (Executives Members, Assembly Affairs, TNL Karot  (Court) Judges, Election Commission, the Chairmen of four Tangkhul Longphang, representatives from the villages and all associated members including CSOs.
I never did imagine that I will be a part of our apex body as my voluntary retirement from the Indian Railway Accounts Service was to join electoral politics but recalling the approach from the Chairmen of the four Tangkhul Longphang to be a part of the Tangkhul apex body and the journey we undertook together has left me with many more experience and fond memories in serving for the betterment of our society.
Despite my shortcomings, my intention was clear for the love to serve our people and the cooperation extended from all of you has taken us together thus far.
I shall cherish those moments and even if I have left TNL as the President, my concern and love for our people will continue. May the love and cooperation for one another continue in our community.
Finally my prayer and wish for the apex body of the Tangkhul community is to remain as an exemplary fatherly body in upholding the tradition and overseeing the welfare of all the villages incorporated under TNL, Hopingson said.


Ukl ADC dei in harness


Ukhrul ADC Die in harness applicants Association SOS concern authority

HungHao / The Dawn Tantak

UKHRUL, Oct'13, 2021:  THE Ukhrul ADC Die - in harness applicants Association comprised of 32 individual applicants had fervently appeals the concern  authority and the state government to expedite the process with deep sense of concern and urgency.

While interacting with the medias at Ukhrul Autonomous district Council premises on Wednesday here today, the convenor of the association stated that under the Die- in harness scheme  32 applicants applied for various posts since  over a decade but until now no positive response were given this is very irrational and uncoming on the part of the department, he said.

The association members assembled there exposed that the two former CEO's of Ukhrul Autonomous District Council had promise them to give appointment only after paying  the amount they ask for so the members discuss themselves and finally give in to the demand.

So, during the tenure of Dipu Gangmei CEO, UADC in 2015-16 all the 32 applicants give ₹.1.80 lakhs each through Roger Kasar a staff then and presently a cashier of ADC, Ukhrul according to the directive of Dipu they informed.

And again on 2017 the new CEO , Polly Makan meet them and ask them to pay a sum of 80 thousands each from all the 32 applicants and assured them that their appointment order will be given within 3-4 days . And directed them to submit the said amount to Ql. Mingthingla and AI of  UADC .

So, we adher the order and pay the hafty amount after taking loan from different individual but to our utter dismayed till today there was no positive signal and we are left with no other option so we urged the medias help so that the issue may reach the concern authority they pleads.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

CM Health scheme

 CM N Biren Singh launched "Chief Minister's Health for All Scheme" at CM's Secretariat complex today.

HungHao / The Dawn Tantak

UKHRUL,Oct'14,021:  THE objective of the scheme is to conduct door to door health screening for primary health care and chronic disease management for all the citizens of Manipur with focus to early identification and diagnosis of 10 diseases i.e. hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, kidney ailments, chronic respiratory disease like COPD, mental health problems, TB and three common cancers i.e. oral, breast and cervical. The broad components are providing facilities of detection, treatment and follow-up at people's doorsteps. 

Necessary equipments for testing including ASHA PLUS, mobile phones, tablets, etc were handed over to health  personnel and ASHA workers during the launching function.

Shutdown on 15 October

 18-𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝘁𝗼𝘁𝗮𝗹 𝘀𝗵𝘂𝘁𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻 𝗼𝗻 15 𝗢𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿

HungHao / The Dawn Tantak

The United People’s Revolutionary Front of Manipur (UPRFM) has imposed an 18-hour total shutdown on October 15 to observe the ‘National Black Day’ in Manipur.

The shutdown will remain in effect from October 15 midnight till 6pm as a sign of protest against the forced merger of Manipur into India in September 21, 1949 and the subsequent annexation on October 15.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Ram Muivah brief Intro


Recalling Ram Muivah’s IAS (Retd.) Administrative Career ; Retrospecting and Introspecting

(Ram  Muivah was awarded Digital Leader Award by the Indian Express Group on 23rd November 2018 for his outstanding e-governance initiatives implemented at NEC, and the Indian Green Building Council (1GB C) GOLD award)

"A great leader constructs a legacy and reputation of dynamic impact beyond themselves."

HungHao /The Dawn Tantak

Qr. Ram Muivah (Ramnganing Muivah) has worked for over 35 years in both Central Government (GoI) as well as in the state Government in various capacities including the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Urban Development and Ministry of DoNER, for GoI.

Nevertheless, Ram Muivah was the Secretary of the North Eastern Council (NEC) from 2015-2019 (October). During his stint as Secretary more than 400 projects were completed in the eight Northeast states within a span of four years in office.

Ram Muivah is someone who serves the people's with englightening mission, vision and values instead of personal power needs who knows when to lead, when to manage and when to stand down, who measures his and other's leadership abilities by their ability to empower others.

A dynamic leader with a clear vision of where he want to go and how he is going to get there. He understand where he currently are and is crystal clear on what it's going to take for him to get to where  he want to be. He is that leader who can paint a picture with words to communicate his vision clearly to the people.

Back to  his earlier life journey let's get more close up so that we may understand all that it reflects us today as a society and a community

Duncan Park (Ukl) 

           (Leishiphung Nursing college) 

                Kashimla Ava market

                        Incubation center 

Here are some of his footprint that is pertint to mention;

In 1984, he was selected as Assistant Commandant, CISF through UPSC.
2) Lecturer, Patkai Christian College, Nagaland (1982-85).
3) SDO of Churachandpur Sub-Division, Govt. of Manipur (1987-89).
4) ADC of Churachandpur District, Govt. of Manipur (1989-90).
5) Deputy Commissioner (DC) of Ukhrul District, Govt. of Manipur (1990-93).
6) Additional Secretary, Finance and Commissioner of Taxes, Govt. of Manipur (1994-1996).
7) Secretary & Special Secretary Cabinet & Confidential, Taxation, Excise, Food & Civil Supplies, Social Welfare, Govt. of Manipur (1996-1999).
8) Director & Joint Secretary, Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India (2001-2006).
9) Joint Secretary and Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) at Central Public Works
Department (CPWD), Ministry of Urban Development, Govt. of India (2006-2008).
10) Commissioner & Secretary Science & Technology and IT, Govt. of Manipur (2008-2009).
a. Chairman of the Project Working Group of Technical Assistance (TA 3943-IND) by Asian Development Bank to GoI for setting up of Asset Reconstruction Companies (ARCs).
b. For another ADB TA-3866-IND for India to enable improved access, in order to secure credit based on moveable property for enterprises and setting up of Electronic Central Registry in India for movable properties.
c. Member, Board of Directors, United Bank of India and Indian Bank (2001-
11) Principal Secretary, of Works, Transport, Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Manipur (2008-14).
12) Additional Chief Secretary, Agriculture/Water Resource/CADA, Govt. of Manipur (2014-15).
13) Secretary, North Eastern Council, Govt. of India (2015-2019).
a. Chairman, NERCORMP (IFAD Project).b. Chairman, NERLP (World Bank Project).c. Chairman, CBTC.
14) Member, Advisory-D’eurasia Investment Trustees Private Limited & Darwin Platform Group of Companies, Mumbai (To date)

Ram Muivah, is a humble but outstanding Human being, who helped shaped the lives of Many across the North-Eastern States throughout his lucrative career.

1. As the Deputy Commissioner (1990-1993) of Ukhrul District, he visited nearly 90% of the villages in Ukhrul District. He was the First Deputy Commissioner posted in the District, to visit Chamu, Khayang, Phungtha (Khayang Waterfall) and Kachaophung (Lake). As DC Ukhrul, he created SJ Duncan Ecological Park, at Somsai (Sichum Ahang) Ukhrul, the only Recreation Centre within Ukhrul Central to date. He also acted as “Peace Maker” and rescued many innocent people from the hands of the Assam Rifle and the Indian Army during the counter-insurgency operations.
2. As Principal Secretary (Health & Family Welfare), Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) was reduced to 10 per thousand – the best in the country. During this time, India Today Group awarded “Manipur”, the best performing State of the Country, based on Health Index Studies.
3. He served on the Board of Directors of United Bank of India and Indian Bank
during 2001 to 2006
4. As Director and later Joint Secretary in the Ministry of Finance (2001-2006) (2006-2008) in the Ministry of Urban Development, his contributions were installing RBI Currency Chests in Ukhrul, Tamenglong, Kakching and Jiribam Districts of Manipur.
Thereafter, these bank branches could convert into Treasury Banks, which brought a great relief to the concerned subjects. While he was posted in Banking Division (Now Department of Financial Services) in Ministry of Finance, there was a move to fill a
backlog of ST quota in EXIM Bank. He was instrumental in recruiting 7 girls (6
Tangkhuls & 1 Paite) into EXIM Bank all through written tests and interviews,
conducted impartially.
5. As Principal Secretary (Works) 2008-14, he played a key role in the construction of Capital Complex (Assembly Secretariat; High Court Buildings; Civil Secretariat); City  Convention Centre, Imphal; and Construction of Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical Sciences (JNIMS), Imphal. Major arterial roads in Manipur Capital, Imphal were widened to 4 to 6 lanes, and thousands of Bokul & Ornamental Ficus trees were planted, lining the Capital Road(s) to date.
As Principal Secretary (Works), he upgraded 6 roads into NH; and upgraded NH202 to double-lanes across towns and villages, which includes:Tadubi to Tengnoupal via Tallui, Ukhrul, Shangshak, Phungyar and Kasom Khullen as NH 102A Maram to Dimapur via Peren, NH 129A
Khongsang to Tamenglong, NH 137
Pallel to Chandel, NH (102C) Churachandpur to Singzawl, NH 102B Wahengbam to Kakching Lamkhai via Mayang Imphal, NH 137A Double lanes of NH 202 from Finch Corner to Ukhrul Thoubal to Kasom Khullen, sanctioned under Asian Development Bank (ADB) – INR 203 Crores. (Manipur Government received 100% Grant. 90% loan liability taken over Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, GOI (Manipur being Special Category State) and 10 % loan.

As Secretary North Eastern Council (NEC) from 2015-2019. His four years in NEC saw the unprecedented completion of 400 projects, which are spread across the 8 North Eastern States of India. Of the 400, 82 were in Manipur, and around 25 Projects were in Ukhrul and Kamjong district:

Some notable works and projects Ram Muivah has delivered under his visionary and foresight career  for the larger interest of the our people(Ukhrul) and welfare of our community is listed below ;

Cane & Bamboo Training Center, Ukhrul – INR 7.00 Crores
2) Duncan Park, Somsai,Ukhrul – INR 8.6 Crores
3) Eco-Tourism at Shokvao, Ukhrul – INR 5.33 Crores
4) Futsal AstroTurf at Langdang was sanctioned under the CSR of AAI
(Airport Authority of India) – INR approx. 2 Crores
5) Horticulture Farming at Ngarumphung – INR. 6.00 Crores
6) Incubation Centre for Skill Devàelopment, Wino Bazar, Ukhrul – INR 13 Crores
7) Industrial Estate at TM Kasom – INR 12.31 Crores
8) Indoor Stadium at Somdal under CSR of REC – INR 4.00 Crores
9) Kamjong to Kongkanthana Road – INR 147.29 Crores
10) Khashimla Women Market Dungrei, Ukhrul – INR 13.96 Crores
11) Khayang Eco-tourism – INR 1.6 Crores
12) Leishiphung Nursing School, Ukhrul – INR 11.02 Crores
13) Low-chilling apples introduced in Ukhrul District
14) Modern library building at Pettigrew College, Ukhrul – INR 2.27 Crores
15) NEC sponsored Northeast Tamchon Trophy
16) Obtained GI tag of Kachai Lime
17) Pick up weir dam at Hungpung – INR 3.80 Crores
18) Ramrei Water Supply – INR 14.95 Crores
19) Resource Centre Ukhrul – INR 6.90 Crores
20) Re-Surfacing of Mahadev-Tolloi road via Ringui, Sirarakhong, Teinem,
Phalee and Somdal – INR 10.00 Crores
21) Science Centre Dungrei Ukhrul – INR 8.02 Crores
22) Shirui Lily Laboratory – INR 11.51 Crores
23) The first pilot centre for CML TATA Trust Grassroots Football
Development Centre at Patkai Christian Academy
24) Tourist cafeteria and motorboats in Thoubal lake, Ramrei
25) Wayside Amenities on NH 202 Ukhrul District at Wunghon, Shokvao, Ramva, Landang etc - INR 6 crores

Ram Muivah have that crucial connect with his people, that will be followed by immense trust and belief as well as faith all built on  creativity, strategies, confidence, and personal boundaries.

(Source: Mission Ukhrul ©Media Cell)

Sunday, October 3, 2021

ENFOGAL Observed 75 ID

 ENFOGAL observed  75 years of Indian Independence for 17 days with varied programs

(Everyone seems to be concerned about the growing threat to the environment and human population posed by plastic menace. These days, in fact, people talk a lot about how they could mitigate the situation, but not many really walk their talk: Yoyung Shaiza) 

HungHao / The Dawn Tantak

UKHRUL,Oct'2, 021:   ENFOGAL an Ukhrul base NGO's in association with PHED Ukhrul observed the 75 years of India's Independence since 15 september  to 2nd october 2021 by conducting various programs including awareness and clean up drive focusing on reduction of plastics waste and impart to promote clean environment through community participation. 

Apart from creating awareness about plastic pollution, a team of ENFOGAL comprising youths, took up an initiative in the form of a campaign involving plastic-waste-picking activities in different parts of Ukhrul town.

Our focus is on reduction of plastic waste and imparting of knowledge to promote clean environment through community participation,” the team leader Yoyung said in a statement.

The plastic waste picking activities covered town localities like Meizailung tang, Greenland, Lengkhai tang, Hamleikhong during the campaign. A sizeable amount of waste, mostly of plastic, was collected from these places.

The team shared knowledge of ban on single use plastic and encouraged youths to take actions for a change towards healthy environment. “We appeal to all the citizens to be more responsible and aware of our ownership through behavioral change to make our environment safe,” it said.

The campaign was also supported by Integrated Mountains Initiative, which works for ‘Clean Himalayan Campaign’.

ENFOGAL took part in the campaign as a peer educator representing Ukhrul district of Manipur which are amongst the 12 Himalayan States.

Meanwhile, Swachhta Senanis champion awards were also given out to Meizailung tang, Hunphun and Khuilung tang, Hungpung at the district level by PHED Ukhrul during the campaign.

China's hidden debt

 China's hidden debt, a major problem for borrowers

HungHao / The Dawn Tantak

Beijing [China] October 3:  DIFFERENT countries owe at least USD 385 billion amount of debt to China which has slipped through scrutiny of international lenders such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

The "hidden debt" is due to an increasing number of deals struck not directly between governments through central banks but through often opaque arrangements with a range of financing institutions, hence "the debt burdens were kept off the public balance sheets," Radio Free Asia reported citing a four-year study by AidData.

"Chinese debt burdens are substantially larger than research institutions, credit rating agencies, or intergovernmental organizations with surveillance responsibilities previously understood," the study said.

The study also added that nearly 70 per cent of China's overseas lending "is now directed to state-owned companies, state-owned banks, special purpose vehicles, joint ventures, and private sector institutions in recipient countries" rather than sovereign borrowers which are central government institutions, Radio Free Asia reported.

Meanwhile, China is also using confidentiality clauses barring borrowers from revealing terms and conditions of the engagement or even the existence of the debt itself.

International Forum for Right and Security (IFFRAS), reported that recent joint research by the Peterson Institute for International Economics, Kiel Institute for the World Economy and the Centre for Global Development & Aid Data concluded that it uses these contracts to debt-trap the borrowing nations.

(Source: ANI) 

Naga HoHo Federal Assemply


Naga Hoho to hold 1st Federal Assembly for the tenure 2019-23 on October 15th

HungHao/ The Dawn Tantak

Kohima, Oct' 02 1:  THE  Naga Hoho notified that, the 1st Federal Assembly for the tenure 2019-2023 is to be held on October 15th, 2021 at 11:00 AM, Hotel Saramati Conference Hall, Dimapur.

The Hoho requested all the Federating units and subordinate bodies to positively attend the Federal Assembly without fail.

Further, it also directed its members are to represent in the Assembly as per the provision of Art. 6(2) and that any important agenda from the units may be submitted in written to the Speaker, Federal Assembly on or before October 14th, 2021.

Ato Kilonser Muivah 90th Birthday

  Honouring Thuingaleng Muivah's 90th Birthday and 60 Years of Unyielding Service to the Naga Nation Esteemed comrades, distinguished g...